

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Orange Spraybot
1 Explosives and Devices
Pallid Bone Flute
1 Explosives and Devices
Personal Hologram
1 Explosives and Devices
Personal Time Displacer
1 Explosives and Devices
Portable Profession Possibility Projector
8068 Explosives and Devices
Pulsing Animacone
1 Explosives and Devices
R19 Threatfinder
3230 Explosives and Devices
Reaves Module: Bling Mode
42 Explosives and Devices
Reaves Module: Failure Detection Mode
42 Explosives and Devices
Reaves Module: Fireworks Display Mode
42 Explosives and Devices
Reaves Module: Piloted Combat Mode
42 Explosives and Devices
Reaves Module: Repair Mode
42 Explosives and Devices
Reaves Module: Snack Distribution Mode
42 Explosives and Devices
Reaves Module: Wormhole Generator Mode
42 Explosives and Devices
Rechargeable Reaves Battery
45 Explosives and Devices
Resonating Anima Core
1 Explosives and Devices
Safety Catch Removal Kit
3230 Explosives and Devices
Sassy Imp
40 Explosives and Devices
Shadowlands Mini: Grandmaster Vole
1 Explosives and Devices
Sleeping Armament
150 Explosives and Devices
Snowmaster 9000
16 Explosives and Devices
Sporonite Bomb
50 Explosives and Devices
Stabilized Eternium Scope
2825 Explosives and Devices
Sticky Warp Grenade
41558 Explosives and Devices
Sticky Warp Grenade
40058 Explosives and Devices
Sticky Warp Grenade
38558 Explosives and Devices
Sun Scope
2827 Explosives and Devices
1 Explosives and Devices
Tinker: Always Malfunction
Tinker Module
38558 Explosives and Devices
42 Explosives and Devices
Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife
35 Explosives and Devices
Ultrasafe Transporter: Gadgetzan
25 Explosives and Devices
Ultrasafe Transporter: Toshley's Station
27 Explosives and Devices
Vial of Red Goo
40 Explosives and Devices
World Enlarger
1 Explosives and Devices
World Shrinker
1 Explosives and Devices
Wormhole Centrifuge
4034 Explosives and Devices
Wormhole Generator: Argus
4539 Explosives and Devices
Wormhole Generator: Kul Tiras
5045 Explosives and Devices
Wormhole Generator: Northrend
3024 Explosives and Devices
Wormhole Generator: Pandaria
3529 Explosives and Devices
Wormhole Generator: Shadowlands
60 Explosives and Devices
Wormhole Generator: Zandalar
5045 Explosives and Devices
120 Explosives and Devices
Accurate Scope
1510 Explosives and Devices
Adamantite Scope
2623 Explosives and Devices
Algari Repair Bot 11O
8068 Explosives and Devices
Armaments of the Scale
1 Explosives and Devices
42 Explosives and Devices
Azeroth Mini: Erazmin
1 Explosives and Devices
Azeroth Mini: Gazlowe
1 Explosives and Devices
Azeroth Mini: Overspark
1 Explosives and Devices
Bizmo's Big Bang Boom Bomb
4040 Explosives and Devices
Blue Crashin' Thrashin' Racer Controller
23 Explosives and Devices
Bomb-samdi Mojo Bombs
4525 Explosives and Devices
Chronologically Reallocated Rations
1 Explosives and Devices
Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables
59568 Explosives and Devices
Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables
58068 Explosives and Devices
Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables
57768 Explosives and Devices
Crashin' Thrashin' Robot
23 Explosives and Devices
Creature Combustion Canister
41558 Explosives and Devices
Creature Combustion Canister
40058 Explosives and Devices
Creature Combustion Canister
38558 Explosives and Devices
Critter Enlarger
26 Explosives and Devices
Crystal Shattering Armaments
1 Explosives and Devices
41558 Explosives and Devices
40058 Explosives and Devices
38558 Explosives and Devices
Disassemble Invention
1 Explosives and Devices
Dominion Etching: Grief
1 Explosives and Devices
Dominion Etching: Loss
1 Explosives and Devices
Dominion Etching: Pain
1 Explosives and Devices
Emergency Powerpack
1 Explosives and Devices
Emergency Repair Kit
1 Explosives and Devices
Enticing Anima
1 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Creature Combustion Canister
41558 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Creature Combustion Canister
40058 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Creature Combustion Canister
38558 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Gravitational Displacer
41558 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Gravitational Displacer
40058 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Gravitational Displacer
38558 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Grease Grenade
41558 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Grease Grenade
40058 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Grease Grenade
38558 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Polarity Bomb
41561 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Polarity Bomb
40061 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Polarity Bomb
38561 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Primal Deconstruction Charge
41558 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Primal Deconstruction Charge
40058 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Primal Deconstruction Charge
38558 Explosives and Devices
Failure Detection Pylon
4239 Explosives and Devices
Field Deployable Heat Source
1 Explosives and Devices
Flickering Eviscerator
1 Explosives and Devices
Gazlowe's Gargantuan Grenade
4040 Explosives and Devices
Gnomish Alarm-o-Bot
22 Explosives and Devices
Gravitational Displacer
41558 Explosives and Devices
Gravitational Displacer
40058 Explosives and Devices
Gravitational Displacer
38558 Explosives and Devices
Grease Grenade
41558 Explosives and Devices
Grease Grenade
40058 Explosives and Devices