

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Noble Gardener's Hearthstone
1 Junk
Noblegarden Bunny
1 Companion Pets
Noble's Draught
1 Other
Northern Hawk Owl
1 Companion Pets
Nurtured Penguin Egg
1 Companion Pets
Nuts' Acorn
1 Petting Zoo Companion Pets
Obsidia Scale
1 Obsidia Junk
Obsidian Battle Horn
1 Junk
Obsidian Whelpling
1 Companion Pets
Octopode Fry
1Looted Companion Pets
Odd Murloc Egg
1 Companion Pets
Odd Twilight Egg
1Looted Companion Pets
Ohn'ir Windsage's Hearthstone
1 Junk
Old Man Thistle's Treasure
1 Junk
Old Treasure Map
1 Junk
Ominous Pile of Snow
1Looted Companion Pets
Onyx Scale of Rivendark
1 Rivendark Junk
Onyxian Whelpling
1Unobtainable Companion Pets
Orange Murloc Egg
1Unobtainable Companion Pets
Ordon Ceremonial Robes
1Looted Junk
Orphaned Felbat
1Looted Companion Pets
Orphaned Marsuul
1 Companion Pets
Overcomplicated Controller
1Looted Companion Pets
Overly Sensitive Void Spectacles
1 Other
Owl Post
1 Junk
Pair of Tiny Bat Wings
1 Companion Pets
Panda Collar
1Quest Companion Pets
Pandaren Air Spirit
1Looted, Quest Companion Pets
Pandaren Earth Spirit
1Looted, Quest Companion Pets
Pandaren Fire Spirit
1Looted, Quest Companion Pets
Pandaren Monk
1Blizzard Store Companion Pets
Pandaren Water Spirit
1Looted, Quest Companion Pets
Panther Cub
1 Companion Pets
Paper Flying Machine Kit
1Black Market AH Other
Paradox Spirit
1 Companion Pets
Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw)
1Looted, Black Market AH Companion Pets
Partially-Digested Meal
1Looted Junk
Path of the Naaru
1 Junk
1 Rock Lover Companion Pets
Peddlefeet's Lovely Hearthstone
1 Junk
Perculia's Peculiar Parrot
1 Companion Pets
Periwinkle Calf
1 Fel-Touched Pet Supplies Companion Pets
1 Companion Pets
Phoenix Hatchling
1Looted, Black Market AH Companion Pets
Picnic Basket
1Black Market AH Other
Pineapple Lounge Cushion
1Looted Holiday
1 Companion Pets
Pinkskin Burrower
1Created Companion Pets
Pitch Black Scourgestone
1 Other
Plagued Egg
1 Plaguefeather Companion Pets
Plainshunter's Supplies
1 Other
Playful Frostkin
1Looted Companion Pets
Plump Jelly
1 Companion Pets
Plundered Booty
1 Junk
Plundered Supplies
1Looted Junk
Pocket Cannon
1 Companion Pets
1Looted Companion Pets
1Looted Companion Pets
Pouch of Protogenic Provisions
1 Other
Preserved Preternatural Braincase
1 Other
Primal Invocation Quintessence
1 Other
Prince Renathal's Egg
Ember Court
1 Other
Pristine Stalker Hide
1Looted Junk
Pterrordax Hatchling
1Archaeology Companion Pets
Puddle of Black Liquid
1Looted Companion Pets
Puddle Terror
1 Big Bag of Pet Supplies Companion Pets
Pungent Blobfish
1 Junk
Purple Puffer
1 Companion Pets
Purple Stagshell
1 Companion Pets
Putricide's Alchemy Supplies
1Looted Companion Pets
Pygmy Camel
1 Companion Pets
Pygmy Direhorn
1Looted, Black Market AH Companion Pets
Pygmy Owl
1Looted Companion Pets
Quilen Statuette
1 Other
Quivering Blob
1Looted, Black Market AH Companion Pets
Race MiniZep Controller
1 Big Rocketeer: Gold Companion Pets
1 Companion Pets
Rak-Ush Battleshell
1 Companion Pets
Rattling Bones
1 Conflagros Companion Pets
Rattling Iron Cage
1Looted Other
Razzashi Hatchling
1Looted, Black Market AH Companion Pets
Reading Glasses
1 Junk
Rebuilt Gorilla Bot
1 Companion Pets
Rebuilt Mechanical Spider
1 Companion Pets
Rechargeable Alarm-O-Dog Battery
1 Companion Pets
Red Broodling
1 Companion Pets
Red Cricket
1 Chirping Package Companion Pets
Red Goren Egg
1Looted Companion Pets
Red Panda
1 Companion Pets
Red-Hot Coal
1Looted Companion Pets
Redridge Tarantula Egg
1 Gnollfeaster Companion Pets
1 Companion Pets
Reeking Pet Carrier
1 Shop Smart, Shop Pet...Smart Companion Pets
Reflections on Purity
1 Other
Reliquary Banner
1 Other
Remains of a Blood Beast
1Looted Companion Pets
Remembered Construct
1 Companion Pets
Remembered Riverpaw
1 Companion Pets
Remembered Spawn
1 Companion Pets
1 Companion Pets