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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Prideful Gladiator's Decapitator
Season 15
42353.33.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Prideful Gladiator's Decapitator
Season 15
42353.33.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Prideful Gladiator's Decapitator
Season 15 Elite
42353.33.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Prideful Gladiator's Energy Staff
Season 15 Elite
42353.33.60Two Hand Staff
Prideful Gladiator's Energy Staff
Season 15
42351.73.60Two Hand Staff
Prideful Gladiator's Energy Staff
Season 15
42351.73.60Two Hand Staff
Prideful Gladiator's Greatsword
Season 15
42353.33.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Prideful Gladiator's Greatsword
Season 15
42353.33.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Prideful Gladiator's Greatsword
Season 15 Elite
42353.33.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Prideful Gladiator's Pike
Season 15 Elite
42353.33.60Two Hand Polearm
Prideful Gladiator's Pike
Season 15
42353.33.60Two Hand Polearm
Prideful Gladiator's Pike
Season 15
42353.33.60Two Hand Polearm
Prideful Gladiator's Staff
Season 15
42353.33.60Two Hand Staff
Prideful Gladiator's Staff
Season 15 Elite
42353.33.60Two Hand Staff
Prideful Gladiator's Staff
Season 15
42353.33.60Two Hand Staff
Trident of Corrupted Waters
42353.33.60Two Hand Staff
Trident of Corrupted Waters
Heroic Warforged
42353.33.60Two Hand Staff
Trident of Corrupted Waters
Mythic Warforged
42353.33.60Two Hand Staff
Trident of Corrupted Waters
42353.33.60Two Hand Staff
Xal'atoh, Desecrated Image of Gorehowl
42353.33.60Two Hand Garrosh Hellscream Two-handed Axe
Xal'atoh, Desecrated Image of Gorehowl
Heroic Warforged
42353.33.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Xal'atoh, Desecrated Image of Gorehowl
Mythic Warforged
42353.33.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Xal'atoh, Desecrated Image of Gorehowl
42353.33.60Two Hand Garrosh Hellscream Two-handed Axe
Hellscream's Decapitator
423.60Two HandUnobtainable, Looted Two-handed Axe
Hellscream's Decapitator
423.60Two HandUnobtainable, Looted Two-handed Axe
Hellscream's Pig Sticker
423.60Two HandUnobtainable, Looted Polearm
Hellscream's Pig Sticker
423.60Two HandUnobtainable, Looted Polearm
Hellscream's War Staff
423.60Two HandUnobtainable, Looted Staff
Hellscream's War Staff
423.60Two HandUnobtainable, Looted Staff
Blazegrease Greatsword
423.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Caniki's Cane of Command
42371.73.60Two HandLooted Staff
Draenic Treecleaver
42373.33.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Dripping Willow
42353.33.60Two HandUnobtainable, Looted Two-handed Mace
Pillar of Malice
42373.33.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Ra'tok's Painhammer
423.33.60Two HandQuest Two-handed Mace
Spire of Autumn
42371.73.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Starrgo's Walking Stick
42371.73.60Two HandLooted Staff
Steeltusk's Steel Tusk
423.33.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Tormented Greataxe
42353.33.60Two Hand Tormented Armament Two-handed Axe
Tormented Polearm
42353.33.60Two Hand Tormented Armament Polearm
Tormented Spire
42351.73.60Two Hand Tormented Armament Staff
Admiral Taylor's Glaive
423.33.60Two HandQuest Polearm
Admiral Taylor's Greatsword
423.33.60Two HandQuest Two-handed Sword
Admiral Taylor's Staff of Wisdom
421.73.60Two HandQuest Staff
Bloodmane Broadaxe
42393.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Bloodmane Greatsword
42393.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Bloodmane Hammer
42393.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Bloodmane Spear
42393.33.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Bloodmane Staff
42393.33.60Two HandLooted Staff
Bloodmane Staff
42391.73.60Two HandLooted Staff
Camshaft-Haft Greatcleaver
423.33.60Two HandQuest Two-handed Axe
Iron Shredder Axle
423.33.60Two HandQuest Polearm
Longclaw Broadaxe
42383.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Longclaw Greatsword
42383.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Longclaw Hammer
42383.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Longclaw Spear
42383.33.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Longclaw Staff
42383.33.60Two HandLooted Staff
Longclaw Staff
42381.73.60Two HandLooted Staff
Restalaan's Greatsword
423.33.60Two Hand The Final Piece Two-handed Sword
Skettis Broadaxe
42383.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Skettis Greatsword
42383.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Skettis Hammer
42383.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Skettis Spear
42383.33.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Skettis Staff
42383.33.60Two HandLooted Staff
Skettis Staff
42381.73.60Two HandLooted Staff
Telmor Crystal Staff
423.33.60Two Hand The Final Piece Staff
Telmor Soupriest Staff
421.73.60Two Hand The Final Piece Staff
Vorpil's Ribsmasher
421.73.60Two Hand The Final Piece Two-handed Mace
Bo-Ris, Horror in the Night
Heroic Thunderforged
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Bo-Ris, Horror in the Night
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Britomart's Jagged Pike
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Britomart's Jagged Pike
41353.33.60Two Hand Thok the Bloodthirsty Polearm
Darkwood Spiritstaff
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Staff
Darkwood Spiritstaff
Heroic Thunderforged
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Staff
Dinomancer's Spiritbinding Spire
Heroic Thunderforged
41351.73.60Two HandLooted Staff
Dinomancer's Spiritbinding Spire
41351.73.60Two HandLooted Staff
Drakebinder Greatstaff
41351.73.60Two HandLooted Staff
Drakebinder Greatstaff
41351.73.60Two HandLooted Staff
Gar'tok, Strength of the Faithful
41353.33.60Two Hand General Nazgrim Two-handed Mace
Gar'tok, Strength of the Faithful
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Gaze of Arrogance
41351.73.60Two HandLooted Staff
Gaze of Arrogance
41351.73.60Two Hand Sha of Pride Staff
Giorgio's Caduceus of Pure Moods
41351.73.60Two HandLooted Staff
Giorgio's Caduceus of Pure Moods
Heroic Thunderforged
41351.73.60Two HandLooted Staff
Greatsword of Frozen Hells
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Greatsword of Frozen Hells
Heroic Thunderforged
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Greatsword of Pride's Fall
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Greatsword of Pride's Fall
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Halberd of Inner Shadows
41353.33.60Two Hand Malkorok Polearm
Halberd of Inner Shadows
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Invocation of the Dawn
Heroic Thunderforged
41351.73.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Invocation of the Dawn
41351.73.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Jalak's Maelstrom Staff
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Staff
Jalak's Maelstrom Staff
Heroic Thunderforged
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Staff
Kor'kron Spire of Supremacy
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Staff
Kor'kron Spire of Supremacy
41353.33.60Two Hand Garrosh Hellscream Staff
Lever of the Megantholithic Apparatus
41351.73.60Two Hand Siegecrafter Blackfuse Staff
Lever of the Megantholithic Apparatus
41351.73.60Two HandLooted Staff
Shan-Dun, Breaker of Hope
Heroic Thunderforged
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Shan-Dun, Breaker of Hope
41353.33.60Two HandLooted Polearm