

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Carefully Written Letter
1 Junk
Cell Chain Pull
1 Other
Centurion Anima Core
1 Reagent
Century Sauce
1 Other
Challenge Card: A. Milton
Rank 7
1 Other
Champions of Azeroth Survival Kit
1 Other
Chitterspine Meat
1 Other
Cleansed Moonthorn Bundle
1Created Other
Comfortable Saddle Blanket
1 Other
Compiled Report
Secrets of Azeroth
1 Other
Compiled Research
1Created Junk
Concentrated Sophic Vellum
1Created Other
Conductive Sheath
1Looted Other
Copied Artifact Storage Key
Secrets of Azeroth
1 Other
Copper Coin of the Isles
1 Other
Copy of a Damaged Apprentice Journal
1 Junk
Copy of Blinking Rules & Regulations
1 Junk
Copy of Bundle of Romantic Correspondences
1 Junk
Copy of Common / Orcish Dictionary
1 Junk
Copy of Excerpts from the Journal of Archmage Vargoth
1 Junk
Copy of Kirin Tor Monthly (March Issue)
1 Junk
Copy of Kirin Tor Monthly (May Issue)
1 Junk
Copy of Kirin Tor Monthly (November Issue)
1 Junk
Copy of Losses of the Third War
1 Junk
Copy of On the Virtues of Magic
1 Junk
Copy of Polymorphic Rules & Regulations
1 Junk
Copy of Remedial Magic 101: Tips from the Pros
1 Junk
Copy of The Archmage Antonidas - Part I
1 Junk
Copy of The Archmage Antonidas - Part II
1 Junk
Copy of The Archmage Antonidas - Part III
1 Junk
Copy of The Dangers of Magic Abuse
1 Junk
Copy of The Fluffy Bunny
1 Junk
Copy of the Journal of Archmage Antonidas
1 Junk
Copy of The Old Wizard's Almanac
1 Junk
Copy of The Schools of Arcane Magic - Abjuration
1 Junk
Copy of The Schools of Arcane Magic - Conjuration
1 Junk
Copy of The Schools of Arcane Magic - Divination
1 Junk
Copy of The Schools of Arcane Magic - Enchantment
1 Junk
Copy of The Schools of Arcane Magic - Illusion
1 Junk
Copy of The Schools of Arcane Magic - Introduction
1 Junk
Copy of The Schools of Arcane Magic - Necromancy
1 Junk
Copy of The Schools of Arcane Magic - Transmutation
1 Junk
Copy of The Worst Mage in Dalaran: A Children's Book
1 Junk
Copy of Thinking with Portals - A Memorandum on Proper Portal Usage
1 Junk
Copy of Weathered Diary - Dates from the Third War
1 Junk
Corrupted Bone Fragment
1 Other
Crab-Guiding Branch
1Created Other
Cracked Argent Dawn Commission
1 Other
Cracked Band
1Unobtainable, Looted Other
Cracked Potion Vial
1Looted, Fished Other
Crafty's Sack
1 Junk
Creased Letter
1Unobtainable Junk
Crowded Crate of Mined Materials
1 To Give One's Heart Other
Crusader's Tent
1Crafted Other
Crystal Magical Lockpick
1 Other
Cub's First Toy
1 Junk
Cursed Queenfish Recipes
1 Junk
Cyclical Power Converter
Trading Post Part
1Looted Other
Cyclical Power Framing
Trading Post Part
1Looted Other
Cyclical Power Housing
Trading Post Part
1Looted Other
Cyclical Power Sequencer
Trading Post Part
1Looted Other
Dampening Emitter
1 Other
Danger Detector Boots
1Unobtainable Other
Danger Detector Harness
1Unobtainable Other
Darkmoon Ride Ticket
1Looted Junk
Darkspear Rations
1 Other
Darnassus Gift Collection
1Created, Quest Holiday
De Gral Kantik
1 Other
Deathknell Rations
1 Other
Deathweaver's Hovel
1Crafted Other
Den Rations
1 Other
Dented Shovel
1Created Other
Dented Spearhead
1 Other
Depleted Goliath Core
1 Reagent
Deprecated Horse Summoning (Mount)
1 Junk
Deprecated Summon Brown Wolf (Mount)
1 Junk
Desiccated Leather Cloak
1Unobtainable, Looted Other
Dinner Suit Box
1 Junk
Dire Missive
1 Other
Discarded Advertisement
1 Junk
Discarded Phalynx Core
1 Other
Disgusting Feast
1Created Other
Distressingly Furry Tent
1Crafted Other
Djaradin Pillar Shard
1 Other
DNT - Hyperbolic Circuit
1 Other
DNT- Smashed Transport Relay
1 Other
DNT-Transference Disc
1 Other
DO NOT USE Prismatic Codex
1 Other
Dog-Eared Note
1 Frozen Envelope Junk
Draconic Tools
1 Other
Draconium Angle Iron
1 Other
Dread Amber Shards
1Looted Junk
Dreamsurge Coalescence
1Looted Junk
Duck Trap Kit
1 Other
Dull Draconium Weapon Head
1 Other
Durable Crystal
1 Other
Echoing Betrayal
1 Other
Elaborate Lace Cuff
1 Other
Electrified Key
1Looted Other
Elekk Plushie
1Crafted Companion Pets