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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Warsinger's Vambraces
1610Wrists Plate
Weaponized Belt
16Waist They're Out There! Plate
Wolfrunner Boots
16Feet True Power of the Rod Plate
Chausses of Westfall
15Legs Plate
Pocket-Nuke Belt
15Waist Stormpike Apocalypse Plate
Belt of Equilibrium
15Waist Vortex Plate
Belt of Equilibrium
15Waist Vortex Plate
Carevin's Breastplate
15Chest Worgen in the Woods Plate
Chestplate of Kor
15Chest Supplies to Auberdine Plate
Gavin's Pauldrons
15Shoulders Breaking the Hand Plate
Gloves of Brawn
15Hands Plate
Marsh Fire Legguards
15Legs For Peat's Sake Plate
Boots of the Hero
14Feet Heroes of the Horde! Plate
Sparkmetal Bracers
14Wrists The Embalmer's Revenge Plate
Antique Breastplate
14Chest Tooling Around Plate
Astranaar Legguards
14Legs Return Fire Plate
Bloodtaint Boots
14Feet Pierce Their Heart! Plate
Boots of the Deliverer
14Feet All's Well Plate
Breastplate of the Lost Paladin
14Chest Return the Statuette Plate
Burden of Shame
14Shoulders Mistmantle's Revenge Plate
Curse Lifter's Gloves
14Hands The Cursed Crew Plate
Dagmire Gloves
14Hands Plate
Deerstalker Leggings
14Legs Before You Go... Plate
Disarray Boots
14Feet Wet Work Plate
Dissembling Bracers
14Wrists Playing Possum Plate
Gloves of Unforgotten Vows
14Hands Gurtar's Request Plate
Haunted Pauldrons
14Shoulders The Eye of Paleth Plate
Heartwise Boon
14Hands That Which Has Risen Plate
Kingslayer's Breastplate
14Chest Kasha Will Fly Again Plate
Lethality Leggings
14Legs Trail of Filth Plate
Merchant Marine Pauldrons
14Shoulders Claws from the Deep Plate
Mystlash Bracers
14Wrists Keep the Fires Burning Plate
Orcish War Chain
14Chest Plate
Polar Gauntlets
14Hands Plate
Roland's Legguards
14Legs Roland's Doom Plate
Swiftgear Belt
14Waist Dinosaur Crisis Plate
Tell-Tale Bracers
14Wrists The Heart of the Matter Plate
Breastplate of the Terrible Price
13Chest Fury of the Pack Plate
Breastplate of the Terrible Price
13Chest Sweet, Merciless Revenge Plate
Cleansed Pauldrons
13Shoulders Cleansing the Caverns Plate
Cobrahn's Grasp
138WaistLooted Plate
Deathstalker Pauldrons
13Shoulders Sweet, Merciless Revenge Plate
Gloves of the Greymane Wall
138HandsLooted Plate
Greaves of the Misguided
138LegsLooted Plate
Lord Pythas' Pauldrons
138ShouldersLooted Plate
Mutant Breastplate
138ChestLooted Plate
Packleader's Pauldrons
13Shoulders Fury of the Pack Plate
Phantom Armor
138ChestLooted Plate
Pythas' Vest
13Chest Cleansing the Caverns Plate
Rift Bracers
138WristsLooted Plate
Savage Trodders
138FeetLooted Plate
Snake-Charmer's Casque
138HeadLooted Plate
"Jenny's" Gloves
13Hands Do it for Twinkles Plate
Burden of Sacrifice
13Shoulders Crisis at Splintertree Plate
Dirty Rotten Gloves
13Hands Deliver the Thread Plate
Earthen Breastplate
13Chest Plate
Earthen Gauntlets
13Hands Plate
Earthen Girdle
13Waist Plate
Earthen Helm
13Head Plate
Earthen Legguards
13Legs Plate
Earthen Mantle
13Shoulders Plate
Earthen Sabatons
13Feet Plate
Feero's Pauldrons
13Shoulders Respect for the Fallen Plate
First Responder's Pauldrons
13Shoulders Rescue the Fallen Plate
Forestkeeper Legguards
13Legs Explosives Shredding Plate
Gnarlbark Shoulders
13Shoulders The Forest Heart Plate
Greenstone Bracers
1310Wrists Plate
Greenstone Breastplate
1310Chest Plate
Greenstone Gauntlets
1310Hands Plate
Greenstone Girdle
1310Waist Plate
Greenstone Helm
1310Head Plate
Greenstone Legguards
1310Legs Plate
Greenstone Shoulders
1310Shoulders Plate
Hands of Encouragement
13Hands Management Material Plate
Kadrak's Breastplate
13Chest Gorat's Vengeance Plate
Legguards of Abandoned Virtue
13Legs Playing With Felfire Plate
Maestra's Gloves
13Hands The Lost Gem Plate
Night Watch Boots
13Feet Wolves at Our Heels Plate
Night Watch Gauntlets
13Hands Plate
Sentinel's Belt
1310Waist Plate
Sentinel's Chestpiece
1310Chest Plate
Sentinel's Gloves
1310Hands Plate
Sentinel's Helmet
1310Head Plate
Sentinel's Legplates
1310Legs Plate
Sentinel's Spaulders
1310Shoulders Plate
Sentinel's Vambraces
1310Wrists Plate
Sentinel's Warboots
1310Feet Plate
Shan'ze Armplates
1310Wrists Plate
Shan'ze Chestplate
1310Chest Plate
Shan'ze Greathelm
1310Head Plate
Shan'ze Greaves
1310Legs Plate
Shan'ze Handguards
1310Hands Plate
Shan'ze Pauldrons
1310Shoulders Plate
Shan'ze Sabatons
1310Feet Plate
Shan'ze Waistguard
1310Waist Plate
Timerunner's Armplates
1310Wrists Plate
Timerunner's Breastplate
1310Chest Plate
Timerunner's Gauntlets
1310Hands Plate
Timerunner's Girdle
1310Waist Plate
Timerunner's Legplates
1310Legs Plate