

clear all
Name Level Source Type
Melted Vial
23 Other
Arcanite Rod
23 Enchanting
Heavy Parchment
25 Other
Fel Iron Rod
25 Enchanting
25 Herb
Whiptail Stem
25 Herb
25 Herb
Volatile Water
25 Elemental
Volatile Life
25 Elemental
Volatile Fire
25 Elemental
Volatile Earth
25 Elemental
Volatile Air
25 Elemental
Twilight Jasmine Petal
25 Herb
Twilight Jasmine
25 Herb
Toughened Flesh
25 Cooking
Striped Lurker
25 Cooking
Stormvine Stalk
25 Herb
25 Herb
Soul Dust
25 Enchanting
Snake Eye
25 Cooking
Silver Charm Bracelet
25 Inscription
25 Cooking
Savage Leather Scraps
25 Leather
Savage Leather
25 Leather
Pyrium-Laced Crystalline Vial
25 Other
Preserved Ogre Eye
25 Inscription
Obsidium Ore
25 Metal & Stone
Obsidium Bar
25 Metal & Stone
25 Cooking
Mountain Trout
25 Cooking
Monstrous Claw
25 Cooking
Lavascale Catfish
25 Cooking
Jeweler's Setting
25 Parts
Inscribed Scrollcase
25 Other
Hypnotic Dust
25 Enchanting
Highland Guppy
25 Cooking
Heavy Savage Leather
25 Leather
Heartblossom Petal
25 Herb
25 Herb
Hardened Elementium Bar
25 Metal & Stone
Handful of Obsidium Bolts
25 Parts
Giant Turtle Tongue
25 Cooking
Folded Obsidium
25 Metal & Stone
Fathom Eel
25 Cooking
Embersilk Cloth
25 Cloth
Elementium Ore
25 Metal & Stone
Elementium Bar
25 Metal & Stone
Electrified Ether
25 Parts
Dragon Flank
25 Cooking
Delicate Wing
25 Cooking
Deepstone Oil
25 Other
Deepsea Scale Fragment
25 Leather
Deepsea Scale
25 Leather
Deepsea Sagefish
25 Cooking
Deathwing Scale Fragment
25 Inscription
Curious Crate
25 Other
Crocolisk Tail
25 Cooking
Cocoa Beans
25 Other
Cinderbloom Petal
25 Herb
25 Herb
Bolt of Embersilk Cloth
25 Cloth
Blood Shrimp
25 Cooking
Blackfallow Ink
25 Inscription
Blackened Dragonscale Fragment
25 Leather
Blackened Dragonscale
25 Leather
Blackbelly Mudfish
25 Cooking
Basilisk "Liver"
25 Cooking
Azshara's Veil Stem
25 Herb
Azshara's Veil
25 Herb
Ashen Pigment
25 Inscription
Algaefin Rockfish
25 Cooking
Albino Cavefish
25 Cooking
25 Jewelcrafting
25 Metal & Stone
Pyrium Bar
25 Metal & Stone
Pyrite Ore
25 Metal & Stone
Prismatic Black Diamond
25 Jewelcrafting
Orc Blood Text
25 Other
25 Jewelcrafting
Lesser Celestial Essence
25 Enchanting
25 Jewelcrafting
Inferno Ink
25 Parts
Illustrious Gemdust
25 Jewelcrafting
25 Jewelcrafting
Greater Celestial Essence
25 Enchanting
Greater Astral Essence
25 Enchanting
Dwarven Keystone
25 Other
Draenei Tome
25 Other
25 Jewelcrafting
Burning Embers
25 Inscription
25 Jewelcrafting
Small Heavenly Shard
25 Enchanting
Shadowspirit Diamond
25 Jewelcrafting
Sands of Time
25 Other
Pristine Hide
25 Leather
Pristine Black Diamond
25 Jewelcrafting
Ocean Sapphire
25 Jewelcrafting
Living Ember
25 Other
Large Glimmering Shard
25 Enchanting
Inferno Ruby
25 Jewelcrafting