

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Corroded Bangle
100 Junk
Corroded Vial
100 Junk
Corrupt Tribal Totem
100 Junk
Cracked Amber Doll
100 Junk
Cracked Stone Mask
100 Junk
Creeping Hive Cobweb
100 Junk
Deep Sea Starfish
100 Junk
Demonic Residue
100 Junk
Desert Voodoo Token
100 Junk
Dragon Leash Link
100 Junk
Drained Flask
100 Junk
Duchess Helveera
100 Junk
Duelist's Glove
100 Junk
Dunemaul Ritual Cord
100 Junk
Dust Filled Flask
100 Junk
100 Junk
Empty Dredwing Skin
100 Junk
Faulty Hookshot
100 Junk
Feathered Drake Down
100 Junk
Fel Glowing Goo
100 Junk
Fine Handkerchief
100 Junk
Fused Circuit
100 Junk
Gelatinous Ichor
100 Junk
Gleaming Crystal
100 Junk
Gorm Bracelet
100 Junk
Gory Keepsake
100 Junk
Gritty Bone File
100 Junk
Guardian's Acorn
100 Junk
Handful of Dragonscales
100 Junk
Hibiscus Tea Bag
100 Junk
Illegible Journal
100 Junk
Ironwood Needle
100 Junk
Legion Beast Skull
100 Junk
Lifecrafted Flute
100 Junk
Lifeless Branch
100 Junk
Mane Hair Harp
100 Junk
Mangled Toothpick
100 Junk
Muck-Hardened Marble
100 Junk
Night Lily's Bell
100 Junk
Opposable Claw
100 Junk
Petrified Leaf
100 Junk
Preserved Organ
100 Junk
Pulled Canine
100 Junk
Radiant Fel Ash
100 Junk
Resilient Hide
100 Junk
Sand-Worn Tool
100 Junk
Scroll of Foul Rites
100 Junk
Shackle Chain
100 Junk
Shimmerbough Recorder
100 Junk
Silver Flask
100 Junk
Simple Manacles
100 Junk
Sleepy Toadstool
100 Junk
Smooshed Maggot
100 Junk
Spriggan Pipes
100 Junk
Tangled Netting
100 Junk
Teeth-Marked Bone Chips
100 Junk
The Banewood Road
100 Junk
Tithe Jar
100 Junk
Twisted Prayer Beads
100 Junk
Voltive Candles
100 Junk
War Braid Adornment
100 Junk
Warped Spectacles
100 Junk
Weird Egg
100 Junk
Worn Rune-Adorned Pouch
100 Junk
Good Fortune
90 Junk
Time-Twisted Anomaly
88 Junk
Plans: <Random Enchanting Plan>
85 Junk
Plans: <Random Tailoring Pattern>
85 Junk
Congealed Mana
85 Junk
Seal Underfur
85 Junk
Crimson Valorstone
80 Junk
Golden Valorstone
80 Junk
Void-Touched Valorstone
80 Junk
Brazie's Gnomish Pleasure Device
80 Junk
[DNT] Zone 1 Placeholder Treasure
80 Junk
Acid-Etched Pendant
80 Junk
Acid-Filled Sack
80 Junk
Adventures of Libarbie and Lichen
80 Junk
Agitated Water
80 Junk
Almost Priceless Artifact
80 Junk
Ancient Bronze Hourglass
80 Junk
Ancient Runic Hilt
80 Junk
Ancient Runic Hilt
80 Junk
Ancient Tool
80 Junk
Barbed Pincers
80 Junk
Battered Lantern
80 Junk
Battered Vrykul Lantern
80 Junk
Big Gold Nugget
80 Junk
Bioluminescent Thorax
80 Junk
Bloodied Idol
80 Junk
Bloodied Medallion
80 Junk
Bloodied Siren Pendant
80 Junk
Book of Vile Incantations
80 Junk
Bottled Darkness
80 Junk
Bowl of Pulsing Goo
80 Junk
Braided Seaweed Bangle
80 Junk
Broken Elevator Cog
80 Junk
Broken Shadow Beast Binding
80 Junk
Broken Stirrup
80 Junk
Broken Trident Prong
80 Junk