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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Oribos Quest Mail Waist
150Waist Mail
Oribos Quest Mail Wrist
150Wrists Mail
Oribos Quest Plate Chest
150Chest Plate
Oribos Quest Plate Cloak
150Back Back
Oribos Quest Plate Feet
150Feet Plate
Oribos Quest Plate Hand
150Hands Plate
Oribos Quest Plate Head
150Head Plate
Oribos Quest Plate Legs
150Legs Plate
Oribos Quest Plate Shoulder
150Shoulders Plate
Oribos Quest Plate Waist
150Waist Plate
Oribos Quest Plate Wrist
150Wrists Plate
Pants of Faith
130Legs Cloth
Plagueheart Gloves
130Hands Cloth
Plagueheart Leggings
130Legs Cloth
Plagueheart Robe
130Chest Cloth
Plagueheart Shoulderpads
130Shoulders Cloth
Ragged Leather Pants
1Legs Leather
Redemption Chestpiece
130Chest Plate
Redemption Faceguard
130Head Plate
Redemption Gauntlets
130Hands Plate
Redemption Gloves
130Hands Plate
Redemption Greaves
130Legs Plate
Redemption Handguards
130Hands Plate
Redemption Headpiece
130Head Plate
Redemption Helm
130Head Plate
Redemption Legguards
130Legs Plate
Redemption Spaulders
130Shoulders Plate
Redemption Tunic
130Chest Plate
Robe of Faith
130Chest Cloth
Scourgeborne Chestguard
130Chest Plate
Scourgeborne Faceguard
130Head Plate
Scourgeborne Gauntlets
130Hands Plate
Scourgeborne Handguards
130Hands Plate
Scourgeborne Helmet
130Head Plate
Scourgeborne Legguards
130Legs Plate
Scourgeborne Legplates
130Legs Plate
Scourgeborne Shoulderplates
130Shoulders Plate
Scraggy Leather Pants
1Legs Leather
Shield of Light
1Off Hand Shield
Shoddy Chain Belt
1Waist Mail
Shoddy Chain Pants
1Legs Mail
Shoulderpads of Faith
130Shoulders Cloth
Sinscale Waistguard
1Waist Mail
Spare Hand
127Off Hand Off Hand
String of Alligator Teeth
1Neck Neck
Sweaty Wristbands
1Wrists Cosmetic
Tarnished Silver Ring
1Finger Finger
Tidesage Chest
1Chest Cosmetic
Trapper's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Turtle Shell Shield
1Off Hand Shield
Twilight's Hammer Belt
1Waist Cloth
Twilight's Hammer Cowl
130Head Cloth
Twilight's Hammer Shoulders
132Shoulders Plate
Unkempt Pants
1Legs Cloth
1Shirt Shirt
Weather Beaten Buckler
1Off Hand Shield