

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Tuskarr Traveling Soup Pot
5010 Other
Twitching Eyeball
5010 Other
Uldum Accord Supplies
50 Other
Underlight Sealamp
50 Other
Unrefined Azerite Geode
50Looted Other
Unshackled Supplies
50 Other
Vanity Mirror
Ember Court
5048Created Other
Veiled Satchel of Cooperation
50 Other
Veteran Rajani Sparkcallers Contract
50 Other
Veteran Ramkahen Lancers Contract
50 Other
Voidcaster's Supply Bag
50 Other
Void-Touched Skull
50 Other
Void-Touched Skull
50Created Other
Void-Touched Souvenir Totem
50 Other
Voldunai Supplies
50 Other
Voltscale Shield
50 Other
Vulgarity Arbiter
5048 Other
Warbeast Kraal Dinner Bell
50 Other
Waterborne Veterans Contract
50 Other
Whiskerwax Candle
5010Looted Other
Wicked Pocopoc
50 Other
Wild Hunt Supplies
50 Other
Words of Akunda
50 Other
Worn Cloak
50 Other
Zandalari Empire Supplies
50 Other
Zanj'ir Weapon Rack
50 Other
Zem'lan's Lost Treasure Map
50Created Other
Abyss Pearl
50 Other
Alpha Fin
50 Other
Bag of Potions
50 Other
Bag of Sin Stones
50 Other
Bonescript Dispatches
50 Other
Brightspine Shell
50 Other
Crumbling Pride Extractors
50 Other
Crumbling Sinstone
50 Other
50 Other
Enemy Infiltration - Preface
50 Other
Ephemera Orb
50 Other
Exposed Fish
50 Other
Exquisitely Woven Rug
50 Other
Fermented Deviate Fish
50 Other
Forgemaster's Crate
50 Other
Ghostly Pet Biscuit
50 Other
Gormling in a Bag
5048 Other
Herbalist's Pouch
50 Other
Lace Draperies
50 Other
Melee Veterans Contract
50 Other
Mirror Fragment
5048 Other
Molted Shell
50 Other
Mounted Veterans Contract
50 Other
Muck Slime
50 Other
50 Other
Orb of Visions
50 Other
Ornate Pyx
50 Other
Platter Master Stue
5045 Other
Ranged Veterans Contract
50 Other
50 Other
Regurgitated Kyrian Wings
50 Other
Renathal's Journal Pages
50 Other
Ripe Juicycrunch
50 Other
Sack of Plunder
50 Other
Sea Totem
50 Other
Seafarer's Coin Pouch
50 Other
Seafarer's Lost Coin Pouch
50 Other
Seastorm Totem
50 Other
Sliver of Burgeoning Ambition
50 Other
Spectral Handkerchief
5048 Other
Storm Totem
50 Other
Stylish Black Parasol
5048 Other
Sunwarmed Sand
50 Other
Tidal Guard
50 Other
Troop Requisition
50 Other
Troop Requisition
50 Other
Troop Requisition: Rajani Sparkcaller
50 Other
Troop Requisition: Ramkahen Lancer
50 Other
Wayfinder's Satchel
50 Other
Weathered Purple Parasol
5048 Other
Wriggling Spider Sac
50 Other
A Faintly Glowing Seed
50 Other
Battered Shield
50Looted, Fished Other
Bloodstained Mage Robe
50Unobtainable, Looted Other
Broken Hunting Scope
50Looted Other
Busted Alarm Bot
50Unobtainable, Looted Other
Captain Gulnaku's Treasure
50 Other
Counterfeit Luckydo
50 Other
Cracked Hand Drum
50Looted Other
Cracked Wand
50Unobtainable, Looted Other
Crumbling Elemental Stone
50 Other
Crumbling Statue
50Looted Other
Crushed Locket
50Unobtainable, Looted Other
Crystal Shards
50Unobtainable, Looted Other
Extra Gooey Gorm Gunk
50 Other
Extra-Chunky Dino Food
5010 Other
Faintly Magical Vellum
50Looted Other
Faulty Grenade
50Unobtainable, Looted Other
Felled Totem
50Unobtainable, Looted Other
Free-Range Dino Chow
5010 Other
Gnarled, Splintering Staff
50Unobtainable, Looted Other
Headless Figurine
50Unobtainable, Looted Other
Impotent Healing Potion
50Unobtainable, Looted Other