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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Recruit's Pike
292.73.60Two Hand Crate of Battlefield Goods Polearm
War Scythe
29242.73.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Warphorn Spear
29252.73.60Two Hand Polearm
Dalaran Spear
29272.63.60Two Hand Polearm
Tuskarr Fishing Spear
29272.63.60Two Hand Polearm
Flame Wrath
28222.53.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Frenzied Striker
28222.53.60Two HandLooted Polearm
28212.53.60Two HandUnobtainable Polearm
Smoldering Claw
28212.53.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Hunting Spear
272.53.60Two HandUnobtainable Polearm
27212.53.60Two HandLooted Polearm
27202.53.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Defender's Thrust
272.53.60Two Hand We're Under Attack! Polearm
Surgical Striker
272.53.60Two Hand Assault on Stonard Polearm
Tailspike Pike
272.53.60Two Hand How to Make Meat Fresh Again Polearm
26202.43.60Two HandCrafted Polearm
Clutch Rearrangement Tool
262.43.60Two Hand Done Nothing Wrong Polearm
25192.43.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Diabolic Skiver
25192.43.60Two HandLooted Polearm
25192.43.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Monstrous Glaive
25192.43.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Dark Iron Pike
252.43.60Two Hand Rise, Obsidion Polearm
Khoo's Point
24172.43.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Shen'dralar Trident
242.43.60Two Hand The Treasure of the Shen'dralar Polearm
Watcher's Spear
242.43.60Two Hand Return to Blam Polearm
Watcher's Spear
242.43.60Two Hand Return to Blam Polearm
Stagheart Poleaxe
582.33.60Two Hand Polearm
Tuskarr Whaler's Harpoon
58502.33.60Two Hand Whargarble the Ill-Tempered Polearm
Whisperfen Polearm
582.33.60Two Hand Polearm
Dustwallow Impaler
222.23.60Two Hand Challenge Overlord Mok'Morokk Polearm
Grim Reaper
22152.23.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Grimlok's Charge
22152.23.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Ruthless Shiv
22142.23.60Two Hand Polearm
Minuteman Pike
222.23.60Two Hand Brother Against Brother Polearm
Minuteman Pike
222.23.60Two Hand Ace in the Hole Polearm
Poison-Tipped Bone Spear
21132.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Seamonster Harpoon
212.13.60Two Hand Take Down Tethyr! Polearm
Headhunting Spear
21132.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Armor Piercer
20132.13.60Two Hand Polearm
Kolkar Polearm
202.13.60Two Hand Death to Agogridon Polearm
Mortal Naginata
202.13.60Two Hand Our Mortal Enemies Polearm
18112.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Decalcified Elven Spear
182.13.60Two Hand Sunken Treasure Polearm
Shredder Arm Extension
182.13.60Two Hand Venture Company Mining Polearm
Waterlogged Elven Spear
182.13.60Two Hand Sunken Treasure Polearm
Heavy Spear
20132.03.60Two Hand Polearm
Blood-Tempered Ranseur
171.93.60Two Hand Polearm
Fallen Knight's Ranseur
171.93.60Two Hand Polearm
Halberd of Ferocity
16101.93.60Two Hand Polearm
Oakenstaff Protector
16101.93.60Two Hand Polearm
Tracker's Spear
16101.93.60Two Hand Polearm
Hexlord's Polearm
501.93.60Two Hand Mistress of Lies Polearm
Wavetamer Trident
501.93.60Two HandQuest Polearm
Gargoyle's Bite
14101.93.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Old Guard's Poleaxe
141.93.60Two Hand Yorla Darksnare Polearm
Short Spear
16101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Mobus's Vile Halberd
37321.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Rough Cooking Spit
37451.83.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Bo-Ris, Spear of Night
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Bo-Ris, Spear of Night
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Bo-Ris, Spear of Night
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Bo-Ris, Spear of Night
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Dragonguard's Glaive
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Ghostheart Warspear
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Halberd of Inner Darkness
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Halberd of Inner Darkness
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Halberd of Inner Darkness
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Halberd of Inner Darkness
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Pearl-Encrusted Spear
13101.83.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Qiang's Unbreakable Polearm
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Qiang's Unbreakable Polearm
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Qiang's Unbreakable Polearm
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Qiang's Unbreakable Polearm
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Ritter's Spear
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Serpentguard Spear
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Shan-Dun, Breaker of Courage
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Shan-Dun, Breaker of Courage
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Shan-Dun, Breaker of Courage
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Shan-Dun, Breaker of Courage
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Spear of Feral Rage
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Wallwatcher's Partisan
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Warspear of Xuen
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Yak-Herder's Longspear
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Yaungol Warspear
13101.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Talons of the Storm Crow
35301.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Cloudsplitter Greatstaff
44351.73.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Spire of Autumn
42371.73.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Impaling Harpoon
1271.73.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Tunk's Toothpick
121.73.60Two Hand Polearm
Sharp Poker
111.63.60Two Hand It's Gotta be the Horn Polearm
Darkspear (Purple Glow)
29231.63.60Two HandUnobtainable Polearm
Bladed Staff of the Summit's Breeze
351.53.60Two Hand Continue Your Training: Master Hsu Polearm
101.53.60Two HandLooted, Quest Polearm
Weapon - Misc_1H_PA_Fork_A_01
25201.43.70Two Hand Polearm
Jeweled Halberd
321.43.60Two Hand Kick Them While They're Down Polearm
Ethereum Phase-Spear
31261.43.60Two Hand Polearm
House Wrynn Halberd
81.33.60Two Hand Rise of the Brotherhood Polearm
White Bone Spear
271.23.60Two HandUnobtainable Polearm
16101.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Tournament Gladiator's Pike
Warlords Tournament
5400.93.60Two Hand Polearm