

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Steel Strongbox
45 Junk
Steel Strongbox
45 Junk
Steel Strongbox
45 Junk
Steel Strongbox
45 Junk
Steel Strongbox
45 Junk
Steel Strongbox
45 Junk
A Dead Weight
45 Junk
Gelatinous Glob
45 Junk
Reverbium Pebbles
45 Junk
Large Legion Chest
44 Junk
Small Legion Chest
44 Junk
Idol of the Avenger
43 Junk
Libram of Righteous Power
43 Junk
Stormfury Totem
43 Junk
Scarab Leg Talisman
42 Junk
Broken Fitz's Throwing Axe
41 Junk
Bindings of the Windlord
40 Junk
Bindings of the Windlord
40 Junk
Haft of the God-King
40 Junk
Skull of Nithogg
40 Junk
Skull of Shar'thos
40 Junk
Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest
40 Junk
Loot-Filled Pumpkin
40 Junk
Loot-Filled Pumpkin
40 Junk
Satchel of Chilled Goods
40 Junk
Clinking Present
40 Junk
Candrael's Charm
40 Junk
Felflame Campfire
40 Junk
Highmaul Lockbox
40 Junk
Loot-Filled Basket
40 Junk
Loot-Stuffed Pumpkin
40 Junk
Magnaron Heart
40 Junk
Preserved Hydra Blood
40 Junk
Blingtron 5000 Gift Package
40 Junk
Blingtron 6000 Gift Package
40 Junk
Eredar Signet
40 Junk
Keg-Shaped Treasure Box
40 Junk
Knapsack of Chilled Goods
40 Junk
Loot-Stuffed Basket
40 Junk
Loot-Stuffed Pumpkin
40 Junk
Miniature Totem
40 Junk
Rockwurm Barb
40 Junk
Savage Crate of Battlefield Goods
40 Junk
SI:7 Intelligence Report
40 Junk
Tattered Eye Patch
40 Junk
True Steel Lockbox
40 Junk
Used Felblades
40 Junk
Wrathguard's Medallion
40 Junk
Alchemist's Cauldron
40 Junk
Jewelcrafting Payment
40 Junk
Jewelcrafting Payment
40 Junk
Severed Oculus
40 Junk
Small Pouch of Coins
40 Junk
Small Pouch of Coins
40 Junk
Small Pouch of Coins
40 Junk
Small Pouch of Coins
40 Junk
Small Pouch of Coins
40 Junk
Small Pouch of Coins
40 Junk
Starlight Rosedust
40 Junk
Azure Amber
40 Junk
Bony Amber Fragment
40 Junk
Crumbling Stone Slab
40 Junk
Damaged Eredar Head
40 Junk
Deficient Eredar Head
40 Junk
Deformed Eredar Head
40 Junk
Deteriorating Umbral Wing
40 Junk
Ebony Stone
40 Junk
Encased Arthropod
40 Junk
Idol of Flaring Growth
40 Junk
Idol of Lunar Fury
40 Junk
Idol of Mutilation
40 Junk
Idol of the Black Willow
40 Junk
Idol of the Crying Moon
40 Junk
Idol of the Lunar Eclipse
40 Junk
Ivory Sigilstone
40 Junk
Libram of Blinding Light
40 Junk
Libram of Defiance
40 Junk
Libram of Three Truths
40 Junk
Libram of Valiance
40 Junk
Libram of Veracity
40 Junk
Malformed Eredar Head
40 Junk
Nearly Satisfactory Eredar Head
40 Junk
40 Junk
Obliterum Ash
40 Junk
Primal Obliterum
40 Junk
Ruptured Power Cell
40 Junk
Sigil of Insolence
40 Junk
Sigil of the Bone Gryphon
40 Junk
Sigil of the Hanged Man
40 Junk
Sigil of Virulence
40 Junk
Soul-Infused Cranium
40 Junk
Totem of Calming Tides
40 Junk
Totem of Electrifying Wind
40 Junk
Totem of the Surging Sea
40 Junk
Vintage Enchanting Recipe
40 Junk
Vintage Enchanting Recipe
40 Junk
Vintage Enchanting Recipe
40 Junk
Vintage Enchanting Recipe
40 Junk
Vintage Enchanting Recipe
40 Junk
Void Sliver
40 Junk