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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Thunderpaw Tunic
1Chest Leather
Tian Monastery Belt
110Waist Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Bindings
110Wrists Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Boots
110Feet Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Bracers
110Wrists Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Cinch
110Waist Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Footguards
110Feet Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Gloves
110Hands Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Grips
110Hands Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Handguards
110Hands Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Jerkin
1Chest Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Leggings
110Legs Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Legguards
110Legs Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Pants
110Legs Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Treads
110Feet Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Tunic
1Chest Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Vest
1Chest Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Waistband
110Waist Cosmetic
Tian Monastery Wraps
110Wrists Cosmetic
Tidecaller's Boots
1Feet Mail
Tidecaller's Bracers
1Wrists Mail
Tidecaller's Cinch
1Waist Mail
Tidecaller's Crown
1Head Mail
Tidecaller's Grips
1Hands Mail
Tidecaller's Hauberk
1Chest Mail
Tidecaller's Legguards
1Legs Mail
Tidecaller's Pauldrons
1Shoulders Mail
Tidesplitter Cap
110Head Leather
Tidesplitter Cinch
110Waist Leather
Tidesplitter Handguards
110Hands Leather
Tidesplitter Jerkin
1Chest Leather
Tidesplitter Mantle
110Shoulders Leather
Tidesplitter Pants
110Legs Leather
Tidesplitter Treads
110Feet Leather
Tidesplitter Wraps
110Wrists Leather
Timerunning Boots
1Feet Cloth
Timerunning Bracers
1Wrists Cloth
Time-Worn Armor Charm
1Trinket Trinket
Time-Worn Weapon Charm
1Trinket Trinket
Tome of Sin'dorei Secrets
1Off Hand Off Hand
Torchbearer's Bracers
1WristsVendor Mail
Torchbearer's Chainmail
1ChestVendor Mail
Torchbearer's Cinch
1WaistVendor Mail
Torchbearer's Coif
1HeadVendor Mail
Torchbearer's Greatcloak
1BackVendor Back
Torchbearer's Greaves
1LegsVendor Mail
Torchbearer's Grips
1HandsVendor Mail
Torchbearer's Shoulderguards
1ShouldersVendor Mail
Torchbearer's Striders
1FeetVendor Mail
Trailseeker's Armbands
110Wrists Mail
Trailseeker's Chain
110Waist Mail
Trailseeker's Chestguard
1Chest Mail
Trailseeker's Gloves
110Hands Mail
Trailseeker's Headguard
110Head Mail
Trailseeker's Legguards
110Legs Mail
Trailseeker's Pauldrons
110Shoulders Mail
Trailseeker's Sabatons
110Feet Mail
Trapper's Shirt
1ShirtUnobtainable Shirt
Trapper's Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Treads of Seven Sacred Seals
110Feet Leather
Treads of the Barbed Assassin
110Feet Leather
Treads of the Burning Scroll
110Feet Cloth
Treads of the Chromatic Hydra
110Feet Cloth
Treads of the Exorcist
110Feet Cloth
Treads of the Haunted Forest
110Feet Leather
Treads of the Horned Nightmare
110Feet Cloth
Treads of the Shattered Vale
110Feet Leather
Treads of the Ternion Glory
110Feet Cloth
Treads of the Thousandfold Blades
110Feet Leather
Treads of the Thousandfold Hells
110Feet Cloth
Treasure-Seeker's Bindings
1WristsVendor Leather
Treasure-Seeker's Boots
1FeetVendor Leather
Treasure-Seeker's Breeches
1LegsVendor Leather
Treasure-Seeker's Epaulets
1ShouldersVendor Leather
Treasure-Seeker's Grips
1HandsVendor Leather
Treasure-Seeker's Helm
1HeadVendor Leather
Treasure-Seeker's Sash
1WaistVendor Leather
Treasure-Seeker's Shawl
1BackVendor Back
Treasure-Seeker's Vest
1ChestVendor Leather
Trousers of the Burning Scroll
110Legs Cloth
Trousers of the Chromatic Hydra
110Legs Cloth
Trousers of the Exorcist
110Legs Cloth
Trousers of the Horned Nightmare
110Legs Cloth
Trousers of the Ternion Glory
110Legs Cloth
Trousers of the Thousandfold Hells
110Legs Cloth
Tunic of Seven Sacred Seals
1Chest Leather
Tunic of the Barbed Assassin
1Chest Leather
Tunic of the Haunted Forest
1Chest Leather
Tunic of the Shattered Vale
1Chest Leather
Tunic of the Shattered Vale
1Chest Leather
Tunic of the Thousandfold Blades
1Chest Leather
Tunic of the Witch Doctor
1Chest Mail
Tushui Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Tuxedo Shirt
1ShirtCrafted Shirt
Undercity Doublet
1Shirt Shirt
Undercity Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Unhinged Vault-Hatch
1Off HandVendor Shield
Unhinged Vault-Hatch
1Off Hand Shield
Vagabond's Aquatic Cape
1Back Back
Vagabond's Aquatic Hood
1Head Cosmetic