

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
A Hypothetical Examination of the Legion's Weaknesses
4545 Junk
A Hypothetical Examination of the Legion's Weaknesses
4545 Junk
Axe, Blade, and Fist
4545 Junk
Bindings of the Windlord
40 Junk
Bindings of the Windlord
40 Junk
Crystal Mallet of Heralds
1 Other
Haft of the God-King
40 Junk
How to Meditate in a Hurricane
4545 Junk
Immaculate Nightshard Curio
1 Other
Legends of the Silver Hand
4545 Junk
Map to the Last Worldvein
50 Other
Map to the Last Worldvein
50 Other
1 Other
Powerful Magical Foci and Those Who Wielded Them
4545 Junk
Seething Essence
1 Other
Skull of Nithogg
40 Junk
Skull of Shar'thos
40 Junk
The Annals of Light and Shadow
4545 Junk
The Fall of Lordaeron and the Scouring of the Eastweald
4545 Junk
The Fall of the Warchief
4545 Junk
The Hunt for Light's Wrath
4545 Junk
The Seven Curses of the Southern Seas
4545 Junk
The Untold Tales of the War of the Ancients
4545 Junk
The Untold Tales of the War of the Ancients
4545 Junk
[PH] Legendary Dust
1 Other
Abrogator Stone
1 Other
Abrogator Stone Cluster
1 Other
Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
2525 Junk
Awoken Titan Essence
4545 Junk
Bindings of the Windseeker
27 Junk
Bindings of the Windseeker
27 Junk
Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal
1017 Mount
Bundle of Nether Spikes
4027 Junk
Champion Equipment
1 Junk
Chimera of Fear
50 Other
Corrupting Core
50 Junk
Fragment of Frostmourne
1 Other
Frame of Atiesh
2525 Junk
Fyr'alath the Dreamrender
1 Other
Greater Bronze Cache
1 Other
Greater Spool of Eternal Thread
1 Other
Heart of the Thunder King
1 Other
Horrific Core
50 Junk
Immaculate Coalescing Dracothyst
50070 Other
Inspired Order Recalibrator
50070 Other
Lingering Echo of Tarecgosa
3010 Mount
Malefic Core
50 Junk
Peep's Whistle
2727 Mount
Reclaimed Gauntlet Chassis
50070 Other
Secrets of the Empire
48 Other
Seething Cinder
1 Junk
Shadowfrost Shard
1 Junk
Sigil of Power
48 Other
Sigil of Wisdom
48 Other
Splinter of Atiesh
2525 Junk
Titan Runestone
48 Other
Tome of Chaos
1 Other
Voidborn Core
50 Junk
[PH] Alliance Wolf Mount Red
3045 Mount
[PH] Amathet Cache
1 Junk
[PH] ArathiLynxMount (Black Fur, Black Armor)
1010 Mount
[PH] ArathiLynxMount (Gold Fur, Yellow Armor)
1010 Mount
[PH] ArathiLynxMount (White Fur, Purple Armor)
1010 Mount
[PH] Black-Furred Bakar
1045 Mount
[PH] Blue Old God Fish Mount
3045 Mount
[PH] Brown-Furred Spiky Bakar
1045 Mount
[PH] CaveBorerWormMount (Blue Skin, Purple Saddle)
1010 Mount
[PH] CaveBorerWormMount (Forest Skin, Blue Saddle)
1010 Mount
[PH] CaveBorerWormMount (Nocturne Skin, Red Saddle)
1010 Mount
[PH] DwarvenMechBoss (Gold)
3030 Mount
[PH] Firebee Mount (Blue Variant)
3030 Mount
[PH] Firebee Mount (Grey Skin, Silver Saddle)
3030 Mount
[PH] Firebee Mount (White Skin, White Saddle)
3030 Mount
[PH] Firefly2Mount (Green)
3030 Mount
[PH] Firefly2Mount (Purple)
3030 Mount
[PH] Firefly2Mount (Yellow)
3030 Mount
[PH] FlyingNerubian2 Mount (Tan Body, Orange Saddle)
3030 Mount
[PH] Goblin Surfboard
3045 Mount
[PH] Goliathus (Blue)
3030 Mount
[PH] Goliathus (Green)
3030 Mount
[PH] Goliathus (Purple)
3030 Mount
[PH] Gryphon_Air_Mount (White Skin, Gold Saddle)
3030 Mount
[PH] Mogu Cache
1 Junk
[PH] MoleMount (Brown Skin, Red Saddle, Teeth Tusks, Nose Pointed)
1010 Mount
[PH] MoleMount (Gray Skin, Purple Saddle, Teeth Tusks, Nose Base)
1010 Mount
[PH] MoleMount (Pink Skin, Blue Saddle, Teeth Rodent, Nose Large Pointed)
1010 Mount
[PH] MoleMountBasic (Blue Skin, Purple Saddle, Teeth Tusks, Nose Base)
1010 Mount
[PH] MoleMountBasic (Green Skin, Black Saddle, Teeth Tusks, Nose Star)
1010 Mount
[PH] MoleMountBasic (Yellow Skin, Blue Saddle, Teeth Rodent, Nose Large Pointed)
1010 Mount
[PH] NerubianWarbeastMount (Cyan)
3030 Mount
[PH] NerubianWarbeastMount (Orange)
3030 Mount
[PH] Nightsaber Horde Mount White
3045 Mount
[PH] N'Zoth Cache
1 Junk
[PH] Proto Ram Earthen (Sand Skin, Grand Horns, Dark Saddle)
1010 Mount
[PH] Proto Ram Earthen (White Skin, Grand Horns, White Saddle)
1010 Mount
[PH] Shadow Elemental (Black)
3030 Mount
[PH] Silver Armored Fel Bat Gladiator Mount
3030 Mount
[PH] SpiderUndergroundMount (Green)
1010 Mount
[PH] Torghast Boss Loot
1 Other
[PH] Twisted Dust
1 Other