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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Zorbin's Mega-Chopper
211.62.60One Hand Still With The Zapped Giants One-handed Sword
Battle Staff
21132.13.60Two Hand Staff
BKP 42 "Ultra"
21132.13.00Ranged Gun
21131.62.60Main Hand One-handed Sword
21132.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Broken Silver Star
212.30Unobtainable Thrown
Keen Axe
21141.02.60Main HandLooted One-handed Axe
Light Scimitar
21131.02.60Main HandLooted One-handed Sword
Metal Stave
21141.33.60Two HandLooted Staff
Armor Piercer
20132.13.60Two Hand Polearm
Cobalt Crusher
20132.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
20132.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Crescent of Forlorn Spirits
201.62.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Cutlass of Agogridon
201.62.60One Hand Death to Agogridon One-handed Sword
Death Speaker Scepter
20130.82.60One HandUnobtainable One-handed Mace
Hypnotic Blade
20130.81.80One Hand Dagger
Illusionary Rod
20131.13.60Two HandLooted Staff
Inventor's Focal Sword
20130.82.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
20132.13.00RangedLooted Gun
Kolkar Cleaver
202.13.60Two Hand Death to Agogridon Two-handed Axe
Kolkar Polearm
202.13.60Two Hand Death to Agogridon Polearm
Loksey's Training Stick
20132.13.60Two HandLooted Staff
Megashot Rifle
20132.13.00RangedLooted Gun
Nightstalker Bow
20132.13.00RangedLooted Bow
Pronged Reaver
20131.62.60One HandLooted One-handed Axe
Pysan's Old Greatsword
20132.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Rolling Pin of Awesomeness
201.62.80One Hand One-handed Mace
Satyr's Lash
20131.61.80One HandLooted Dagger
20132.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Soulstar Mace
200.82.60One Hand Death to Agogridon One-handed Mace
Staff of the Shade
20131.13.60Two HandLooted Staff
20130.82.00RangedLooted Wand
Swinetusk Shank
20130.81.80One HandLooted Dagger
Sword of Decay
20131.62.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
20131.61.80One HandLooted, Pick Pocketed Dagger
Torturing Poker
20131.61.80One HandLooted Dagger
20131.61.80One HandLooted Dagger
Viscous Hammer
20132.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Wind Spirit Staff
20131.13.60Two HandLooted Staff
Windstorm Hammer
201.62.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Zealot Blade
20130.82.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Accusing Finger
200.81.80One Hand Making Mutiny Dagger
Acrobatic Staff
20132.13.60Two HandLooted, Fished Staff
Adversarial Blackjack
201.62.60One Hand Our Mortal Enemies One-handed Mace
Agamaggan's Thorn
201.62.60One Hand One-handed Sword
202.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Baron's Baton
202.13.60Two Hand The Final Voyage of the Brashtide Two-handed Mace
Binding Staff
201.13.60Two Hand Portals of the Legion Staff
Binding Staff
201.13.60Two Hand Portals of the Legion Staff
Bleeding Crescent
201.62.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Coven Battleaxe
202.13.60Two Hand Chipping In Two-handed Axe
Daring Dirk
20131.61.80One Hand Dagger
Darkblood Dagger
201.61.80One Hand Infernal Encroachment Dagger
Darkblood Dagger
201.61.80One Hand Infernal Encroachment Dagger
Dense Shortbow
20132.13.00Ranged Bow
Fuse-Cutter Knife
201.61.80One Hand The Final Voyage of the Brashtide Dagger
Goblin Power Shovel
20132.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Golden Iron Destroyer
20132.13.60Two HandCrafted Two-handed Mace
Greataxe of the Hinterlands
202.13.60Two Hand The Shell of Shadra Two-handed Axe
Greater Mystic Wand
20130.82.00RangedCrafted Wand
Greathammer of the Hinterlands
202.13.60Two Hand The Shell of Shadra Two-handed Mace
Guerrilla Cleaver
201.62.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Hillborne Axe
20131.62.60One HandLooted One-handed Axe
Initiate's Handwraps
20131.62.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Initiate's Staff
20131.13.60Two Hand Staff
Jade Serpentblade
20131.62.60One HandCrafted One-handed Sword
Kovork's Rattle
20131.62.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Long Redwood Bow
20132.13.00RangedLooted, Fished Bow
Mangled Tooth
201.61.80One Hand Mangletooth Dagger
Mangled Tooth
201.61.80One Hand Mangletooth Dagger
Midnight Axe
20132.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Misery's End
201.62.60One Hand Feegly the Exiled One-handed Sword
Mongrel Shooter
202.13.00Ranged The Final Voyage of the Brashtide Crossbow
Mortal Naginata
202.13.60Two Hand Our Mortal Enemies Polearm
Neurosurgeon's Tool
200.81.80One Hand Smarts-is-Smarts Dagger
Razormane Staff
202.13.60Two Hand Mangletooth Staff
Redearth Staff
202.13.60Two Hand Mangletooth Staff
Revilgaz's Cutlass
201.62.60One Hand Turning the Brashtide One-handed Sword
Runetotem Slicer
201.61.80One Hand More Than Illness Dagger
Runetotem Staff
202.13.60Two Hand More Than Illness Staff
Scorching Wand
20130.82.00RangedLooted Wand
Stonecutter Claymore
20132.13.60Two HandLooted, Fished Two-handed Sword
Stonesthrow Sword
202.13.60Two Hand No Bull Two-handed Sword
Summoner's Wand
20130.82.00RangedLooted Wand
Supposed Mace
200.82.60One Hand Making Mutiny One-handed Mace
Survivor's Blade
200.81.80One Hand Bael'dun Rescue Dagger
Taurajo Butcher's Blade
201.62.60One Hand The Butcher of Taurajo One-handed Sword
Tomusa's Sword
202.13.60Two Hand Flightmare Two-handed Sword
Venture Blaster
200.82.00Ranged Drive-By Piracy Wand
Whipwood Recurve Bow
20132.13.00RangedLooted Bow
Windflight Knife
201.61.80One Hand More Than Illness Dagger
Windflight Staff
202.13.60Two Hand More Than Illness Staff
Wrought Formal Dagger
200.81.80One Hand Time For Change Dagger
20132.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Combustible Wand
20131.52.00Ranged Wand
Crescent Axe
20131.52.60Main Hand One-handed Axe
Deadly Fist Blades
20131.52.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Heavy Crossbow
20132.03.00Ranged Crossbow
Heavy Spear
20132.03.60Two Hand Polearm
Last Month's Mutton
20131.52.60One Hand One-handed Mace