

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Fractured Personality Module
40 Junk
Fractured Trophy
40Looted Junk
Fragile Model of Stormwind Keep
40Looted Junk
Frothing Vapor
40Looted Junk
Gelatinous Roe
40Looted Junk
Ghastly Ooze
40Looted Junk
Giant Frog Leg
40Looted Junk
Glimmering Ember
40Looted Junk
Glittering Chill
40Looted Junk
Glossy Fur
40 Junk
Glowfly Abdomen
40 Junk
Golden Ornament
40Looted Junk
Greblin's Profit Sharing Dividends
40 Junk
Grim Skull Fetish
40Looted Junk
Grindstone Molar
40Looted Junk
Gristly Morsel
40Looted Junk
Half-Eaten Sausage
40Looted Junk
Handbook of Knot Tying
40Looted Junk
Hardshell Mollusk
40Looted Junk
Hardy Hoof
40Looted Junk
Hooked Talon
40Looted Junk
Huge Femur
40Looted Junk
Humming Dew
40Looted Junk
Idol of Flaring Growth
40 Junk
Idol of Lunar Fury
40 Junk
Idol of Mutilation
40 Junk
Idol of the Black Willow
40 Junk
Idol of the Crying Moon
40 Junk
Idol of the Lunar Eclipse
40 Junk
Inert Stone
40Looted Junk
Intricate Ossicles
40Looted Junk
Iridescent Speck
40Looted Junk
Ivory Sigilstone
40 Junk
Ivory Tusk
40Looted Junk
Jade Sigilstone
40Looted Junk
Jagged Fang
40Looted Junk
Jar of Truffles
40Looted Junk
Keeled Breastbone
40Looted Junk
Lambent Feather
40 Junk
Leaky Grog Flask
40Looted Junk
Libram of Blinding Light
40 Junk
Libram of Defiance
40 Junk
Libram of Three Truths
40 Junk
Libram of Valiance
40 Junk
Libram of Veracity
40 Junk
Lifeless Clay
40Looted Junk
Loaded Deck of Cards
40Looted Junk
Luminous Scale
40Looted Junk
Lustrous Black Feather
40Looted Junk
Malformed Eredar Head
40Looted Junk
Matted Felt
40 Junk
Matted Pelt
40Looted Junk
Monkey's Paw
40 Junk
Mucose Tendril
40Looted Junk
Nearly Satisfactory Eredar Head
40Looted Junk
Needlepoint Bill
40Looted Junk
Nibbled Crystal
40Looted Junk
40Created, Looted Junk
Obliterum Ash
40 Junk
Obsidian Sigilstone
40 Vault Guardian Junk
Oily Blubber
40Looted Junk
Parched Honeycomb
40Looted Junk
Patch of Fine Goat Hair
40 Junk
Pearly Incisor
40Looted Junk
Peg Leg Repair Kit
40Looted Junk
Personal Spice Stash
40Looted Junk
Pestilent Muck
40Looted Junk
PH Cooking Reward
40 Junk
PH Pet Reward
40 Junk
Pilfered Curio
40Looted Junk
Pirate Casino Chits
40 Junk
Pointy Leg Segment
40Looted Junk
Prehensile Tongue
40Looted Junk
Primal Obliterum
40 Junk
Puka's Missing Ball
40Looted Junk
Raider's Countdown Timer
40Looted Junk
Rat Tail
40Looted Junk
40Looted Junk
Robust Horn
40Looted Junk
Rotary Gasket
40Looted Junk
40 Oddly-Shaped Stomach Junk
Royal Jelly
40Looted Junk
Ruined Spellbook
40Looted Junk
Ruptured Power Cell
40 Junk
Rust-Eaten Sword
40Looted Junk
Rusted Precision Gripper
40 Junk
Rusting Arms
40 Savage Crate of Battlefield Goods Junk
Rusty Gear
40Looted Junk
Salty Pocket Lint
40Looted Junk
Sausage Casing
40Looted Junk
Sawtooth Jawbone
40Looted Junk
Scale Oil
40Looted Junk
Seized Sparksaw
40 Junk
Severed Foot
40Looted Junk
Severed Mandible
40Looted Junk
Shaggy Mane
40Looted Junk
Sharpened Canine
40Looted Junk
40Looted Junk
Sigil of Insolence
40 Junk
Sigil of the Bone Gryphon
40 Junk