

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Broker's Boots
22660 Other
Broker's Bracers
22660 Other
Broker's Braid
22660 Other
Broker's Chestpiece
22660 Other
Broker's Cloak
22660 Other
Broker's Gloves
22660 Other
Broker's Helm
22660 Other
Broker's Legguards
22660 Other
Broker's Ring
22660 Other
Broker's Shoulders
22660 Other
Broker's Weaponry
22660 Other
Korthian Accessory
20060 Other
Korthian Armaments
20060 Other
Korthian Belt
20060 Other
Korthian Boots
20060 Other
Korthian Bracers
20060 Other
Korthian Chestpiece
20060 Other
Korthian Cloak
20060 Other
Korthian Gloves
20060 Other
Korthian Helm
20060 Other
Korthian Legguards
20060 Other
Korthian Shoulders
20060 Other
Korthian Weaponry
20060 Other
Accelerated Cold
145 Other
Accrued Vitality
145 Other
Adaptive Armor Fragment
145 Other
145 Other
145 Other
Arcane Prodigy
145Looted Other
Artifice of the Archmage
145 Other
Ashen Juggernaut
145 Other
Ashen Remains
145 Other
Astral Protection
145 Other
Blood Bond
145 Other
145 Other
Bone Marrow Hops
145 Other
Born Anew
145 Other
Born of the Wilds
145 Other
Borne of Blood
145Looted Other
Bronze Acceleration
145 Other
Brooding Pool
145 Other
Brutal Grasp
145 Other
Brutal Projectiles
145 Other
Brutal Vitality
145 Other
Cacophonous Roar
145 Other
Calculated Strikes
145 Other
Call of Flame
145 Other
Carnivorous Instinct
145 Other
Carnivorous Stalkers
145 Other
Catastrophic Origin
145 Other
Celestial Effervescence
145 Other
Charitable Soul
145 Other
Cheetah's Vigor
145 Other
Chilled Resilience
145 Other
Chilled to the Core
145 Other
Circle of Life
145 Other
Clear Mind
145 Other
Cloaked in Shadows
145 Other
Combusting Engine
145 Other
Condensed Anima Sphere
145 Other
Conflux of Elements
145 Other
Controlled Destruction
145 Other
Convocation of the Dead
145 Other
Coordinated Offensive
145 Other
Corrupting Leer
145 Other
Count the Odds
145 Other
Courageous Ascension
145 Other
Crash the Ramparts
145 Other
Crippling Hex
145 Other
145 Other
Dancing with Fate
145 Other
Deadly Chain
145 Other
Deadly Tandem
145 Other
Debilitating Malady
145 Other
Deep Allegiance
145 Other
Deeper Daggers
145 Other
Demon Muzzle
145 Other
Demonic Momentum
145 Other
Demonic Parole
145 Other
Depths of Insanity
145 Other
Destructive Reverberations
145 Other
Diabolic Bloodstone
145 Other
Discipline of the Grove
145 Other
Dissonant Echoes
145 Other
Disturb the Peace
145 Other
Diverted Energy
145 Other
Divine Call
145 Other
Dizzying Tumble
145 Other
Duplicitous Havoc
145 Other
Echoing Blessings
145 Other
Echoing Call
145 Other
Elysian Dirge
145 Other
Embrace Death
145 Other
Embrace of Earth
145 Other
Empowered Release
145 Other
Endless Thirst
145 Other
Enfeebled Mark
145 Other
Enkindled Spirit
145 Other
Eradicating Blow
145 Other
Essential Extraction
145 Other