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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Furious Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 6
35303.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
35303.03.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
35303.03.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
35303.03.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Deadly Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 5
35303.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
35303.03.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
35303.03.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
35303.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Splinterspear Hammer
36303.03.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Rustmaul Hammer
36323.03.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Ramkahen Ceremonial Hammer
363.03.60Two Hand Punish the Trespassers Two-handed Mace
Mardenholde Hammer
36313.03.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Irontree Hammer
36323.03.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Bladefist Hammer
36313.03.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Armagedillo's Tail
36303.03.60Two Hand Armagedillo Two-handed Mace
Lightning-Struck Hammer
37401.83.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Cracked Cannon Ram
37451.83.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Battered Greatmaul
37401.81.80Main HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Arthropod Leg Club
37401.83.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Smoldering Gunship Strut
373.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Polished Hammer
37313.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Mountainscaler Battlemace
37333.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Faded Forest Battlemace
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Captain Rogers' Polite Knocking Stick
373.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Bronzed Hammer
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Barbarian Hammer
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Wild Hammer
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Wild Hammer
37313.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Wild Hammer
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Sorrow's End
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Forged Elementium Mindcrusher
37323.13.60Two HandCrafted Two-handed Mace
Foe Reaper
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Vicious Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 9
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Vicious Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 9 Elite
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Sulfuras, the Extinguished Hand
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Sulfuras, the Extinguished Hand
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Ruthless Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 10 Elite
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Ruthless Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 10
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Pit Lord's Destroyer
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Jeklik's Smasher
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 11
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Bonegrinder
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Ataraxis, Cudgel of the Warmaster
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Ataraxis, Cudgel of the Warmaster
Raid Finder
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Akirus the Worm-Breaker
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Akirus the Worm-Breaker
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Wasteland Battlemace
38343.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Sumprush Mace
383.13.60Two Hand The Death of Me Two-handed Mace
Rigid Hammer
38333.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Inlaid Hammer
38333.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Hatred's Vise
383.13.60Two Hand Last Toll of the Yaungol Two-handed Mace
Engraved Hammer
38343.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Hammer of Ten Thunders
38323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Fangcracker Battlemace
38303.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 11 Elite
38323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Ataraxis, Cudgel of the Warmaster
38323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Vinewrapped Hammer
39363.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Sunsoul Warmaul
39353.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Oathsworn Maul
39353.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Lunarglow Hammer
39353.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Kyparitic Clawmace
393.13.60Two Hand The Horror Comes A-Rising Two-handed Mace
Heart-Lesion Maul
39353.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Heart-Lesion Hammer
39353.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Frostbitten Hammer
39353.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Warmace of Taran Zhu
39353.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Warmace of Taran Zhu
39333.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Warmace of Taran Zhu
39333.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Thunder, Reborn
39353.13.60Two HandCrafted Two-handed Mace
Scavenged Pandaren Hammer
39353.13.60Two Hand Greater Cache of Treasures Two-handed Mace
Mograine's Immaculate Might
39353.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Mograine's Immaculate Might
39353.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Lerah's Ribsmasher
39323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Dreadful Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 12
39353.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Tyrannical Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 13 Elite
39353.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Tyrannical Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 14
39353.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Tyrannical Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 14
39353.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Stormherald, Reborn
39353.13.60Two HandCrafted Two-handed Mace
Malevolent Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 13
39353.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Malevolent Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 12
39353.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Malevolent Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 12 Elite
39353.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Invocation of the Dawn
Raid Finder
39351.63.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Deep Thunder, Reborn
39353.13.60Two HandCrafted Two-handed Mace
Incised Hammer
40373.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Creeperclaw Hammer
40363.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Karabor Warmace
403.33.60Two Hand Darkness Falls Two-handed Mace
Beater's Beat Stick
403.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Invocation of the Dawn
40351.63.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Invocation of the Dawn
40351.63.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Immaculate Pandaren Hammer
40353.33.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Immaculate Pandaren Hammer
40353.33.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Gar'tok, Strength of the Faithful
Raid Finder
40353.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Auchenai Hammer
41373.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
413.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Huurand's Huge Hammer
41363.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Char's Smoldering Fist
411.73.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Invocation of the Dawn
41351.73.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Invocation of the Dawn
Heroic Thunderforged
41351.73.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Gar'tok, Strength of the Faithful
41353.33.60Two Hand General Nazgrim Two-handed Mace
Gar'tok, Strength of the Faithful
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Vorpil's Ribsmasher
421.73.60Two Hand The Final Piece Two-handed Mace