

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Bent Timedial
5050 Junk
Broken Hourglass
5050 Junk
Broken Visualizer
5050 Junk
Burned Codex
5050 Junk
Burst Seed Pod
5050 Junk
Corroded Gauge
5050 Junk
Cracked Aegis
5050 Junk
Cracked Containment Unit
5050 Junk
Cracked Display
5050 Junk
Cracked Dragonscale
5050 Junk
Cracked Iris Lens
5050 Junk
Cracked Lattice
5050 Junk
Cracked Memento
5050 Junk
Cracked Skull
5050 Junk
Cracked Tablet
5050 Junk
Cracked Titan Disc
5050 Junk
Cracked Turbo
5050 Junk
Crumbling Barrier
5050 Junk
Crumbling Memento
5050 Junk
Crumbling Mineral Formation
5050 Junk
Crumbling Rock
5050 Junk
Crumbling Vellum
5050 Junk
Dark Craggy Rock
5050 Junk
Decharged Battery
5050 Junk
Fading Dragonscale
5050 Junk
Fading Memento
5050 Junk
Fading Seed Bud
5050 Junk
Flakes of Blood
5050 Junk
Fractured Pearl
5050 Junk
Frayed Fetish
5050 Junk
Grinding Gearbox
5050 Junk
Inanimate Rock
5050 Junk
Inert Dragonscale
5050 Junk
Inert Mineral Dust
5050 Junk
Inert Rock
5050 Junk
Inert Slivers
5050 Junk
Moldy Tome
5050 Junk
Nullified Dust
5050 Junk
Overheated Mechanism
5050 Junk
Overloaded Capacitor
5050 Junk
Pitted Finger-Bone
5050 Junk
Quartermaster's Coin
5050 Junk
Scattered Bones
5050 Junk
Seed Husks
5050 Junk
Seized Engine
5050 Junk
Shattered Dragonscale
5050 Junk
Shattered Timequartz
5050 Junk
Shredded Grid
5050 Junk
Split Bone
5050 Junk
Split Differential
5050 Junk
Split Sphere
5050 Junk
Stopped Watch
5050 Junk
Tarnished Memento
5050 Junk
Torn Mesh
5050 Junk
Unraveling Web
5050 Junk
Warlord's Trophy
Notorious Combatant
5050 Junk
Warlord's Trophy
Notorious Challenger
5050 Junk
Warlord's Trophy
Notorious Rival
5050 Junk
Warlord's Trophy
Notorious Duelist
5050 Junk
Warlord's Trophy
Notorious Elite
5050 Junk
Warlord's Trophy
Sinister Challenger
5050 Junk
Warlord's Trophy
Sinister Rival
5050 Junk
Warlord's Trophy
Sinister Duelist
5050 Junk
Warlord's Trophy
Sinister Elite
5050 Junk
Warlord's Trophy
Sinister Combatant
5050 Junk
Warlord's Trophy
Dread Challenger
5050 Junk
Warlord's Trophy
Dread Rival
5050 Junk
Warlord's Trophy
Dread Duelist
5050 Junk
Warlord's Trophy
Dread Elite
5050 Junk
Warlord's Trophy
Dread Combatant
5050 Junk
Weathered Bulwark
5050 Junk
Withering Seed
5050 Junk
Dazar'alor Windreaver
3050 Mount
3050 Mount
Glacial Tidestorm
3050 Mount
Sharkbait's Favorite Crackers
3050Looted Mount
Refurbished Shredder
3050 Other
Bloodgorged Crawg
1050 Glory of the Uldir Raider Mount
Conqueror's Scythemaw
1050 Mount
Mummified Raptor Skull
1050Looted Mount
Reins of the Obsidian Krolusk
1050 Mount
Reins of the Quantum Courser
1050 Mount
Underrot Crawg Harness
1050Looted Mount
Encyclopedia of Sinstone Fragment Recovery
150 Other
A Venthyr Arm Holding a Cudgel
150 Other
Treatise on Sinstone Fragment Acquisition
150 Other
Lemet's Requisition Orders
150 Other
Ornate Belt Buckle
150 Other
A Bloody Hand
150 Other
A Sparkling Ruby Necklace
150 Other
Sinrunner Carving
150 Other
Helm of the Dominated
6048 Other
Mark of the Duskwing Raven
6048Crafted Other
Mark of the Gloomstalker Dredbat
6048Crafted Other
Mark of the Midnight Runestag
6048Crafted Other
Mark of the Regal Dredbat
6048Crafted Other
Mark of the Sable Ardenmoth
6048Crafted Other
Mark of the Shimmering Ardenmoth
6048Crafted Other
Mark of the Twilight Runestag
6048Crafted Other
Tithe Collector's Vessel
5048 Other