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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Acid-Eaten Vest
36Chest Leather
Amulet of Reconstruction
36Neck Neck
Auto-Decoding Band
36Finger Finger
Band of the Dead End
36Finger Finger
Band of the One Hundred and One
36Waist Cloth
Beauty Jr.'s Collar
36Waist Mail
Beauty's Cootie-Ridden Blankie
36Back Back
Belt of a Thousand Deaths
36Waist Plate
Caliph's Band
36Finger Finger
Cloak of Itesh
36Back Back
Crystal Shimmer Cloak
36Back Back
Deepmist Robes
36Chest Cloth
Diamond-Studded Helm
36Head Mail
Fungus-Stained Legplates
36Legs Plate
Greaves of Orsis
36Legs Plate
High Priestess' Signet
36Finger Finger
Kelp Forest Vest
36Chest Leather
Leggings of Fragmented Hope
36Legs Leather
Leggings of Opportune Strikes
36Legs Mail
Leggings of the Lost Child
36Legs Leather
Leggings of the Vortex Pinnacle
36Legs Mail
Mushroom Stompers
36Feet Cloth
Pauldrons of Unholy Rituals
36Shoulders Plate
Pillarbind Waistguard
36Waist Cloth
Raz's Breastplate
36Chest Plate
Sea Witch Charm
36Neck Neck
Shoulderpads of Reconstruction
36Shoulders Mail
Stonebinder's Cloak
36Back Back
Stonecore Belt
36Waist Leather
Stonespeaker's Belt
36Waist Mail
Token of Gratitude
36Neck Neck
Worldbinder Signet
36Finger Finger
Adarrah's Semiprecious Signet
36Finger Finger
Adarrah's Spare Choker
36Neck Neck
Aeronaut's Helm
36Head Mail
Aledrinker Shoulderpads
36Shoulders Leather
Alefire Bracers
36Wrists Leather
Ankh-Inscribed Bracers
36Wrists Plate
Asp-Clasp Bracers
36Wrists Mail
Awestruck Bracers
36Wrists Plate
Bandit Scourge Bracers
36Wrists Leather
Barrel-Belly Gauntlets
36Hands Leather
Beak's Torn Feedbag
36Head Cloth
Belt of Bloody Dreams
36Waist Leather
Belt of Smashed Feathers
36Waist Leather
Blackscale Wraps
36Hands Leather
Blade-Dodging Girdle
36Waist Leather
Blood-Bind Sandals
36Feet Cloth
Bloodcult Handwraps
36Hands Leather
Blood-Soaked Ale Mug
36Trinket Trinket
Blundy's Breastplate
36Chest Plate
Bondshatter Shoulders
36Shoulders Cloth
Bracers of False Night
36Wrists Mail
Bracers of Final Memories
36Wrists Cloth
Bracers of Gleaming Shards
36Wrists Plate
Bracers of the Dark Pyramid
36Wrists Plate
Bracers of the Energetic Elemental
36Wrists Cloth
Bracers of the Fallen Fathom-Lord
36Wrists Cloth
Bracers of the Lost Leader
36Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Verdant Cradle
36Wrists Leather
Brainrot Grips
36Hands Leather
Brewtaster Bracers
36Wrists Mail
Brightpolish Shield
36Off Hand Shield
Broken Emergency Brake
36Off Hand Off Hand
Bubble-Brew Hood
36Head Cloth
Buildingblast Bracers
36Wrists Leather
Bullet-Pierced Chestplate
36Chest Plate
Caimas' Spaulders
36Shoulders Plate
Camp-Cleaner Chestguard
36Chest Leather
Canopic Chestplate
36Chest Plate
Cartographer's Chestguard
36Chest Leather
Cartouche-Inscribed Spaulders
36Shoulders Mail
Catapult Loader's Gloves
36Hands Plate
Cenotaph Choker
36Neck Neck
Chestguard of the Bleak Scarab
36Chest Leather
Chestguard of Vigorous Motivation
36Chest Leather
Chill-Tail Waistguard
36Waist Mail
Clan-Heart Shoulders
36Shoulders Cloth
Cloak of Fungal Growth
36Back Back
Cloak of Grand Leadership
36Back Back
Cloak of Valorous Direction
36Back Back
Clutch of the Stonemother
36Chest Leather
Colossus Smasher Breastplate
36Chest Plate
Commander's Stompers
36Feet Plate
Conch-Sound Waistguard
36Waist Mail
Confiscated Dog Tags
36Neck Neck
Coregrip Gauntlets
36Hands Plate
Corrupted Eggshell Drape
36Back Back
Corruption Resistant Gloves
36Hands Cloth
Cracked Jewelry Box
36Trinket Trinket
Crazed Pilot's Gloves
36Hands Plate
Crushchest Leggings
36Legs Leather
Crystalmuncher Necklace
36Neck Neck
Cult-Hide Spaulders
36Shoulders Leather
Dame's Scaled Greaves
36Legs Mail
Dame's Scaled Greaves
36Legs Mail
Dark-Eye Ring
36Finger Finger
Dead-Dwarf Shoulderpads
36Shoulders Mail
Deepdigger Helm
36Head Mail
Diamond Clutching Gloves
36Hands Cloth