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Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Reins of the Gilded Riding Crane
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Guardian Quilen
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Jade Pterrordax
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Jungle Riding Crane
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Kafa Yak
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Little Red Riding Goat
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Luxurious Riding Crane
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Marble Quilen
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Modest Expedition Yak
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Night Pterrorwing
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Pale Riding Crane
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Palehide Mushan Beast
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Purple Shado-Pan Riding Tiger
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Riverwalker Mushan
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Rose Riding Crane
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Silver Riding Crane
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Snowy Riding Goat
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of the Tropical Riding Crane
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Reins of Valiance
110 Mount
Sky Surfer
Remix: Pandaria
1 Mount
Magic Broom
110Looted Mount