

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Torn Flipper
1Looted Junk
Torn Fragment of Cloth
1 Ancient Elven Chest Junk
Torn Furry Ear
1Looted, Fished Junk
Torn Hexbag
1 Junk
Torn Moth Wing
1Looted Junk
Torn Note
1 Junk
Torn Pieces of a Blight Boar Poster
1 Death Metal Knight Junk
Torn Robes
1 Mage Hunter Personal Effects Junk
Torn Sail
1Looted, Fished Junk
Torn Scroll
1Created Junk
Torn Scroll
1Created Junk
Torn Scroll
1Created Junk
Torn Vicious Saddle
1Looted Junk
Torn Wyrm Scale
1Looted Junk
Torok Bloodtotem's Coin
1Fished Junk
Torture Device Parts
1 Junk
Town Meeting Notice
1Looted Junk
Toxic Helboar Meat
1Created Junk
Toy Soldier Weapons
1 Junk
Trainee's Tarnished Blade
1Looted Junk
Tranquility Stone
1 Junk
Transferable Vellum
1 Faintly Magical Vellum Junk
Translucent Ectoplasm
1 Nightmare Terror Junk
Translucent Polished Stone
1 Junk
Translucent Scale
1Looted Junk
Transparent Brille
1Looted Junk
Trashed Equations
1 Junk
Treasure Placeholder
1 Junk
Tree Branch
1Fished Junk
Trenchant Fang
1Looted Junk
Tribal Raptor Feathers
1Looted Junk
Troll Keepsake
1Looted Junk
Troll Sweat
1Looted Junk
Troll Sweat
1 Prince's Plunder Junk
Trophy Jaws
1Looted Junk
Trophy Raptor Skull
1Looted Junk
Tuft of Gorilla Hair
1Looted Junk
Turbo Survey Bot
1 Junk
Turning the Other Cheek
1Looted Junk
Tusk Warmer
1 Thousand Needles Junk
Tusk Wax
1Looted Junk
Twilight Cultist Medallion of Station
1 Junk
Twisted Rock Flayer Talon
1Looted Junk
Twitching Leg
1Looted Junk
Twitchy Scaly Tail
1Looted Junk
Two-Toned Greaves
1 Junk
1Unobtainable, Looted Junk
Tyrande's Coin
1 Dalaran Junk
Ultra Healing Potion
1 Junk
Ultrasafe Bullet Machine
1 Junk
Unbendable Card
1 Junk
Undamaged Hippogryph Feather
1 Junk
Undelivered Love Letter
1Looted Junk
Underground Map
1Looted Junk
Undermine Remnant
1 Junk
Understanding the Purpose
1 Junk
Unidentified Bits
1 Junk
Unidentified Bone
1 Junk
Unidentified Eye
1 Crate of Meat Junk
Unidentified Fluid
1 Junk
Unidentified Fragment
1 Junk
Unidentified Organ
1 Junk
Unidentified Powder
1 Junk
Unidentified Scale
1 Bag of Helpful Things Junk
Unidentified Tissue
1 Junk
Unopened Safety Manual
1 Junk
Unremarkable Spider-Fang
1 Junk
Untainted Scales
1 Junk
Unwarmed Shoes
1 Junk
Unwashed Ornate Flagon
1 Junk
Upper Map Fragment
1 Pirate's Footlocker Junk
Used Locket
1 Junk
Used Treasure Map
1 Plundered Supplies Junk
Vacant Soul Vessel
1 Junk
Vampiric Fang
1Looted Junk
Vargoth's Copper Coin
1Fished Junk
Velvet Ear
1 Junk
Velvety Ear
1 Junk
Vereesa's Copper Coin
1Fished Junk
Very Unlucky Rock
1Looted Junk
Vial of Diluted Herbal Remedy
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Junk
Vial of Questionable Liquid
1 Junk
Vial of Spectral Tears
1 Junk
Vibrant Feather
1Looted Junk
Vibrant Petals
1Looted, Gathered Junk
Vibrant Plume
1Looted Junk
Vicious Fang
1Looted Junk
Vicious Incisors
1Looted Junk
Vicious Scorpid Claw
1Looted Junk
Vignette Placeholder
1100 Junk
Viral Sample
1Looted Junk
Void-Tainted Talon
1Looted Junk
Voo Juice
1 Guardian of Zim'Rhuk Junk
Vorpal Claw
1Looted Junk
Vulture Egg Shell
1 Sun Baked Dung Junk
Vulture Talon
1Looted Junk
Vydhar's Wooden Nickel
1Fished Junk
Warden's Arrow
127 Junk
Warfare Vol. 27: Behind Enemy Lines
1 Junk
Warped Branding Rod
1 Junk