

clear all
Name Level Source Type
Blank Card of Voracity
50 Other
Callous Hide
50 Leather
Elysian Thade
50 Cooking
Enchanted Elethium Bar
50 Metal & Stone
Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide
50 Leather
Enchanted Lightless Silk
50 Cloth
Essence of Rebirth
50 Jewelcrafting
Essence of Servitude
50 Jewelcrafting
Essence of Torment
50 Jewelcrafting
Essence of Valor
50 Jewelcrafting
Gaunt Sinew
50 Leather
Ground Death Blossom
50 Herb
Ground Marrowroot
50 Herb
Ground Nightshade
50 Herb
Ground Rising Glory
50 Herb
Ground Vigil's Torch
50 Herb
Ground Widowbloom
50 Herb
Heavy Desolate Leather
50 Leather
Laestrite Setting
50 Jewelcrafting
Lightless Silk
50 Cloth
Mortal Coiled Spring
50 Parts
50 Herb
50 Jewelcrafting
Oxxein Nugget
50 Metal & Stone
Oxxein Ore
50 Metal & Stone
Phaedrum Nugget
50 Metal & Stone
Phaedrum Ore
50 Metal & Stone
Shaded Stone
50 Metal & Stone
50 Other
Shadowghast Ingot
50 Metal & Stone
Sinvyr Nugget
50 Metal & Stone
Sinvyr Ore
50 Metal & Stone
Solenium Nugget
50 Metal & Stone
Solenium Ore
50 Metal & Stone
Tranquil Ink
50 Inscription
Tranquil Pigment
50 Inscription
50 Jewelcrafting
Wormfed Gear Assembly
50 Parts
Aerated Water
50 Other
Aethereal Meat
50 Cooking
50 Other
Callous Hide Scraps
50 Leather
Creeping Crawler Meat
50 Cooking
Curing Salt
50 Other
Dark Parchment
50 Other
Death Blossom
50 Herb
Death Blossom Petal
50 Herb
Desolate Leather
50 Leather
Desolate Leather Scraps
50 Leather
Distilled Death Extract
50 Parts
Empty Kettle
50 Cooking
Handful of Laestrite Bolts
50 Parts
Immortal Shard
50 Other
Inconceivably Aged Vinegar
50 Cooking
Iridescent Amberjack
50 Cooking
Laestrite Nugget
50 Metal & Stone
Laestrite Ore
50 Metal & Stone
Leatherworking Reagent 05
50 Leather
Leatherworking Reagent 06
50 Leather
Leatherworking Reagent 07
50 Leather
Leatherworking Reagent 08
50 Leather
Lost Sole
50 Cooking
Luminous Flux
50 Metal & Stone
Luminous Ink
50 Inscription
Luminous Pigment
50 Inscription
Lusterwheat Flour
50 Cooking
Machinist's Oil
50 Other
Malleable Wire
50 Other
Marrow Larva
50 Cooking
50 Herb
Marrowroot Petal
50 Herb
Medley of Transplanar Spices
50 Cooking
Necrotic Leather
50 Leather
Pallid Bone
50 Leather
Penumbra Thread
50 Other
Phantasmal Haunch
50 Cooking
Pocked Bonefish
50 Cooking
Porous Polishing Abrasive
50 Parts
Porous Stone
50 Metal & Stone
Purified Leather
50 Leather
Raw Seraphic Wing
50 Cooking
Relic of the Past I
50 Optional Reagents
Relic of the Past II
50 Optional Reagents
Relic of the Past III
50 Optional Reagents
Relic of the Past IV
50 Optional Reagents
Relic of the Past V
50 Optional Reagents
Rich Grazer Milk
50 Cooking
Rising Glory
50 Herb
Rising Glory Petal
50 Herb
Rune Etched Vial
50 Other
Sealing Wax
50 Other
Shadowy Shank
50 Cooking
Shrouded Cloth
50 Cloth
Silvergill Pike
50 Cooking
Sinful Leather
50 Leather
Smuggled Azerothian Produce
50 Cooking
Soul Dust
50 Enchanting
Spinefin Piranha
50 Cooking
Tenebrous Ribs
50 Cooking
Twilight Bark
50 Other