

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Nether Plate Shirt
3127ChestCrafted Mail
Shadowprowler's Chestguard
3127ChestCrafted Leather
Soulcloth Vest
3127ChestCrafted Cloth
Spellfire Robe
3127ChestCrafted Cloth
Thick Netherscale Breastplate
3127ChestCrafted Mail
Will of Edward the Odd
3127ChestLooted Cloth
Adamantite Breastplate
3126ChestCrafted Plate
Auchenai Anchorite's Robe
31Chest The End of the Exarch Cloth
Auchenai Monk's Tunic
31Chest The End of the Exarch Leather
Auchenai Tracker's Hauberk
31Chest The End of the Exarch Mail
Breastplate of the Warbringer
31Chest Forge Camp: Annihilated Plate
Durotan's Battle Harness
3126ChestLooted Plate
Golden Dragonstrike Breastplate
3126ChestCrafted Mail
Heavy Earthforged Breastplate
3126ChestCrafted Plate
Lifewarden's Breastplate
31Chest Destroy Naberius! Leather
Living Crystal Breastplate
3126ChestCrafted Leather
Mag'hari Scout's Tunic
31Chest There Is No Hope Leather
Primalstorm Breastplate
3126ChestCrafted Leather
Shroud of Spiritual Purity
3126ChestLooted Cloth
Stormforged Hauberk
3126ChestCrafted Mail
The Exarch's Protector
31Chest The End of the Exarch Plate
Watcher's Tunic
31Chest Forge Camp: Annihilated Cloth
Astralaan Robe
3126ChestLooted Cloth
Bear-Strength Harness
31Chest Felling an Ancient Tree Leather
Blood Knight Breastplate
3126ChestLooted Mail
Boulderfist Armor
3126ChestLooted Plate
Chest of the Wyrmcult
31Chest Maxnar Must Die! Leather
Clefthoof Hidemantle
3126ChestLooted Leather
Consortium Robe
3126ChestLooted Cloth
Daggerfen Battlevest
3126ChestLooted Leather
Death-Speaker's Tunic
31Chest The Fallen Exarch Cloth
Der'izu Chestpiece
3126ChestLooted Mail
Dragonkin Shirt
31Chest Maxnar Must Die! Mail
Fel Iron Breastplate
3126ChestCrafted Plate
Fel Iron Chain Tunic
3125ChestCrafted Mail
Felscale Breastplate
3126ChestCrafted Mail
Feralfen Beastmaster's Hauberk
31Chest Messenger to the Feralfen Mail
Feralfen Jerkin
3125ChestLooted Cloth
Ironspine Chain Vest
3126ChestLooted Mail
Lost Chestplate of the Reverent
31Chest WANTED: Annihilator Servo! Plate
Marshcreeper Fen-Vest
3125ChestLooted Mail
Mistyreed Tunic
3126ChestLooted Cloth
Murkblood Avenger's Chestplate
31ChestQuest Plate
Nether Protector's Chest
31Chest Slay the Brood Mother Plate
Nether Vest
31Chest Dr. Boom! Leather
Nickwinkle's Harness Experiment
31Chest Gauging the Resonant Frequency Leather
Oversized Ogre Hauberk
31Chest The Spirit Polluted Mail
Ranger Jerkin
3125ChestLooted Leather
Reaver Armor
3126ChestLooted Plate
Redeemer's Plate
31Chest Skywing Plate
Scaled Draenic Vest
3126ChestCrafted Mail
Scavenged Breastplate
31Chest It's a Fel Reaver, But with Heart Plate
Soul Saver's Chest Plate
31Chest Show Them Gnome Mercy! Plate
Sylvanaar Elite Caster's Armor
31Chest Planting the Banner Cloth
Talonguard Armor
3125ChestLooted Plate
Thick Draenic Vest
3126ChestCrafted Leather
Umbrafen Tunic
3126ChestLooted Leather
Warmaul Breastplate
3126ChestLooted Plate
Warp-Shielded Hauberk
31Chest Measuring Warp Energies Mail
Warpstalker Breastplate
31ChestQuest Mail
Wild Draenish Vest
3126ChestCrafted Leather
Windroc Shroud
31Chest Windroc Mastery Cloth
Witch Doctor's Beads
31Chest A Curse Upon Both of Your Clans! Cloth
Grim Brave Vest
31Chest Mail
Avenger's Breastplate
3025Chest Plate
Bonescythe Breastplate
3025ChestBlack Market AH Leather
Conqueror's Breastplate
3025Chest Plate
Cryptstalker Tunic
3025ChestBlack Market AH Mail
Crystal Webbed Robe
3025Chest Cloth
Deathdealer's Vest
3025Chest Leather
Doomcaller's Robes
3025Chest Cloth
Dreadnaught Breastplate
3025ChestBlack Market AH Plate
Dreamwalker Tunic
3025ChestBlack Market AH Leather
Earthshatter Tunic
3025ChestBlack Market AH Mail
Enigma Robes
3025Chest Cloth
Frostfire Robe
3025ChestBlack Market AH Cloth
Genesis Vest
3025Chest Leather
Necro-Knight's Garb
3025Chest Cloth
Necrotic Gown
3025ChestCrafted Cloth
Plagueheart Robe
3025ChestBlack Market AH Cloth
Plated Abomination Ribcage
3025Chest Plate
Plated Construct's Ribcage
3025ChestCrafted Plate
Redemption Tunic
3025ChestBlack Market AH Plate
Robe of Faith
3025ChestBlack Market AH Cloth
Stormcaller's Hauberk
3025Chest Mail
Striker's Hauberk
3025Chest Mail
Vestments of the Oracle
3025Chest Cloth
Battlemaster's Breastplate
30ChestQuest Plate
Bonechewer Berserker's Vest
30ChestQuest Mail
Breastplate of Blade Turning
3025Chest Big Crate of Salvage Plate
Breastplate of Retribution
30ChestQuest Plate
Chestguard of Illumination
3025ChestLooted Plate
Darkstorm Tunic
30ChestQuest Leather
Fleshripper's Bladed Chestplate
30Chest Plate
Gilded Crimson Chestplate
30ChestQuest Plate
Goldweave Tunic
30ChestQuest Cloth
Hauberk of Totemic Rage
3025ChestLooted Mail
Jerkin of the Untamed Spirit
30ChestQuest Leather
Light-Touched Breastplate
3025ChestLooted, Pick Pocketed Plate
Raiments of Divine Authority
3025ChestLooted Cloth