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Name Level Req. ILvL Source Type
Anthology of Horrors
50 Shadow Relic
Apocron's Energy Core
50 Life Relic
Arcana Crux
50 Arcane Relic
Arcanum of Weightlessness
50 Arcane Relic
Archaic Nathrezim Keepsake
50 Holy Relic
Arcing Static Charge
50 Arcane Relic
Ardent Shard of Sciallax
50 Life Relic
Azsharan Councillor's Clasp
50 Fel Relic
Barnacled Mistcaller Orb
50 Storm Relic
Befouled Effigy of Elune
50 Fel Relic
Begrudging Confessions
50 Storm Relic
Beguiling Revelation
50 Holy Relic
Bioluminescent Mushroom
50 Life Relic
Blazing Dreadsteed Horseshoe
50 Fire Relic
Blessing of Cenarius
50 Life Relic
Blessing of the White Lady
50 Holy Relic
Blood of the Unworthy
50 Blood Relic
Bloodied Bear Fang
50 Blood Relic
Bones of the Restless
50 Blood Relic
Boon of the Prophet
50 Holy Relic
Brand of Relentless Agony
50 Shadow Relic
Breath of Dusk
50 Shadow Relic
Brutallus's Wretched Heart
50 Fel Relic
Calamir's Jaw
50 Fire Relic
Calcified Barnacle
50 Iron Relic
Candle of Flickering Lumens
50 Fire Relic
Censer of Dark Intent
50 Shadow Relic
Charged Felfire Casing
50 Iron Relic
Charred Hymnal of the Moon
50 Arcane Relic
Chilled Incisor
50 Frost Relic
Chiseled Starlight
50 Iron Relic
Chittering Mandible
50 Storm Relic
Cleansing Ignition Catalyst
50 Fire Relic
Collapsing Epoch
50 Storm Relic
Comet Dust
50 Frost Relic
Conch of the Thunderer
50 Storm Relic
Condensed Blight Orb
50 Fel Relic
Condensed Storm's Fury
50 Storm Relic
Construct Personality Sphere
50 Life Relic
Corrupting Dewclaw
50 Shadow Relic
Coven Prayer Bead
50 Holy Relic
Crashing Ember
50 Fire Relic
Crepuscular Skitterer Egg
50 Shadow Relic
Cruor of the Avenger
50 Blood Relic
Crystalized Leypetal
50 Life Relic
Crystallized Drop of Eternity
50 Arcane Relic
Crystallized Shard of Sciallax
50 Frost Relic
Cube of Malice
50 Frost Relic
Dark Shard of Sciallax
50 Shadow Relic
Deadly Lava Lazuli
50 Critical Strike Gem
Decaying Dragonfang
50 Shadow Relic
Decimator Crankshaft
50 Iron Relic
Despoiled Dragonscale
50 Shadow Relic
Dirge of the Hunted
50 Shadow Relic
Doomfire Dynamo
50 Fel Relic
Droplets of the Cleansing Storm
50 Storm Relic
Drugon's Snowglobe
50 Frost Relic
Echoing Madness
50 Storm Relic
Eidolon of Life
50 Life Relic
Entrancing Stone
50 Arcane Relic
Essence of the Burgeoning Brood
50 Life Relic
Exothermic Core
50 Fire Relic
Fallen Magi's Seerstone
50 Arcane Relic
Farsight Spiritjewel
50 Arcane Relic
Fasces of the Endless Legions
50 Iron Relic
Fauna Analysis Widget
50 Life Relic
Favor of the Prime Designate
50 Holy Relic
Fear of Predation
50 Frost Relic
Fel Command Beacon
50 Fel Relic
Fel Mistress' Brand
50 Fire Relic
Fel-Bloated Venom Sac
50 Fel Relic
Felborne Energist's Gem
50 Fel Relic
Fel-Engraved Handbell
50 Iron Relic
Felfire Pitch
50 Fel Relic
Fel-Scented Bait
50 Blood Relic
Felsoul Vortex
50 Storm Relic
Felstained Jawbone Fragments
50 Fel Relic
Ferocity of the Devout
50 Fire Relic
Fingernail of the Fel Brute
50 Iron Relic
First Page of the Book of Shadows
50 Shadow Relic
Flawless Hurricane Pearl
50 Storm Relic
Flickering Ember of Rage
50 Fire Relic
Flickering Timespark
50 Holy Relic
Foreign Contaminant
50 Blood Relic
Fragment of Eternal Spite
50 Fire Relic
Fragment of Grace
50 Holy Relic
Fraternal Fervor
50 Life Relic
Frigid Earring
50 Frost Relic
Frigid Gloomstone
50 Frost Relic
Fury of the Sea
50 Storm Relic
Ghastly Curse
50 Shadow Relic
Glimpse of the Afterlife
50 Holy Relic
Glinting Shard of Sciallax
50 Arcane Relic
Glistening Meteorite Shard
50 Holy Relic
Globe of Frothing Eddies
50 Frost Relic
Globule of Submersion
50 Frost Relic
Gloomy Vortex
50 Storm Relic
Glowing Prayer Candle
50 Life Relic
Glowing Shard of Sciallax
50 Fire Relic
Goldleaf Arcwine Phial
50 Arcane Relic