

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Shaggy Mane
40Looted Junk
Shanty Sheet Music
50Looted Junk
Shapeable Muck
50 Junk
Shardhide Spine-Fin
1 Junk
Shark Bait
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Junk
Sharp Arrow
15 Junk
Sharp Bird Talon
70 Junk
Sharp Canine
1Looted Junk
Sharp Crocolisk Tooth
1Looted Junk
Sharp Fangs
32Looted, Mined, Skinned Junk
Sharp Kodo Horn
1Looted Junk
Sharpened Canine
40Looted Junk
Sharpened Digging Claws
80 Junk
Sharpened Raptor Talon
1Looted Junk
Sharpened Shalewing Bones
70 Junk
Sharpened Splinters
1 Junk
Sharpened Steel Implement
80 Junk
Shattered Adamant Scales
70 Tuskarr Tacklebox Junk
Shattered Armor
35 Ancient War Remnants Junk
Shattered Bone Fragment
32Looted Junk
Shattered Crystal Pendant
1Looted Junk
Shattered Dragonscale
5050 Junk
Shattered Exoskeleton Fragment
1Looted Junk
Shattered Firestone
55 Junk
Shattered Gem Fragments
1Looted, Mined Junk
Shattered Golem Fragments
32Looted Junk
Shattered Jaws
1Looted Junk
Shattered Log
1Looted Junk
Shattered Memento
50 Junk
Shattered Necklace
1Looted Junk
Shattered Orbiter Crystal
55 Junk
Shattered Power Core
1Looted, Fished Junk
Shattered Quartz Eyes
120 Junk
Shattered Rock Fragments
1Looted, Mined Junk
Shattered Shell Fragment
1Looted Junk
Shattered Stone
1Looted Junk
Shattered Stone
1 Junk
Shattered Timequartz
5050 Junk
Shattered Weapon Fragments
35Looted Junk
Sheaf of Tideskorn Poetry
1 Junk
Shed Fur
1Looted, Fished Junk
Shed Lizard Skin
1Looted Junk
Shed Raptor Scale
1Looted Junk
Shed Skin
80 Junk
Shells in a Conch
1 Junk
Shimmerbough Recorder
100 Junk
40Looted Junk
Shimmering Basilisk Skin
1Looted Junk
Shimmering Claw
1Looted Junk
Shimmering Pollen
32Looted, Gathered Junk
Shimmering Shards
1Looted, Mined Junk
Shining Amethyst Cluster
80 Junk
Shiny Bloodmaul Baubles
35Looted Junk
Shiny Bracelet
1Looted Junk
Shiny Carapace
32Looted Junk
Shiny Dinglehopper
1Looted, Fished, Pick Pocketed Junk
Shiny Metal Scraps
1 Junk
Shiny Pebble
1Looted, Mined Junk
Shiny Petrified Leaf
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Junk
Shiny Polished Stone
1Looted Junk
Shiny Ring
42Looted, Pick Pocketed Junk
Shiny Rocks
1 Junk
Shiny Seashell
1Looted Junk
Shiny Tail Hair
1Looted Junk
50Looted Junk
Shipping Contract
1 Emery Camden Junk
Shore-Cleansing Standard
36 Junk
Short Rib
70 Junk
Shredded Alliance Emblem
50 Alliance Bounty Junk
Shredded Cloth
1 Junk
Shredded Documents
1 Junk
Shredded Flipper
1Looted Junk
Shredded Grid
5050 Junk
Shredded Horde Emblem
50 Horde Bounty Junk
Shredded Mawsworn Tunic
1 Junk
Shredded Parchment
1Looted, Fished Junk
Shredded Wyrm Wing
1Looted Junk
Shriekwing by Krentis
1 Junk
Shriveled Boar Eye
1 Crate of Tasty Meat Junk
Shriveled Onion
1 Onion Junk
Shriveled Roots
50 Junk
Sickly Fish
1Looted, Fished Junk
Sigil of Arthritic Binding
33 Junk
Sigil of Awareness
35Looted Junk
Sigil of Haunted Dreams
35 Junk
Sigil of Insolence
40 Junk
Sigil of the Bone Gryphon
40 Junk
Sigil of the Dark Rider
27 Junk
Sigil of the Frozen Conscience
33 Junk
Sigil of the Hanged Man
40 Junk
Sigil of the Unfaltering Knight
35 Junk
Sigil of the Vengeful Heart
35 Junk
Sigil of Virulence
40 Junk
Silithid Chitin
23 Junk
Silithid Ichor
1 Silithid Harvester Junk
Silk Spigot
50 Junk
Silken White Feather
40Looted Junk
Silky Mane
120 Junk
Silky Plumage
1Looted Junk
Silky Tail Hair
1Looted Junk