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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Fiona's Armbands
24Wrists Journey's End Cloth
Forgotten Wraps
2418WristsLooted Cloth
Freezing Lich Robes
2417Chest Cloth
Furen's Boots
2417Feet Big Crate of Salvage Cloth
Gloves of the Dune
24Hands Cloth
Necropile Boots
2417Feet Cloth
Necropile Cuffs
2417Wrists Cloth
Necropile Leggings
2417Legs Cloth
Necropile Mantle
2417Shoulders Cloth
Necropile Robe
2417Chest Cloth
Orphic Bracers
2417WristsLooted Cloth
Padre's Trousers
2417LegsLooted Cloth
Phasing Boots
2421FeetLooted Cloth
Robe of Everlasting Night
2417ChestLooted Cloth
Robe of the Thousand Needles
24Chest Spread the Word Cloth
Robe of the Thousand Needles
24Chest Spread the Word Cloth
Robes of the Lich
2417ChestLooted Cloth
Ruby Crown of Restoration
2417HeadCrafted Cloth
Shivery Handwraps
2417Hands Cloth
Skullsmoke Pants
2417Legs Cloth
Thoughtcast Boots
2417Feet Cloth
Threadbare Trousers
2417LegsLooted Cloth
Black Mageweave Boots
2418FeetCrafted Cloth
Black Mageweave Headband
2418HeadCrafted Cloth
Black Mageweave Shoulders
2418ShouldersCrafted Cloth
Bloodband Bracers
24Wrists The Captain's Chest Cloth
Bloodwoven Boots
2418FeetLooted Cloth
Bloodwoven Bracers
2417WristsLooted Cloth
Bloodwoven Cord
2417WaistLooted Cloth
Bloodwoven Mitts
2417HandsLooted Cloth
Boots of Duress
24Feet Third Sample: Implanted Eggs Cloth
Bracers of Safe Keeping
24Wrists The Doomstone Cloth
Catseye Ultra Goggles
24HeadCrafted Cloth
Cindercloth Robe
2417ChestCrafted Cloth
Cleansed Shadow Council Belt
24Waist Lord Banehollow Cloth
Corpseburner's Mantle
24Shoulders Duskwing, Oh How I Hate Thee... Cloth
Darkmist Armor
2418ChestLooted Cloth
Darkmist Wizard Hat
2417HeadLooted Cloth
Darkmist Wraps
2418ChestLooted Cloth
Delaris' Gloves
24Hands Break the Unbreakable Cloth
Dustwind Cowl
24Head The Good Stuff Cloth
Encarmine Boots
24Feet Cloth
Flirtation Robes
24Chest Captain Dreadbeard Cloth
Gaea's Cuffs
2418WristsLooted Cloth
Gnomish Rocket Boots
24FeetCrafted Cloth
Goblin Rocket Boots
24FeetCrafted Cloth
Gossamer Belt
2418WaistLooted Cloth
Gossamer Boots
2417FeetLooted Cloth
Gossamer Bracers
2417WristsLooted Cloth
Gossamer Gloves
2418HandsLooted Cloth
Gossamer Shoulderpads
2418ShouldersLooted Cloth
Hieronymus' Belt
24Waist Return to Blam Cloth
Hieronymus' Belt
24Waist Return to Blam Cloth
Hooligan's Pantaloons
24Legs All's Fair in Love, War, and Archaeology Cloth
Hooligan's Pantaloons
24Legs It's Not About History, It's About Power Cloth
Lunar Coronet
2417HeadLooted Cloth
Lunar Leggings
2417LegsLooted Cloth
Lunar Mantle
2417ShouldersLooted Cloth
Mistscape Armor
2418ChestLooted Cloth
Mistscape Pants
2417LegsLooted Cloth
Mistscape Robe
2418ChestLooted Cloth
Mistscape Wizard Hat
2417HeadLooted Cloth
Oasis Mantle
24Shoulders Secrets in the Oasis Cloth
Overload Robes
24Chest The Corpsebeasts Cloth
Pale Leggings
2418Legs Cloth
Pigskin Gloves
24Hands A Fate Worse Than Butchery Cloth
Pretty Please Robes
24Chest Captain Dreadbeard Cloth
Prideling Down Leggings
24Legs The Twilight Skymaster Cloth
Red Mageweave Gloves
2417HandsCrafted Cloth
Regal Armor
2417ChestLooted Cloth
Regal Leggings
2417LegsLooted Cloth
Regal Robe
2417ChestLooted Cloth
Rose Colored Goggles
24HeadCrafted Cloth
Royal Amice
2417ShouldersLooted Cloth
Royal Boots
2417FeetLooted Cloth
Royal Gloves
2417HandsLooted Cloth
Royal Headband
2417HeadLooted Cloth
Royal Sash
2417WaistLooted Cloth
Royal Trousers
2418LegsLooted Cloth
Scorching Sash
24Waist Cloth
Shadoweave Gloves
2417HandsCrafted Cloth
Shadowy Bracers
24Wrists Cloth
Silksand Tunic
2417ChestLooted Cloth
Silksand Wraps
2417ChestLooted Cloth
Southsea Hood
24Head Dead Man's Chest Cloth
Southsea Hood
24Head Dead Man's Chest Cloth
Starion's Slippers
24Feet Behind You! Cloth
Sunglow Cowl
24Head Forcible Acquisition Cloth
Swashbuckler Sash
24WaistUnobtainable Cloth
Windchaser Amice
2417ShouldersLooted Cloth
Windchaser Coronet
2418HeadLooted Cloth
Windchaser Footpads
2417FeetLooted Cloth
Windchaser Handguards
2417HandsLooted Cloth
Windchaser Woolies
2418LegsLooted Cloth
Wooly Goat Punchers
24Hands When the Going Gets Tough, Cheat Cloth
Crochet Boots
2418FeetLooted Cloth
Crochet Bracers
2417WristsLooted Cloth
Crochet Pants
2417LegsLooted Cloth
Barovian Ritual Hood
2317HeadLooted Cloth
Deadwalker Bracers
2317WristsLooted Cloth