

clear all
Name Level Source Req. Skill Type
Meditation Manual: Zen Flight
45 Book
Mystical Tome: Arcane Linguist
45 Book
Mystical Tome: Illusion
45 Book
Necrophile Tome: Corpse Exploder
45 Book
Pet Training Manual: Fetch
45 Book
Pet Training Manual: Play Dead
45 Book
Technique: Codex of the Clear Mind
45Looted Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Fel-Touched Shards
45 Inquisitor Vethroz Inscription Technique
The Art of Concealment
45 Book
Tome of Hex: Cockroach
45 Book
Tome of Hex: Compy
45 Book
Tome of Hex: Snake
45 Book
Tome of Hex: Spider
45Looted Book
Tome of the Wilds: Charm Woodland Creature
45 Book
Tome of the Wilds: Flap
45 Book
Tome of the Wilds: Mount Form
45 Book
Tome of the Wilds: Track Beasts
45 Book
Tome of the Wilds: Treant Form
45 Book
Technique: Glyph of Arachnophobia
45Looted Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Autumnal Bloom
45Vendor Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Blackout
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Burnout
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Cracked Ice
45Vendor Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Crackling Crane Lightning
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Crackling Flames
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Crackling Ox Lightning
45Looted Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Critterhex
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Ember Shards
45Looted Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Falling Thunder
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Fallow Wings
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Fel Touched Souls
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Fel Wings
45Looted Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Fel-Enemies
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Flash Bang
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Flickering
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Floating Shards
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Ghostly Fade
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Mana Touched Souls
45Vendor Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Nesingwary's Nemeses
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Pebbles
45Looted Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Polymorphic Proportions
45Looted Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Shadow-Enemies
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Smolder
45Looted Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Sparkles
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Stellar Flare
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Aerial Chameleon
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Aquatic Chameleon
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Blazing Savior
45Vendor Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Chilled Shell
45Looted Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Crimson Shell
45Vendor Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Dire Stable
45Vendor Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Doe
45Looted Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Feral Chameleon
45Vendor Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Forest Path
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Goblin Anti-Grav Flare
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Headhunter
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Hook
45Looted Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Humble Flyer
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Inquisitor's Eye
45Vendor Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Lunar Chameleon
45Vendor Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Queen
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Sentinel
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Spectral Raptor
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Swift Chameleon
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Terrorguard
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Trident
45Looted Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of the Trusted Steed
45Looted Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Twilight Bloom
45Looted Inscription Technique
Technique: Glyph of Yu'lon's Grace
45Vendor Inscription Technique
Technique: Grimoire of the Fel Imp
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Grimoire of the Shadow Succubus
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Grimoire of the Shivarra
45Looted Inscription Technique
Technique: Grimoire of the Voidlord
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Grimoire of the Wrathguard
45 Inscription Technique
Technique: Tome of the Clear Mind
45 Inscription Technique
Formula: Enchant Neck - Mark of the Deadly
Rank 1
42 Enchanting Formula
Formula: Enchant Neck - Mark of the Deadly
Rank 2
42Looted Enchanting Formula
Formula: Enchant Neck - Mark of the Deadly
Rank 3
42Looted Enchanting Formula
Formula: Enchant Neck - Mark of the Master
Rank 1
42 Enchanting Formula
Formula: Enchant Neck - Mark of the Master
Rank 2
42Looted Enchanting Formula
Formula: Enchant Neck - Mark of the Master
Rank 3
42Looted Enchanting Formula
Formula: Enchant Neck - Mark of the Quick
Rank 1
42 Enchanting Formula
Formula: Enchant Neck - Mark of the Quick
Rank 2
42Looted Enchanting Formula
Formula: Enchant Neck - Mark of the Quick
Rank 3
42Looted Enchanting Formula
Formula: Enchant Neck - Mark of the Versatile
Rank 1
42 Enchanting Formula
Formula: Enchant Neck - Mark of the Versatile
Rank 2
42Looted Enchanting Formula
Formula: Enchant Neck - Mark of the Versatile
Rank 3
42Looted Enchanting Formula
A Compendium of the Herbs of Draenor
40Looted, Gathered Book
A Guide to Skinning in Draenor
40Looted, Skinned Book
A Treatise on Mining in Draenor
40Looted, Mined Book
A Treatise on the Alchemy of Draenor
40 Alchemy Recipe
Brittle Cartography Journal
40Looted Book
Design: Azsunite Pendant
40 Bruls Before Jewels Jewelcrafting Design
Design: Deep Amber Pendant
40 Bruls Before Jewels Jewelcrafting Design
Design: Skystone Pendant
40 Bruls Before Jewels Jewelcrafting Design
Draenor Blacksmithing
40 Alchemy Recipe
Draenor Enchanting
40 Enchanting Formula
Draenor Engineering
40 Engineering Schematic
Draenor Inscription
40 Inscription Technique
Draenor Jewelcrafting
40 Alchemy Recipe