

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Chestplate of the Altar
33Chest Precious Elemental Fluids Plate
Chestplate of the Ruby Champion
33Chest On Ruby Wings Plate
Chestplate of Untimely Rewards
33ChestQuest Plate
Circlet of the Forgotten Mercenary
33FingerQuest Finger
Coiled Leather Gauntlets
33Hands Dun-da-Dun-tah! Leather
Conscript's Ruby Waistguard
33WaistQuest Plate
Cords of Duplicity
33Waist So Far, So Bad Cloth
Crackpot Spaulders
33ShouldersQuest Leather
Crusader's Ripcord
33Waist Parachutes for the Argent Crusade Cloth
Crustacean Stompers
33Feet Meat on the Hook Plate
Crystalplate Gauntlets
33HandsQuest Plate
Crystalplate Legguards
33Legs Really Big Worm Plate
Crystalplate Pauldrons
33Shoulders End Arcanimus Plate
Dalaran Sentry Headguard
33HeadQuest Plate
Dalaran Sentry Wristbraces
33WristsQuest Plate
Deathtouched Boots
33Feet End Arcanimus Leather
Discarded Miner's Jerkin
33ChestQuest Leather
Discoverer's Mitts
33HandsQuest Leather
Double-Agent's Wristwraps
33Wrists Infiltrating Voltarus Leather
Drakuru's Ghastly Helm
33Head Subject to Interpretation Leather
Drape of Duplicity
33Back Infiltrating Voltarus Back
Drape of Horticultural Sanitization
33Back Wolfsbane Root Back
Drape of the Bloodletter
33Back An End to the Suffering Back
Drape of the Possessive Soul
33BackQuest Back
Dreadtalon's Clutch
33Waist WANTED: Dreadtalon Plate
Dusty Miner's Leggings
33Legs Steady as a Rock? Cloth
Ectoplasm Stained Wristguards
33Wrists Steady as a Rock? Leather
Emancipator's Robes
33Chest Trolls Is Gone Crazy! Cloth
Embattled Jerkin
33Chest Argent Crusade, We Are Leaving! Leather
Embattled Legwraps
33Legs Argent Crusade, We Are Leaving! Cloth
Ethereal Hood
33Head Subject to Interpretation Cloth
Experimental Utility Belt
33Waist Harp on This! Plate
Fading Handwraps
33Hands End Arcanimus Cloth
Feathers of the Dragon Wastes
33Head WANTED: Dreadtalon Cloth
Fetid Loop
33Finger Doing Your Duty Finger
Fisherman's Earwarmer
33Head Meat on the Hook Cloth
Flame-Tested Chestguard
33Chest Into the Breach Mail
Foreseer's Girdle
33Waist Ruuna's Request Cloth
Foresight's Anticipation
33Trinket Imprints on the Past Trinket
Forge-Scarred Sandals
33Feet Into the Breach Cloth
Freedom-Path Treads
33Feet Trolls Is Gone Crazy! Mail
Frontrunner's Blessed Handwraps
33HandsQuest Cloth
Gauntlets of the Altar
33Hands Bringing Down Heb'Jin Plate
Gauntlets of the Gatherer
33Hands Clipping Their Wings Plate
Gauntlets of the Great Sacrifice
33Hands Precious Elemental Fluids Mail
Gauntlets of the Secret Agent
33Hands Infiltrating Voltarus Mail
Ghostridden Waistguard
33Waist Steady as a Rock? Mail
Girdle of Growing Vines
33Waist Wolfsbane Root Plate
Glade Wanderer Belt
33Waist Pride of the Horde Leather
Glade Wanderer Boots
33FeetQuest Leather
Glade Wanderer Bracers
33WristsQuest Leather
Gleaming Tuskring
33Finger Slay Loguhn Finger
Gloves of Swift Death
33Hands Pure Evil Leather
Gloves of the Emerald Stalker
33Hands That Which Creates Can Also Destroy Leather
Glowing Voodoo Orb
33Off Hand Jin'arrak's End Off Hand
Golem-Rider's Greaves
33LegsQuest Plate
Gossamer-Stained Grips
33Hands Ruuna's Request Mail
Greenhealer's Gauntlets
33Hands That's What Friends Are For... Leather
Grips of Flawed Temper
33Hands Into the Breach Plate
Grounded Gloves
33HandsQuest Cloth
Guiding Gloves of the Seer
33Hands Imprints on the Past Mail
Hammer-Holder's Gauntlets
33Hands Drak'aguul's Mallet Plate
Handguards of Extermination
33Hands Therapy Mail
Headbinder's Crown
33HeadQuest Cloth
Helm of Rising Smoke
33Head Voices From the Dust Leather
Helm of Spirit Links
33Head Subject to Interpretation Mail
Helm of Subtle Whispers
33Head So Far, So Bad Mail
Helm of the Furbolg Purifier
33HeadQuest Mail
Herbalist's Pauldrons
33Shoulders Wolfsbane Root Leather
Hide-Lined Chestguard
33ChestQuest Mail
High Priest Forith's Robes
33Chest Neltharion's Flame Cloth
Highseas Wristwraps
33WristsQuest Cloth
Hoarder's Necklace
33NeckQuest Neck
Honorborn Cloak
33BackQuest Back
Hood of the Forgotten Rifleman
33HeadQuest Leather
Horn of Argent Fury
33Trinket That's What Friends Are For... Trinket
Huntsman's Jerkin
33Chest Clipping Their Wings Mail
Hyper-Amplified Natural Leather Vest
33Chest Something That Doesn't Melt Leather
Ice Heart Chestguard
33Chest Really Big Worm Mail
Iceshear Bindings
33WristsQuest Mail
Iceshear Pauldrons
33ShouldersQuest Mail
Infiltrator's Shield
33Off Hand So Far, So Bad Shield
Injured Trapper's Cloak
33BackQuest Back
Insignia of Bloody Fire
33TrinketQuest Trinket
Instigator's Gloves
33HandsQuest Cloth
Iron-Shatter Leggings
33Legs Into the Breach Leather
Kilt of Peaceful Reclamation
33Legs Therapy Cloth
Kirin Tor Initiate's Cowl
33HeadQuest Cloth
Kirin Tor Initiate's Sandals
33FeetQuest Cloth
Leggings of Anger Management
33Legs Therapy Leather
Leggings of the Canny Chief
33Legs Trolls Is Gone Crazy! Plate
Leggings of the Ritual
33Legs Bringing Down Heb'Jin Mail
Legguards of Refuted Feudalism
33LegsQuest Mail
Legguards of Swift Pursuit
33LegsQuest Mail
Legguards of Unerring Navigation
33Legs Mr. Floppy's Perilous Adventure Mail
Legpads of the Inquisitor
33Legs WANTED: Onslaught Commander Iustus Leather
Legplates of the Agmar Preserver
33Legs Pride of the Horde Plate
Legplates of the Conquered Knight
33Legs Neltharion's Flame Plate
Life Binder Talisman
33Off Hand Wanton Warlord Off Hand
Load-Bearing Girdle
33Waist Dun-da-Dun-tah! Plate