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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Lionguard Greathelm
1Head Cosmetic
Lionguard Greathelm
1Head Cosmetic
Lionguard Greathelm
1Head Cosmetic
Lionguard Greathelm
1Head Cosmetic
Lionguard Greathelm
1Head Cosmetic
Lionguard Greathelm
1Head Cosmetic
Lionguard Legguards
1Legs Cosmetic
Lionguard Legguards
1Legs Cosmetic
Lionguard Legguards
1Legs Cosmetic
Lionguard Pauldrons
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Lionguard Pauldrons
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Lionguard Pauldrons
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Lionguard Robe
1Chest Cosmetic
Lionguard Robe
1Chest Cosmetic
Lionguard Robe
1Chest Cosmetic
Lionguard Warboots
1Feet Cosmetic
Lionguard Warboots
1Feet Cosmetic
Lionguard Warboots
1Feet Cosmetic
Loamm Niffen Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Loremaster's Colors
1TabardCreated, Achievement Tabard
Lost Acolyte's Boots
1Feet Cloth
Love Witch's Blouse
1Chest Cosmetic
Love Witch's Boots
1Feet Cosmetic
Love Witch's Gloves
1Hands Cosmetic
Love Witch's Hat
1Head Cosmetic
Love Witch's Sash
1Waist Cosmetic
Love Witch's Shoulders
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Love Witch's Skirt
1Legs Cosmetic
Machine-Warden's Cloak
180Back Back
Machine-Warden's Cog
180Back Back
Machine-Warden's Pauldrons
180Shoulders Cosmetic
Machine-Warden's Tabard
180Tabard Tabard
Mad Thief's Boots
1Feet Leather
Majestic Oracle's Drape
160Back Back
Malleare's Stygian Pauldrons
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Mantle of Burnished Blades
150Back Back
Mantle of Court Blades
160Back Back
Mantle of Crimson Blades
150Back Back
Mantle of Fall's Promise
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Mantle of the Abyssal Cult
Remix: Pandaria
1Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Chosen Dead
145Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Forgemaster's Dark Blades
150Back Back
Mantle of the Golden King
135Shoulders Plate
Mantle of the Honored Valarjar
1Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Tidesages
150Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Twilight Grove
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Mantle of the Unnamed Cult
1Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Unrelenting Justice
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Marileth's Assistant's Drape
150Back Back
Marileth's Assistant's Handwraps
150Hands Cosmetic
Marileth's Assistant's Hood
150Head Cosmetic
Marileth's Assistant's Leggings
150Legs Cosmetic
Marileth's Assistant's Mantle
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Marileth's Assistant's Sash
150Waist Cosmetic
Marileth's Assistant's Slippers
150Feet Cosmetic
Marileth's Assistant's Vestments
150Chest Cosmetic
Marileth's Assistant's Wraps
150Wrists Cosmetic
Mask of the Burned Bridge
1Head Cosmetic
Mask of the Daredevil
1Head Cosmetic
Mask of the Dark Imagination
1Head Cosmetic
Mask of the Long Night
1Head Cosmetic
Mask of the Pained
1Head Cosmetic
Maw Guard's Spiked Spaulders
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Mawsworn Enforcer's Shoulder-Spires
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Mawsworn Lieutenant's Shoulderguards
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Mechagnome Heritage Buckle
1Waist Cosmetic
Mechagnome Heritage Chestpiece
1Chest Cosmetic
Mechagnome Heritage Cloak
1Back Back
Mechagnome Heritage Girdle
1Legs Cosmetic
Mechagnome Heritage Helmet
1Head Cosmetic
Mechagnome Heritage Shoulderguards
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Midnight Holo-Gogs
1Head Cosmetic
Moonlit Belt of Unrelenting Justice
1Waist Cosmetic
Moonlit Bracers of Unrelenting Justice
1Wrists Cosmetic
Moonlit Cloak of Unrelenting Justice
1Back Back
Moonlit Gloves of Unrelenting Justice
1Hands Cosmetic
Moonlit Helm of Unrelenting Justice
1Head Cosmetic
Moonlit Leggings of Unrelenting Justice
1Legs Cosmetic
Moonlit Mantle of Unrelenting Justice
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Moonlit Treads of Unrelenting Justice
1Feet Cosmetic
Moonlit Tunic of Unrelenting Justice
1Chest Cosmetic
Mrrgl's Shiny Shell
1Back Back
Nathreza Blasphemer's Horns
1Head Leather
Nathreza Blasphemer's Mantle
1Shoulders Leather
Nathreza Blasphemer's Shard
1Waist Leather
Necrobinder's Shoulderpads
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Necromancer's Mantle
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Night Courtier's Amice
150Shoulders Cloth
Night Courtier's Anklewraps
150Feet Leather
Night Courtier's Armbands
150Wrists Mail
Night Courtier's Armguards
150Hands Leather
Night Courtier's Barrier
150Off Hand Shield
Night Courtier's Belt
150Waist Leather
Night Courtier's Bracers
150Wrists Leather
Night Courtier's Britches
150Legs Leather
Night Courtier's Buckle
150Waist Mail
Night Courtier's Bulb
150Back Back
Night Courtier's Cape
150Back Back
Night Courtier's Chestguard
150Chest Leather
Night Courtier's Chestplate
150Chest Plate