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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Skullstealer Greataxe
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Skullstealer Greataxe
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Smoldering Censer of Purity
37351.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Smoldering Censer of Purity
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Spire of Coagulated Globules
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Staff
Spire of Coagulated Globules
Raid Finder
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Staff
Spire of Scarlet Pain
37321.53.60Two Hand Staff
Spire of Scarlet Pain
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Staff of Ammunae
37321.53.60Two HandArchaeology Staff
Staff of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan
37321.53.60Two HandArchaeology Staff
Staff of the Faithful
37321.53.60Two Hand Staff
Stalk of Corruption
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Sulfuras, the Extinguished Hand
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Sulfuras, the Extinguished Hand
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Thornwood Staff
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Staff
Ti'tahk, the Steps of Time
Raid Finder
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Vicious Gladiator's Battle Staff
Season 9 Elite
37321.53.60Two Hand Staff
Vicious Gladiator's Battle Staff
Season 9
37321.53.60Two Hand Staff
Vicious Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 9
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Vicious Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 9 Elite
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Vicious Gladiator's Decapitator
Season 9 Elite
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Vicious Gladiator's Decapitator
Season 9
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Vicious Gladiator's Energy Staff
Season 9
37321.53.60Two Hand Staff
Vicious Gladiator's Energy Staff
Season 9 Elite
37321.53.60Two Hand Staff
Vicious Gladiator's Greatsword
Season 9 Elite
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Vicious Gladiator's Greatsword
Season 9
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Vicious Gladiator's Pike
Season 9
37323.13.60Two Hand Polearm
Vicious Gladiator's Pike
Season 9 Elite
37323.13.60Two Hand Polearm
Vicious Gladiator's Staff
Season 9 Elite
37323.13.60Two Hand Staff
Vicious Gladiator's Staff
Season 9
37323.13.60Two Hand Staff
Visage of the Destroyer
Raid Finder
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Visage of the Destroyer
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Witch-Hunter's Harvester
37323.13.60Two HandCrafted Polearm
Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds
37323.13.60Two HandArchaeology Two-handed Sword
Zoid's Firelit Greatsword
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Zoid's Firelit Greatsword
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Arced War Axe
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Axe of the Tauren Chieftains
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Blade of the Fearless
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Blade of the Fearless
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Cerith Spire Staff
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Cerith Spire Staff
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Darkling Staff
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Staff
Darkling Staff
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Staff
Elementium Poleaxe
37323.13.60Two HandCrafted Polearm
Emberstone Staff
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Foe Reaper
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Forged Elementium Mindcrusher
37323.13.60Two HandCrafted Two-handed Mace
Insidious Staff
37321.53.60Two Hand Staff
Insidious Staff
37321.53.60Two Hand Staff
Jaina's Staff
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Oversized Oblique Ogre Obliterator
373.13.60Two Hand The Crucible of Carnage: The Twilight Terror! Two-handed Sword
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Rosethorn Staff
37321.53.60Two HandCrafted Staff
Seliza's Spear
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Seliza's Spear
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Seliza's Spear
37313.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Silver Inlaid Staff
37323.13.60Two HandCrafted Staff
Sorrow's End
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Soul Releaser
37311.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Soul Releaser
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Spear of Trailing Shadows
37323.13.60Two Hand Polearm
Spear of Trailing Shadows
37323.13.60Two Hand Polearm
Staff of Draconic Pacification
373.13.60Two Hand Narkrall, The Drake-Tamer Staff
Staff of Isolation
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Staff of Old Woes
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Staff
Staff of Siphoned Essences
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Staff of Siphoned Essences
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Staff of Siphoned Essences
37311.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Staff of Solemn Secrecy
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Sword of the Bottomless Pit
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Sword of the Bottomless Pit
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Thundercleaver Axe
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Thundercleaver Axe
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Torth-Slayer's Staff
373.13.60Two Hand Fury Unbound Staff
Very Manly Staff
371.53.60Two Hand The Crucible of Carnage: The Twilight Terror! Staff
Whitefin Axe
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Whitefin Axe
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Wild Hammer
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Wild Hammer
37313.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Wild Hammer
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Axe of Sacrifice
373.13.60Two Hand An Urgent Plea Two-handed Axe
Barbarian Broadaxe
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Barbarian Greatsword
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Barbarian Hammer
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Barbarian Spear
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Barbarian Staff
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Staff
Barbarian Staff
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Bronzed Broadaxe
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Bronzed Greatsword
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Bronzed Hammer
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Bronzed Spear
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Bronzed Staff
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Bronzed Staff
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Staff
Captain Rogers' Polite Knocking Stick
373.13.60Two Hand Unleash Hell Two-handed Mace
Expropriator's Greataxe
373.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Faded Forest Battlemace
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Faded Forest Combat Staff
37323.13.60Two Hand Staff
Faded Forest Diviner's Rod
37321.53.60Two Hand Staff
Faded Forest Greatsword
37323.13.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword