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Name Level Source Req. Skill Type
Elemental Codex of Ultimate Power
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Alacritous Alchemist Stone
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Ascended Alchemist Stone
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Awakened Alchemist Stone
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Crushing Alchemist Stone
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Eternal Cauldron
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Greater Flask of Endless Fathoms
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Greater Flask of the Currents
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Greater Flask of the Undertow
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Greater Flask of the Vast Horizon
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Greater Mystical Cauldron
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Greater Mystical Cauldron
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Peerless Alchemist Stone
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion of Empowered Proximity
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion of Empowered Proximity
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion of Focused Resolve
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion of Focused Resolve
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion of Reconstitution
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion of Reconstitution
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Superior Battle Potion of Agility
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Superior Battle Potion of Intellect
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Superior Battle Potion of Stamina
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Superior Battle Potion of Strength
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Superior Steelskin Potion
Rank 3
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Sustaining Alchemist's Stone
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Vial of the Sands
32 Canopic Jar Alchemy Recipe
A Treatise on the Alchemy of Draenor
40 Alchemy Recipe
Advanced Phial Alchemical Experimentation
1 Alchemy Recipe
Advanced Potion Alchemical Experimentation
1 Alchemy Recipe
Draenor Blacksmithing
40 Alchemy Recipe
Draenor Jewelcrafting
40 Alchemy Recipe
Draenor Leatherworking
40 Alchemy Recipe
Draenor Tailoring
40 Alchemy Recipe
Mercurial Herbs
1 Alchemy Recipe
Mercurial Transmutation
1 Alchemy Recipe
Meticulous Experimentation
1 Alchemy Recipe
Neutralize Concoctions
1 Alchemy Recipe
Ominous Herbs
1 Alchemy Recipe
Ominous Transmutation
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Advanced Phial Experimentation
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Advanced Potion Experimentation
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Aerated Mana Potion
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Aerated Phial of Deftness
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Aerated Phial of Quick Hands
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Agitating Potion Augmentation
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Algari Alchemist Stone
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Basic Phial Experimentation
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Basic Potion Experimentation
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Bottled Putrescence
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Brood Salt
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Cauldron of Extracted Putrescence
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Cauldron of the Pooka
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Charged Phial of Alacrity
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Crafter's Mark III
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Crystalline Phial of Perception
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Delicate Suspension of Spores
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Draconic Phial Cauldron
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Draconic Suppression Powder
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Dreamwalker's Healing Potion
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Elemental Potion of Power
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Exultant Incense
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Fel Mana Potion
1Looted Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Fel Regeneration Potion
1Looted Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Fel Strength Elixir
1Looted Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Fervid Incense
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Illustrious Insight
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Infusion: Corpse Purification
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Major Rejuvenation Potion
25Looted Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Omnium Draconis
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Phial of Charged Isolation
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Phial of Elemental Chaos
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Phial of Glacial Fury
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Phial of Icy Preservation
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Phial of Static Empowerment
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Phial of Still Air
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Phial of Tepid Versatility
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Phial of the Eye in the Storm
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion Absorption Inhibitor
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion Cauldron of Power
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion Cauldron of Ultimate Power
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion of Chilled Clarity
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion of Frozen Fatality
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion of Frozen Focus
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion of Gusts
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion of Shocking Disclosure
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion of the Hushed Zephyr
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Potion of Withering Vitality
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Primal Convergent
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Reactive Phial Embellishment
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Refreshing Healing Potion
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Residual Neural Channeling Agent
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Sagacious Incense
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Silas' Sphere of Transmutation
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Somniferous Incense
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Stable Fluidic Draconium
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Steaming Phial of Finesse
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Stinky Bright Potion
1 Alchemy Recipe
Recipe: Sustaining Armor Polish
1 Alchemy Recipe