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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Death Warden's Greatblade
1444810.33.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Devourer Wrought Warglaive
144487.82.60One Hand Warglaives
Gavel of Harmonious Wisdom
144483.92.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Glinting Daybreak Dagger
144483.91.80One Hand Dagger
Humble Ophelia's Greatblade
1444810.33.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Loyal Champion's Hammer
144487.82.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Piercing Timbre Crossbow
1444810.33.00Ranged Crossbow
Purity's Edge Greatblade
1444810.33.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Re-Powered Golliath Fists
144487.82.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Uncertain Aspirant's Spear
1444810.33.60Two Hand Polearm
Warrior Poet's Poniard
144487.81.80One Hand Dagger
Aethon's Horn
125486.32.60One Hand Warglaives
Cloudtail's Paw
125483.12.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Fang of Nemaeus
125486.31.80One Hand Dagger
Sigilback's Smashshell
125486.32.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Forgemaster's Many-Fold Rapier
100484.92.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Grand Arcanist's Soulblade
100482.51.80One Hand Dagger
Inquisitions Final Judgment
100482.51.80One Hand Dagger
Noble Justice
100484.92.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Spiked Cudgel of the Inquisition
100484.92.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Stonewrought Legion Halberd
100486.53.60Two Hand Polearm
Arbalest of the Colossal Predator
85485.73.00Ranged Crossbow
Biggun Wollopper
85485.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Blood-Dyed Bonesaw
85482.21.80One Hand Dagger
Bonebender's Warblade
85484.32.60One Hand In Death We Are Truly Tested One-handed Sword
Bonebender's Warglaive
85484.32.60One Hand In Death We Are Truly Tested Warglaives
Bone-Blistering Wand
85482.22.00Ranged Wand
Briarbane Carbine
85485.73.00Ranged It's a Trap Gun
Briarbane Glaive
85484.32.60One Hand It's a Trap Warglaives
Briarbane Halberd
85485.73.60Two Hand It's a Trap Polearm
Callus-Forged Hook
85484.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Cavalier's Morningstar
85484.32.60One Hand It's a Trap One-handed Mace
Collector's Corpse Gambrel
85484.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Enlarged Jawbone Crossbow
85485.73.00Ranged In Death We Are Truly Tested Crossbow
Flesh-Fishing Hook
85484.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Grasping Greatstaff
85485.73.60Two Hand In Death We Are Truly Tested Staff
Grotesque Goring Pick
85484.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Kash's Favored Hook
85484.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Lichsworn Commander's Boneblade
85485.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Moroc's Boneslicing Warglaive
85484.32.60One Hand Warglaives
Nobleman's Quickblade
85484.31.80One Hand It's a Trap Dagger
Pristine Alabaster Gorer
85484.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Ravenomous's Acid-Tipped Stinger
85484.31.80One Hand Dagger
Reanimated Executioner's Crusher
85484.32.60One Hand In Death We Are Truly Tested One-handed Mace
Reanimated Executioner's Greatsword
85485.73.60Two Hand In Death We Are Truly Tested Two-handed Sword
Reanimated Executioner's Shank
85484.31.80One Hand In Death We Are Truly Tested Dagger
Reanimated Executioner's Sword
85484.32.60One Hand In Death We Are Truly Tested One-handed Sword
Ruthless Contender's Blade
85482.21.80One Hand The Ladder Dagger
Ruthless Contender's Claymore
85485.73.60Two Hand The Ladder Two-handed Sword
Ruthless Contender's Crossbow
85485.73.00Ranged The Ladder Crossbow
Ruthless Contender's Dagger
85484.31.80One Hand The Ladder Dagger
Ruthless Contender's Hammer
85484.32.60One Hand The Ladder One-handed Mace
Ruthless Contender's Rod
85482.83.60Two Hand The Ladder Staff
Ruthless Contender's Spellblade
85482.22.60One Hand The Ladder One-handed Sword
Ruthless Contender's Staff
85485.73.60Two Hand The Ladder Staff
Ruthless Contender's Steel
85484.32.60One Hand The Ladder One-handed Sword
Ruthless Contender's Sword
85484.32.60One Hand The Ladder One-handed Sword
Ruthless Contender's Wand
85482.22.00Ranged The Ladder Wand
Ruthless Contender's Warglaive
85484.32.60One Hand The Ladder Warglaives
Sacred Morningstar
85482.83.60Two Hand It's a Trap Two-handed Mace
Sinfall Arquebus
85485.73.00Ranged Securing Sinfall Gun
Sinfall Darkblade
85484.31.80One Hand Securing Sinfall Dagger
Sinfall Duelist's Rapier
85484.32.60One Hand Securing Sinfall One-handed Sword
Sinfall Edgemaster's Blade
85484.32.60One Hand Securing Sinfall Warglaives
Sinfall Guardian's Rapier
85484.32.60One Hand Securing Sinfall One-handed Sword
Sinfall Initiate's Staff
85482.83.60Two Hand Securing Sinfall Staff
Sinfall Inquisitor's Dagger
85482.21.80One Hand Securing Sinfall Dagger
Sinfall Legion Smasher
85485.73.60Two Hand Securing Sinfall Two-handed Mace
Sinfall Legionaire's Barbed Staff
85485.73.60Two Hand Securing Sinfall Staff
Sinfall Reclaimer's Greatmace
85482.83.60Two Hand Securing Sinfall Two-handed Mace
Sinfall Stoneborn Cudgel
85484.32.60One Hand Securing Sinfall One-handed Mace
Sinstealer's Staff
85482.83.60Two Hand It's a Trap Staff
Slobber-Soaked Chew Toy
85484.32.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Soulstalker Blunderbuss
85485.73.00Ranged Gun
Soulstalker's Barbs
85484.32.60One Hand Warglaives
Spindlefang Spellblade
85482.22.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Stained Fleshgorer
85484.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Stonevigil Rapier
85484.32.60One Hand It's a Trap One-handed Sword
Strengthened Abomination Hook
85484.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Taskmaster's Tenderizer
85484.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Thicket Sweeper
85485.73.60Two Hand It's a Trap Polearm
War Scholar's Bonesaw
85482.21.80One Hand In Death We Are Truly Tested Dagger
War Scholar's Shortsword
85482.22.60One Hand In Death We Are Truly Tested One-handed Sword
War Scholar's Stave
85482.83.60Two Hand In Death We Are Truly Tested Staff
War Scholar's Wand
85482.22.00Ranged In Death We Are Truly Tested Wand
Worldrending Claymore
85485.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Bonefused Bonesaw
85482.21.80One Hand The Seat of the Primus Dagger
Bonefused Crossbow
85485.73.00Ranged The Seat of the Primus Crossbow
Bonefused Crusher
85484.32.60One Hand The Seat of the Primus One-handed Mace
Bonefused Greatstaff
85485.73.60Two Hand The Seat of the Primus Staff
Bonefused Greatsword
85485.73.60Two Hand The Seat of the Primus Two-handed Sword
Bonefused Shank
85484.31.80One Hand The Seat of the Primus Dagger
Bonefused Shortsword
85482.22.60One Hand The Seat of the Primus One-handed Sword
Bonefused Sword
85484.32.60One Hand The Seat of the Primus One-handed Sword
Bonefused Warblade
85484.32.60One Hand The Seat of the Primus One-handed Sword
Culexwood Dagger
85482.21.80One Hand What a Buzzkill Dagger
Culexwood Knife
85484.31.80One Hand What a Buzzkill Dagger
Culexwood Longbow
85485.73.00Ranged What a Buzzkill Bow
Culexwood Spellmace
85482.22.60One Hand What a Buzzkill One-handed Mace
Gormhusk Basher
85484.32.60One Hand What a Buzzkill One-handed Mace