

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Expeditionary Mail Helm
5Head Mail
Expeditionary Mail Helm
5Head Mail
Expeditionary Mail Leggings
5Legs Mail
Expeditionary Mail Leggings
5Legs Mail
Expeditionary Mail Sabatons
5Feet Mail
Expeditionary Mail Sabatons
5Feet Mail
Expeditionary Mail Shoulders
58Shoulders Mail
Expeditionary Mail Spaulders
5Shoulders Mail
Expeditionary Mail Spaulders
5Shoulders Mail
Expeditionary Mail Waistguard
5Waist Mail
Expeditionary Mail Waistguard
5Waist Mail
Expeditionary Plate Armguards
5Wrists Plate
Expeditionary Plate Armguards
5Wrists Plate
Expeditionary Plate Chestpiece
5Chest Plate
Expeditionary Plate Chestpiece
5Chest Plate
Expeditionary Plate Gauntlets
5Hands Plate
Expeditionary Plate Gauntlets
5Hands Plate
Expeditionary Plate Girdle
5Waist Plate
Expeditionary Plate Girdle
5Waist Plate
Expeditionary Plate Helm
5Head Plate
Expeditionary Plate Helm
5Head Plate
Expeditionary Plate Legguards
5Legs Plate
Expeditionary Plate Legguards
5Legs Plate
Expeditionary Plate Shoulderguard
5Shoulders Plate
Expeditionary Plate Shoulderguard
5Shoulders Plate
Expeditionary Plate Shoulderguard
58Shoulders Plate
Expeditionary Plate Warboots
5Feet Plate
Expeditionary Plate Warboots
5Feet Plate
Fallen Apprentice's Robe
5Chest Cloth
Farmhand's Vest
5Chest Cloth
Feathered Cape
53Back Back
Feckless Armbands
5Wrists Leather
Fierce Britches
5Legs Mail
Fine Leather Sash
5Waist Leather
Fizzle's Gloves
5Hands Cloth
Flame Retardant Sheet
5Back Back
Foreman Pants
53Legs Cloth
Foreman Vest
53Chest Cloth
Forlorn Shield
5Off Hand Shield
Fortified Oven Mitts
5Hands Plate
Frontier Bracer
5Wrists Leather
Fur Covered Robe
5Chest Cloth
Gallywix Laborer's Gloves
5Hands Plate
Gnollbreaker's Boots
5Feet Leather
Gnomish Parachute Scrap
5Back Back
Goat Hide Vest
5Chest Leather
Gol'Bolar Miner's Belt
5Waist Plate
Gor's Re-Inforced Gloves
5Hands Mail
Grasps of the Survivor
5Hands Mail
Grassy Bindings
5Feet Leather
Grassy Bracers
5Feet Mail
Grimaxe's Black Breastplate
5Chest Leather
Grimaxe's Chainmail Breastplate
5Chest Mail
Gunner's Gloves
5Hands Leather
Gunner's Grips
5Hands Mail
Hammerfoot's Plate Leggings
5Legs Plate
Hand-Welded Leggings
5Legs Mail
Heat-Applied Metallic Cooking Container
5Off Hand Shield
Heavy Linen Gloves
53Hands Cloth
Heavy Plate Leggings
5Legs Plate
Heedless Treads
5Feet Plate
Hewn Kodo Gloves
5Hands Leather
Hightailing Greaves
5Legs Mail
Hightailing Leggings
5Legs Leather
Hill Ranger Treads
5Feet Mail
Hotfoot Boots
5Feet Plate
Ichor Stained Vest
5Chest Plate
Imbued Cadet Cloak
53Back Back
Imbued Disciple's Boots
53Feet Cloth
Imbued Disciple's Bracers
53Wrists Cloth
Imbued Disciple's Cloak
53Back Back
Imbued Disciple's Gloves
53Hands Cloth
Imbued Disciple's Sash
53Waist Cloth
Imbued Fortune-Teller's Cloak
53Back Back
Imbued Infantry Belt
53Waist Mail
Imbued Infantry Boots
53Feet Mail
Imbued Infantry Bracers
53Wrists Mail
Imbued Infantry Gauntlets
53Hands Mail
Imbued Pioneer Belt
53Waist Leather
Imbued Pioneer Boots
53Feet Leather
Imbued Pioneer Bracers
53Wrists Leather
Imbued Pioneer Gloves
53Hands Leather
Imbued Simple Cape
53Back Back
Infantry Shield
53Off Hand Shield
Ironheart Chain Cloak
5Back Back
Journeyman's Pants
53Legs Cloth
Journeyman's Robe
53Chest Cloth
Journeyman's Stave
53Off Hand Off Hand
Journeyman's Vest
53Chest Cloth
Kobold Candle
5Off Hand Off Hand
Kurken Hide Jerkin
5Chest Leather
Kurken Padded Chainmail
5Chest Mail
5Feet Cloth
Leggings of Brown Grass
5Legs Cloth
Legguards of Eternal Longing
5Legs Mail
Lionfur Armor
53Chest Leather
Lost Helm of Might
5Head Plate
Lost Pauldron of Might
5Shoulders Plate
Maggot-Ridden Greaves
5Legs Mail
Maggot-Ridden Leggings
5Legs Leather