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Name Level Source Type
Kodo Meat
10 Cooking
Krasarang Paddlefish
30 Cooking
30 Metal & Stone
Kyparite Fragment
30 Metal & Stone
Laestrite Nugget
50 Metal & Stone
Laestrite Ore
50 Metal & Stone
Lakkamuk Blenny
Tuskarr Feast Reagent
60 Cooking
Lane Snapper
45 Cooking
Large Fang
10 Other
Large Obsidian Shard
10 Metal & Stone
Large Sturdy Femur
60 Other
Large Venom Sac
10 Other
Lavascale Catfish
25 Cooking
Lean Flank
28 Cooking
Lean Shank
40 Cooking
Lean Wolf Flank
10 Cooking
Leatherworking Reagent 05
50 Leather
Leatherworking Reagent 06
50 Leather
Leatherworking Reagent 07
50 Leather
Leatherworking Reagent 08
50 Leather
40 Cooking
Leyshimmer Blenny
40 Cooking
Leyshimmer Blenny
40 Cooking
Leystone Ore
40 Metal & Stone
20 Herb
Lichbloom Stalk
20 Herb
10 Herb
Liferoot Stem
10 Herb
Light Feather
10 Parts
Light Hide
10 Leather
Light Illusion Dust
10 Enchanting
Light Leather
10 Leather
Light Parchment
10 Other
Lightning Eel
10 Other
Lightweave Cloth
40 Cloth
Linen Cloth
10 Cloth
Lion Meat
10 Cooking
Lion's Ink
10 Inscription
Loose Trigger
40 Parts
Loosened Belt
1 Optional Reagents
Lost Sole
50 Cooking
Luminous Flux
50 Metal & Stone
Luminous Ink
50 Inscription
Luminous Pigment
50 Inscription
Lunker Bits
Tuskarr Feast Reagent
60 Cooking
Lusterwheat Flour
50 Cooking
Luxurious Feather
1 Optional Reagents
Lynx Meat
10 Cooking
Machinist's Oil
50 Other
10 Herb
Mageroyal Petal
10 Herb
Mageweave Cloth
10 Cloth
Magic Eater
30 Cooking
Magic-Eater Frog
40 Cooking
Magic-Eater Frog
40 Cooking
Malformed Gnasher
45 Cooking
Malleable Wire
50 Other
Mana Thistle
15 Herb
Mana Thistle Leaf
15 Herb
Tuskarr Feast Reagent
60 Cooking
Marbled Stone
70 Jewelcrafting
Marbled Stone
70 Jewelcrafting
Marbled Stone
70 Jewelcrafting
Maroon Ink
45 Inscription
Maroon Pigment
45 Inscription
Marrow Larva
50 Cooking
50 Herb
Marrowroot Petal
50 Herb
Massive Mojo
10 Other
Mastodon Tusk
60 Other
Mauve Stinger
45 Cooking
Maybe Meat
60 Cooking
Meaty Bat Wing
10 Cooking
Meaty Haunch
45 Cooking
Meaty Muscle
70 Cooking
Medium Hide
10 Leather
Medium Leather
10 Leather
Medley of Transplanar Spices
50 Cooking
Meltwater Beardfish
27 Cooking
Midnight Ink
10 Inscription
Mighty Mammoth Ribs
60 Cooking
Mild Spices
10 Other
Misshapen Filigree
60 Jewelcrafting
Missive of Critical Strike
51 Optional Reagents
Missive of Haste
51 Optional Reagents
Missive of Mastery
51 Optional Reagents
Missive of Versatility
51 Optional Reagents
Mist-Touched Leather
30 Leather
Mithril Bar
10 Metal & Stone
Mithril Casing
10 Parts
Mithril Filigree
10 Jewelcrafting
Mithril Ore
10 Metal & Stone
Mithril Ore Nugget
35 Metal & Stone
Mithril Tube
10 Parts
Mogu Pumpkin
30 Cooking
Moist Fillet
45 Cooking
Monelite Ore
45 Metal & Stone
Monstrous Claw
25 Cooking
10 Cloth
Moonglow Cuttlefish
20 Cooking