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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Kolkar Polearm
202.13.60Two Hand Death to Agogridon Polearm
Lance of Beledar's Pride
43768434.93.60Two Hand Polearm
Lantresor's Warblade
312.73.60Two Hand Message to Telaar Polearm
Lantresor's Warblade
312.73.60Two Hand Message to Garadar Polearm
Lavish Floral Stalk
10.63.60Two Hand Polearm
Ley-Line Tracer
2505850.43.60Two Hand Polearm
Livestock Lochaber Axe
443.43.60Two HandUnobtainable, Looted Polearm
Malik's Stalwart Spear
39333.13.60Two Hand Malik's Stalwart Spear Polearm
Marauder King's Body Carver
10.63.60Two Hand Polearm
Mighty Gorian Halberd
443.43.60Two HandQuest Polearm
Mi'kai's Deathscythe
1554811.73.60Two Hand Polearm
Mo'arg Enforcer's Halberd
10.63.60Two Hand Polearm
Monster - Polearm, Epic D 04
10.62.00Two Hand Polearm
Monstrous Glaive
25192.43.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Munificent Polearm
44403.43.60Two Hand Munificent Armament Polearm
Mutineer's Fate
594.73.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Nerubian Cutthroat's Reach
43768434.93.60Two Hand Polearm
Nhallish's Bloody Polearm
443.43.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Night Elven Spear
10.63.60Two Hand Polearm
Nokhud Goliath's Spear
10.63.60Two Hand Polearm
Nokhud Stalker's Spear
1600.63.60Two Hand Polearm
Nokhud Warspear
10.63.60Two Hand Polearm
Obsidian Aspirant's Longspear
36670224.43.60Two Hand Polearm
Obsidian Aspirant's Polearm
36670224.43.60Two Hand Polearm
Obsidian Wingedguard Polearm
10.63.60Two Hand Polearm
Obsidian Wingguard Polearm
10.63.60Two Hand Polearm
Obsidium Bladespear
36303.03.60Two HandCrafted Polearm
Orguluus' Spear
2006022.03.60Two Hand Polearm
Overgrown Freyan Pike
10.63.60Two HandVendor Polearm
Pandaren Fishing Spear
38333.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
27212.53.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Pillar of Malice
42373.33.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Pinku'shon's Impaler
58504.73.60Two Hand Pinku'shon Polearm
Pitchfork of Mojo Madness
29252.73.60Two HandCrafted Polearm
Plaguebringer's Halberd
60504.83.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Plasma Rat's Hyper-Scythe
32272.83.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Plundered Berserker's Poleaxe
60504.83.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Plundered Jinyu Spear
60504.83.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Plundered Poleaxe of Intimidation
60504.83.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Plundered Vanguard Trident
60504.83.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Poached Kalu'ak Spear
2505850.43.60Two Hand Polearm
Poison-Tipped Bone Spear
21132.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Poleaxe of Somber Fate
43768434.93.60Two Hand Polearm
Poleaxe of the Horde Vanguard
443.43.60Two HandQuest Polearm
Preserved Defender's Spear
1700.63.60Two Hand Polearm
Primal Combatant's Pike
Warlords Season 1
44403.43.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Primal Combatant's Pike
Warlords Season 1
44403.43.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Pristine Floral Stalk
10.63.60Two Hand Polearm
Quarryslayer Glaive
2505850.43.60Two Hand Polearm
Ravager Hunting Spear
44403.43.60Two Hand Lodged Hunting Spear Polearm
Razorbone Spear
584.73.60Two Hand Polearm
Reclaimed Tuskarr Harpoon
35060193.33.60Two Hand Polearm
Recruit's Sturdy Polearm
2521052.33.60Two Hand Polearm
Recruit's Sturdy Polearm
2521052.33.60Two Hand Polearm
Relgor's Master Glaive
443.43.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Ritter's Rat Render
39313.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Rootweave Spear
50453.73.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Rosy Floral Stalk
10.63.60Two Hand Polearm
Royal Purifier's Spade
594.73.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Ruthless Shiv
22142.23.60Two Hand Polearm
Saliva Corroded Pike
35303.03.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Sand Tracker's Spear
36313.03.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Savage Gladiator's Pike
35303.03.60Two Hand Polearm
Scalewarden's Impaler
35060193.33.60Two Hand Polearm
Scalewarden's Spear
35060193.33.60Two Hand Polearm
Scavenged Pandaren Spear
39353.13.60Two Hand Greater Cache of Treasures Polearm
Scavenged Pandaren Spear
39353.13.60Two Hand Greater Cache of Treasures Polearm
Seamonster Harpoon
212.13.60Two Hand Take Down Tethyr! Polearm
Seliza's Spear
37313.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Seliza's Spear
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Seliza's Spear
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Sentinel's Battle Lance
2505850.43.60Two Hand Polearm
Sentinel's Halberd
60504.83.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Shen'dralar Trident
242.43.60Two Hand The Treasure of the Shen'dralar Polearm
Shined Iron Polearm
20022.03.60Two Hand Polearm
Siegebreaker's Halberd
594.73.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Sinfall Defender's Halberd
1514811.23.60Two Hand Polearm
Sinfall Skirmisher's Poleaxe
1514811.23.60Two Hand Polearm
Sinful Aspirant's Longspear
1586012.23.60Two Hand Polearm
Sinful Aspirant's Polearm
1586012.23.60Two Hand Polearm
Sinister Aspirant's Pike
60504.83.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Sinister Aspirant's Pike
60504.83.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Skullcutter of Trials
443.43.60Two HandQuest Polearm
Smoldering Claw
28212.53.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Sonic Spear
32272.83.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Soulburner Bardiche
10.63.60Two Hand Polearm
Soulburner Warscythe
10.63.60Two Hand Polearm
Spear of the Hunt
503.73.60Two Hand Battle for Azeroth: Hour of Reckoning Polearm
Spear of the Impaler
2006022.03.60Two Hand Polearm
Spear of the Wilds
42870399.93.60Two Hand Polearm
Spear of Trailing Shadows
37323.13.60Two Hand Polearm
Spear of Trailing Shadows
37323.13.60Two Hand Polearm
Spear of Xuen
39323.13.60Two HandArchaeology Polearm
Spire of Autumn
42371.73.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Spooky Scythe
433.43.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Springrain Spear
44403.43.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Spring's Keeper
42870399.93.60Two Hand Polearm
Stagheart Poleaxe
582.33.60Two Hand Polearm
Steeltusk's Steel Tusk
423.33.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Stolen Shikaar Warspear
35060193.33.60Two Hand Polearm