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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Night Courtier's Wand
1500.12.00Ranged Wand
Wand of the Wild Hunt
1600.12.00Ranged Wand
Ceremonial Jacaranda Bloom
10.32.00Ranged Wand
Chilled Touch of the Condemned
10.31.80Ranged Wand
Energy Projection Regulator
10.32.00Ranged Wand
Wand of the Riptide
10.31.80Ranged Wand
Arcanist's Barbed Baton
10.31.80Ranged Wand
Gem-Crowned Wand
1600.12.00Ranged Wand
Love Witch's Rosy Wand
10.31.80Ranged Wand
Twilight Witch's Gothic Scepter
10.31.80Ranged Wand
Simple Sapphire Wand
10.31.80Ranged Wand
Simple Scarlet Wand
10.31.80Ranged Wand
Ardenweald Covenant Wand
1500.12.00Ranged Wand
Ardenweald Covenant Wand
1500.12.00Ranged Wand
Ardenweald Covenant Wand
1500.12.00Ranged Wand
Ardenweald Covenant Wand
1500.12.00Ranged Wand
Ardenweald Covenant Wand
1500.12.00Ranged Wand
Ardenweald Covenant Wand
1500.12.00Ranged Wand
Inquisitors Wand
10.22.00Ranged Wand