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Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Elemental Potion of Power
38561 Potions
Earthen Potion
3230 Potions
Dreamwalker's Healing Potion
48070 Potions
Dreamwalker's Healing Potion
46570 Potions
Dreamwalker's Healing Potion
45070 Potions
Dreamless Sleep Potion
2015 Potions
Draught of War
3030 Potions
Drake Treat
1 Potions
Draenic Versatility Potion
4035 Potions
Draenic Swiftness Potion
3535 Potions
Draenic Strength Potion
4035 Potions
Draenic Rejuvenation Potion
4035 Potions
Draenic Mana Potion
4035 Potions
Draenic Living Action Potion
3535 Potions
Draenic Invisibility Potion
3535 Potions
Draenic Intellect Potion
4035 Potions
Draenic Channeled Mana Potion
4035 Potions
Draenic Agility Potion
4035 Potions
Distilled Heroism
9085 Potions
Discolored Healing Potion
73 Potions
Dino Mojo
1 Potions
Destruction Potion
2725 Potions
Delicate Suspension of Spores
41561 Potions
Delicate Suspension of Spores
40061 Potions
Delicate Suspension of Spores
38561 Potions
Darkwater Potion
3532 Potions
Darkmoon Healing Tonic
1 Potions
Darkmoon Firewater
1 Potions
Crystal Mana Potion
2523 Potions
Crystal Healing Potion
2523 Potions
Crazy Alchemist's Potion
3027 Potions
Cosmic Healing Potion
12060 Potions
Commander's Draenic Versatility Potion
4035 Potions
Commander's Draenic Swiftness Potion
3535 Potions
Commander's Draenic Strength Potion
4035 Potions
Commander's Draenic Invisibility Potion
3535 Potions
Commander's Draenic Intellect Potion
4035 Potions
Commander's Draenic Agility Potion
4035 Potions
Combat Mana Potion
2218 Potions
Combat Healing Potion
2015 Potions
Coastal Rejuvenation Potion
5040 Potions
Coastal Mana Potion
5040 Potions
Coastal Healing Potion
5040 Potions
Cenarion Mana Salve
2723 Potions
Cenarion Healing Salve
2623 Potions
Brilliant Dreampetal
4039 Potions
Breezy Potion of Draconic Vigor [NYI]
7060 Potions
Breezy Potion of Draconic Vigor [NYI]
7060 Potions
Breezy Potion of Draconic Vigor [NYI]
7060 Potions
Brawler's Potion of Prolonged Power
4545 Potions
Brawler's Healing Tonic
4040 Potions
Brawler's Healing Potion
3535 Potions
Brawler's Draenic Strength Potion
4040 Potions
Brawler's Draenic Intellect Potion
4040 Potions
Brawler's Draenic Agility Potion
4040 Potions
Brawler's Coastal Healing Potion
5050 Potions
Brawler's Battle Potion of Strength
5050 Potions
Brawler's Battle Potion of Intellect
5050 Potions
Brawler's Battle Potion of Agility
5050 Potions
Brawler's Ancient Healing Potion
4545 Potions
Bottomless Potion of Brawler's Might
3535 Potions
Bottomless Potion of Brawler's Deftness
3535 Potions
Bottomless Potion of Brawler's Cunning
3535 Potions
Bottled Putrescence
41561 Potions
Bottled Putrescence
40061 Potions
Bottled Putrescence
38561 Potions
Bottled Putrescence
30060 Potions
Bottled Nethergon Vapor
2623 Potions
Bottled Nethergon Energy
2723 Potions
Bottle of Dead Bees
1 Potions
Bottle of Bees
1 Potions
Blue Ogre Brew Special
2727 Potions
Blue Ogre Brew
2727 Potions
Bilewing "Honey"
5035 Potions
Battle Potion of Strength
5040 Potions
Battle Potion of Stamina
5040 Potions
Battle Potion of Intellect
5040 Potions
Battle Potion of Agility
5040 Potions
Baradin's Wardens Mana Potion
32 Potions
Baradin's Wardens Healing Potion
32 Potions
Auchenai Mana Potion
2723 Potions
Auchenai Healing Potion
2623 Potions
Astral Mana Potion
4545 Potions
Astral Healing Potion
4545 Potions
Ashran Healing Tonic
4040 Potions
Argent Mana Potion
2723 Potions
Argent Healing Potion
2623 Potions
Angelic Feather
150 Potions
Ancient Rejuvenation Potion
4540 Potions
Ancient Mana Potion
4540 Potions
Ancient Healing Potion
4540 Potions
Alchemist's Rejuvenation
3532 Potions
Aged Health Potion
4540 Potions
Aerated Mana Potion
41561 Potions
Aerated Mana Potion
40061 Potions
Aerated Mana Potion
38561 Potions
Adrenaline Shot
3532 Potions
Abyssal Healing Potion
5040 Potions
Vial of Viscous Goo
1 Potions
Toxin Antidote
1 Potions