

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Findle's Loot-A-Rang
40 Explosives and Devices
Kvaldir Bear Trap
40 Explosives and Devices
Mother's Skinning Knife
40 Explosives and Devices
Sassy Imp
40 Explosives and Devices
Vial of Red Goo
40 Explosives and Devices
Blackrock Seaforium
40 Explosives and Devices
Blingtron 4000
35 Explosives and Devices
Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife
35 Explosives and Devices
Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife
35 Explosives and Devices
Iron Horde Trip Mines [WIP]
35 Explosives and Devices
35 Explosives and Devices
Thermal Anvil
35 Explosives and Devices
Gnomish Gravity Well
32 Explosives and Devices
32 Explosives and Devices
Locksmith's Powderkeg
32 Explosives and Devices
Gnomish X-Ray Specs
30 Explosives and Devices
30 Explosives and Devices
Goblin Beam Welder
30 Explosives and Devices
Healing Injector Kit
30 Explosives and Devices
Mana Injector Kit
30 Explosives and Devices
Scrapbot Construction Kit
30 Explosives and Devices
Volatile Seaforium Blastpack
30 Explosives and Devices
Box of Bombs
28 Explosives and Devices
The Naked Bomb
28 Explosives and Devices
Dimensional Ripper - Area 52
27 Explosives and Devices
Ultrasafe Transporter: Toshley's Station
27 Explosives and Devices
Elemental Seaforium Charge
27 Explosives and Devices
Field Repair Bot 110G
27 Explosives and Devices
Gnomish Army Knife
27 Explosives and Devices
Critter Enlarger
26 Explosives and Devices
Gnomish Tonk Controller
26 Explosives and Devices
Goblin Tonk Controller
26 Explosives and Devices
Dimensional Ripper - Everlook
25 Explosives and Devices
Ultrasafe Transporter: Gadgetzan
25 Explosives and Devices
Arcane Bomb
25 Explosives and Devices
Field Repair Bot 74A
25 Explosives and Devices
Zapthrottle Mote Extractor
25 Explosives and Devices
Dark Iron Bomb
24 Explosives and Devices
Blue Crashin' Thrashin' Racer Controller
23 Explosives and Devices
Crashin' Thrashin' Robot
23 Explosives and Devices
Battered Steam Tonk Controller
23 Explosives and Devices
Masterwork Target Dummy
23 Explosives and Devices
Powerful Seaforium Charge
23 Explosives and Devices
Steam Tonk Controller
23 Explosives and Devices
Gnomish Alarm-o-Bot
22 Explosives and Devices
Goblin Jumper Cables XL
22 Explosives and Devices
Ruined Jumper Cables XL
22 Explosives and Devices
Thorium Grenade
22 Explosives and Devices
Dense Dynamite
20 Explosives and Devices
Hi-Explosive Bomb
20 Explosives and Devices
20 Explosives and Devices
The Big One
20 Explosives and Devices
Big Iron Bomb
19 Explosives and Devices
Mithril Frag Bomb
19 Explosives and Devices
Goblin Sapper Charge
18 Explosives and Devices
Goblin Land Mine
17 Explosives and Devices
Large Seaforium Charge
17 Explosives and Devices
Mechanical Repair Kit
17 Explosives and Devices
Snowmaster 9000
16 Explosives and Devices
Advanced Target Dummy
16 Explosives and Devices
Iron Grenade
15 Explosives and Devices
Solid Dynamite
15 Explosives and Devices
Big Bronze Bomb
14 Explosives and Devices
Discombobulator Ray
14 Explosives and Devices
Goblin Jumper Cables
14 Explosives and Devices
Portable Bronze Mortar
14 Explosives and Devices
Ruined Jumper Cables
14 Explosives and Devices
Explosive Sheep
13 Explosives and Devices
Heavy Dynamite
13 Explosives and Devices
Small Bronze Bomb
13 Explosives and Devices
Large Copper Bomb
12 Explosives and Devices
Ornate Spyglass
12 Explosives and Devices
Coarse Dynamite
10 Explosives and Devices
Small Seaforium Charge
10 Explosives and Devices
Target Dummy Mark I
10 Explosives and Devices
Charged Soulstone
8 Explosives and Devices
Target Dummy
8 Explosives and Devices
Target Dummy
8 Explosives and Devices
Rough Copper Bomb
7 Explosives and Devices
Hammer Pick
5 Explosives and Devices
Rough Dynamite
5 Explosives and Devices
Anti-Gravity Pack
1 Explosives and Devices
Azeroth Mini: Beastbot
1 Explosives and Devices
Azeroth Mini: King Mechagon
1 Explosives and Devices
Azeroth Mini: Naeno Megacrash
1 Explosives and Devices
Azeroth Mini: Pascal-K1N6
1 Explosives and Devices
Azeroth Mini: Sapphronetta
1 Explosives and Devices
1 Explosives and Devices
Perfect Aquatic Battle-Stone
1 Explosives and Devices
Perfect Beast Battle-Stone
1 Explosives and Devices
Perfect Critter Battle-Stone
1 Explosives and Devices
Perfect Dragonkin Battle-Stone
1 Explosives and Devices
Perfect Elemental Battle-Stone
1 Explosives and Devices
Perfect Flying Battle-Stone
1 Explosives and Devices
Perfect Humanoid Battle-Stone
1 Explosives and Devices
Perfect Undead Battle-Stone
1 Explosives and Devices
[DEPRECATED] Flawless Family Battle-Stone
1 Explosives and Devices
Azeroth Mini Collection: Mechagon
1 Explosives and Devices
Azeroth Mini: Blastatron
1 Explosives and Devices
Azeroth Mini: Bondo Bigblock
1 Explosives and Devices