

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Soldier's Exertion
1 Other
Soldier's Glory
1 Other
Soldier's Glory
1 Champion's Strongbox Other
Soldier's Grit
1 Other
Soldier's Legacy
1 Other
Soldier's Legacy
1 Other
Soldier's Splendor
1Looted Other
Soldier's Worth
1 Champion's Strongbox Other
Soul Shackle
1 Other
Soulcatcher of the Encroaching Mist
1 Other
Soulgorged Felglobe
1 Other
Soul-Powered Containment Unit
1Looted Other
Spare Arcane Ward
1 Other
Spellbound Jewelry Box
1 Other
Spoiled Manawine Dregs
1Looted Other
Spoils of the Triumphant
1 Other
Spurs of the Risen Horsemen
1 Other
Stareye Gem
1 Other
Starsong's Bauble
1 Other
Stolen Pearl Ring
1 Other
Stonedark's Pledge
1 Other
Stored Humid Air
1 Disturbed Dirt Explosives and Devices
Storm Drake Fang
1 Other
Storm Drake Scale
1 Other
Strangely-Flawed Gemstone
1Looted Other
Strong Exotic Spices
1 Explosives and Devices
Sweaty Bandanna
1 Other
Swiftflight's Tail Feather
1 Other
Symbol of Victory
1Looted Other
Tablet of Tyr
1 Other
Talbuk Bridle
1 Other
Tale-Teller's Staff
1Looted Other
Talisman of the Ascended
1Looted Other
Talisman of Victory
1 Other
Talisman of Victory
1Looted Other
Tarnished Engagement Ring
1 Other
Tattered Farondis Heraldry
1Looted Other
Tattered Sheet Music
1 Other
Taxidermied Catch
1 Explosives and Devices
Tazenrath's Torn Wing
1Created Other
Tear of the Dreamer
1 Explosives and Devices
Tel'anor Ancestral Tablet
1 Other
The Arcanist's Codex
1 Other
The Corruptor's Totem
1 Other
The Maw - Pet Cosmetic - NYI
1Created Other
The Maw - POI Unlock - NYI
1Created Other
The River's Blessing
1 Other
The Seawarden's Beacon
1 Other
The Spiritwalker's Wisdom
1 Other
The Valewalker's Blessing
1 Other
The Valewatcher's Boon
1 Other
Thisalee's Fighting Claws
1 Other
Through the Stained-Glass
1 Explosives and Devices
Tidestone Sliver
1 Other
Timeworn Amethyst Figurine
1Looted Other
Tiny War Drum
1 Other
Titan Watcher Replica
1 Explosives and Devices
Titan-Forged Locket
1 Other
Titan's Boon
1 Other
Token of a Master Cultivator
1 Other
Tome of Dimensional Awareness
1 Other
Tome of the Legionfall Magi
1Looted Other
Trainer's Insight
1 Other
Treasure of the Ages
1Looted Other
Treemender's Beacon
1 Treasure Chest Other
Trident of Sashj'tar
1 Other
Trinket-Packed Collar
1 Explosives and Devices
Unattuned Portal Stones
1Looted Other
Unblemished Leaf of Shaladrassil
1 Other
Uncrowned Poison Set
1 Other
Underking's Fist
1 Other
Undertuned Attunement Crystal
1 Other
Undulating Orb of Fel Inferno
1 Other
Unearthed Staff Headpiece
1 Other
Unity of the Orders
1Looted Other
Unlabeled Potion
1 Other
Unmelting Crystalline Structure
1 Explosives and Devices
Untapped Mana Gem
1Looted Other
Vacant Soul Shard
1 Other
Valajar-Sanctified Weapon Polish
1 Other
Valewalker Talisman
1 Other
Valiant's Glory
1Looted, Gathered Other
Verdant Swirl
1 Explosives and Devices
Vial of Diluted Nightwell Liquid
1Looted Other
Vile Temptresses' Aphrodisiac
1 Other
Virtue of the Light
1 Other
Viz'aduum's Eye
1 Other
Voidcore Control Rod
1 Other
Void-Swallowed Memento
1Looted Other
Volatile Sparks
1 Explosives and Devices
War-Damaged Vrykul Helmet
1 Other
Warden's Boon
1 Other
Warden's Lantern
1Looted Other
Wayfinder's Sundial
1 Other
Weathered Sculpture
1 Explosives and Devices
Well-Used Drinking Horn
1 Other
Wet Rock
1 Tadpole Gift Explosives and Devices
Whispering Totem
1 Other
Wicked Wyrmtongue Fetish
1Looted Other
Winterfin Mud Pie
1 Tadpole Gift Explosives and Devices