

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Brittle Root
1Looted, Gathered Other
Buccaneer's Uniform
1 Junk
Bucket of Blue Paint
1Looted Junk
Bucket of Green Paint
1Looted Junk
Bucket of Grey Paint
1Looted Junk
Bucket of Teal Paint
1Looted Junk
Bulging Package
1 Other
Bulging Sack of Coins
1 Junk
Bulging Sack of Coins
1 Junk
Bulging Sack of Gems
1 Junk
Bulging Sack of Gold
1 Junk
Bulging Sack of Silver
1 Junk
Bunch of Berries
1 Other
Bundle of Cards
1Created Holiday
Burial Urn
1 Other
Burning Blossom
1Looted, Quest Junk
Bwonsamdi Voodoo Mask
1 Other
Calcified Eye In a Jar
1 Other
Canopic Jar
1Archaeology Other
Carved Bronze Mirror
1 Other
Case of Fresh Gleamfish
1Created Other
Case of Homebrew
1Created Holiday
Celebration Firework
1 Other
Cenarion Circle Cache
1 Junk
Centennial Blossom
1 Other
Ceremonial Bonesaw
1 Other
Ceremonial Tattoo Needles
1 Other
Chain Pet Leash
1Looted Companion Pets
Champion's Purse
1Quest Junk
Champion's Writ
1Quest Junk
Charged Crystal Focus
1Created Junk
Charmed Band
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Other
Charmed Bracelet
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Other
Charmed Choker
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Other
Charmed Pendant
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Other
Charmed Ring
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Other
Charred Locket
1Looted Other
Charred Recipe
1Looted Junk
Chest of Spoils
1 Junk
Chiu's Lute
Ember Court
1 Other
Chromie's Gold Coin
1Fished Junk
Cluster Launcher
1Crafted Holiday
Coldridge Mountaineer's Pouch
1 Junk
Cologne Bottle
1 Holiday
Combat Assignment
1 Junk
Consortium Packaging String
1 Other
Corrupted Globule
1 Val'sharah Other
Counterfeit Rastakhan Mask
1 Other
Cracked Gateway Control Stone
1 Junk
Cracked Ivory Idol
1 Other
Cracked Mogu Runestone
1 Other
Crate of Arakkoa Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Demon Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Draenei Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Draenor Clans Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Drust Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Dust
1 Junk
Crate of Dwarven Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Fossil Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Highborne Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Highmountain Tauren Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Leather
1 Junk
Crate of Mantid Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Meat
1Quest Junk
Crate of Mogu Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Nerubian Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Night Elf Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Ogre Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Orc Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Ore
1 Junk
Crate of Pandaren Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Tol'vir Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Troll Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Vrykul Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Crate of Zandalari Archaeology Fragments
1 Junk
Creepy Crawlers
1 Other
Crude Map
1Unobtainable Junk
Crumbled Keepsake
1 Junk
Curmudgeon's Payoff
1Quest Junk
Damp Repair Kit
1 Junk
1Created Junk
Darkrune Fragment
1 Junk
Darnassus Pledge Collection
1Created Holiday
Deactivated Blue Juggernaut
1Created Junk
Deactivated Green Juggernaut
1Created Junk
Deactivated Grey Juggernaut
1Created Junk
Deactivated Teal Juggernaut
1Created Junk
Decayed Rations
1 Junk
Decoded True Believer Clippings
1 Junk
Decree Scrolls
1 Other
1 Junk
Desecrated Seaweed
1Fished Other
Diamond Ring
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Other
Diary of Weavil
1 Junk
Discarded Memory Gem
1 Junk
Disembowling Sickle
1 Other
Doomsday Prophecy
1 Other
Draconic for Dummies
1 Junk
Draconic for Dummies
1 Junk
Draconic for Dummies
1 Junk