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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Raggedy Cloth Cutoffs
2Legs Cloth
Rat-Gnawed Blanket
2Back Back
Repeller's Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Ripped Pants
2Legs Cloth
Roamer's Leggings
2Legs Plate
Robes of the Sun
2Chest Cloth
Rough Leather Leggings
2Legs Leather
Rugged Plate Vest
2Chest Plate
Rustmetal Bracers
2Wrists Plate
Rusty Chain Belt
2Waist Mail
Salt-Stained Leather Bracers
2Wrists Leather
Salvaged Leather Belt
2Waist Leather
Scarred Battleboar Breastplate
2Chest Mail
Scarred Battleboar Chest
2Chest Leather
Scavenger Tunic
2Chest Leather
Scavenger Vest
2Chest Mail
Scout Hunter Vest
2Chest Leather
Sea Witch's Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Sedgeweed Britches
2Legs Cloth
Shattered Chain Girdle
2Waist Mail
Short Duskbat Cape
2Back Back
Slashed Leather Leggings
2Legs Leather
Slightly Rusted Bracers
2Wrists Plate
Slippers of High Honor
2Feet Cloth
Smith's Chain Gloves
2Hands Mail
Snow Stomping Boots
2Feet Mail
Soft Fur-Lined Shoes
2Feet Cloth
Soft Leather Belt
2Waist Leather
Soft Leather Boots
2Feet Leather
Soft Leather Vest
2Chest Leather
Soft Wool Boots
2Feet Cloth
Soft Wool Vest
2Chest Cloth
Soggy Rope
2Waist Cloth
Southsea Sash
2Waist Cloth
Spitescale Breastplate
2Chest Plate
Spitescale Pants
2Legs Mail
Spitescale Stompers
2Feet Mail
Spy Dispatchers Greaves
2Legs Mail
Spymaster's Legs
2Legs Leather
Steadfast Boots
2Feet Leather
Steadfast Greaves
2Feet Mail
Stemleaf Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Stormwind Infantry Belt
2Waist Plate
Striding Pants
2Legs Cloth
Sunrise Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Sunspire Cinch
2Waist Mail
Sunspire Cord
2Waist Leather
Sunstrider Shield
2Off Hand Shield
Sunwalker's Belt
2Waist Leather
Sunwalker's Waistcord
2Waist Mail
Sweat-Caked Leather Vest
2Chest Leather
Sweat-Soaked Cloth Shirt
2Chest Cloth
Swift Plate Armbands
2Wrists Plate
Tapered Pants
2Legs Cloth
Tasseled Shoes
2Feet Leather
Thick Bark Buckler
2Off Hand Shield
Thorncaller Trousers
2Legs Cloth
Thorned Cinch
2Waist Leather
Thorned Links
2Waist Mail
Thorn-Proof Wristguard
2Wrists Plate
Tight-Fitting Leather Leggings
2Legs Leather
Torque-Applying Gloves
2Hands Leather
Torque-Applying Grips
2Hands Mail
Total Disaster Bracers
2Wrists Plate
Toxin-Stained Pants
2Legs Mail
Tracking Boots
2Feet Plate
Valley Defense Hauberk
2Chest Mail
Vault Cracker Boots
2Feet Mail
Vault Cracker Gloves
2Hands Plate
Velocity Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Venom-Imbued Robes
2Chest Cloth
Verdant Chain Gloves
2Hands Mail
Vigorous Bracers
2Wrists Leather
Vile Boots
2Feet Leather
Vile Greaves
2Feet Mail
Vile Jersey
2Chest Plate
Vile Slippers
2Feet Cloth
Viny Gloves
2Hands Cloth
Wanderer's Grips
2Hands Mail
Weathered Chain Shirt
2Chest Mail
Weathered Cloth Armor
2Chest Cloth
Weathered Leather Vest
2Chest Leather
Weathered Plate Tunic
2Chest Plate
Web Covered Mail Belt
2Waist Mail
Well Watcher Gloves
2Hands Cloth
Whitebeard's Bracer
2Wrists Leather
Willem's Mitts
2Hands Mail
Wine-Stained Cloak
2Back Back
Wolfskin Bracers
2Wrists Leather
Woodland Chainmail
2Chest Mail
Woodland Robes
2Chest Cloth
Woodland Shield
2Off Hand Shield
Woodland Tunic
2Chest Leather
Worn Slippers
2Feet Cloth
Wrangler's Chain Cinch
2Waist Mail
Wyrm Sash
2Waist Cloth
Zombie Skin Leggings
2Legs Leather
Zuni's Family Heirloom
2Waist Plate
Ancestral Chieftain's Armor
1Chest Cosmetic
Ancestral Chieftain's Grasps
1Hands Cosmetic