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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Gravewalker's Runeblade
50453.73.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Grunt's Warmace
503.73.60Two Hand Battle for Azeroth: Hour of Reckoning Two-handed Mace
Headhunter's Spear
503.73.60Two Hand Battle for Azeroth: Hour of Reckoning Polearm
Longbow of the Hunt
503.73.00Ranged Battle for Azeroth: Hour of Reckoning Bow
Monelite Boomstick
50453.73.00RangedCrafted Gun
Praetor's Ornamental Claymore
50453.73.60Two Hand Doomseeker's Treasure Two-handed Sword
Praetor's Ornamental Edge
50453.73.60Two Hand Khazaduum Two-handed Sword
Praetor's Ornamental Greatsword
50453.73.60Two Hand Worldsplitter Skuul Two-handed Sword
Praetor's Ornamental Warblade
50453.73.60Two Hand Overseer Y'Beda Two-handed Sword
Rootweave Spear
50453.73.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Sacrosanct Warmaul
50453.73.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Serene Disciple's Trident
50453.73.60Two Hand War Supply Chest Staff
Shadow Hunter's Bow
503.73.00Ranged Battle for Azeroth: Hour of Reckoning Bow
Soulmage's Spire
50453.73.60Two HandLooted Staff
Spear of the Hunt
503.73.60Two Hand Battle for Azeroth: Hour of Reckoning Polearm
Spectral Censorite's Spire
50453.73.60Two Hand Sorolis the Ill-Fated Staff
Spectral Censorite's Staff
50453.73.60Two Hand Legion Treasure Hoard Staff
Wildguard Shotgun
50453.73.00RangedLooted Gun
Wildguard Spear
50453.73.60Two HandLooted Polearm
50453.73.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Anglepoint Repeater
503.73.00RangedQuest Crossbow
Angler's Longstaff
503.73.60Two HandQuest Staff
Anyport Repeater
503.73.00RangedQuest Crossbow
Autumnvale Hunting Rifle
503.73.00Ranged Gun
Autumnvale Long Rifle
503.73.00RangedQuest Gun
Bilgewater Beatstick
503.73.60Two HandQuest Staff
Bloodhunter Greatblade
503.73.60Two Hand Off With Her Head Two-handed Sword
Bramblehulk Greatsword
503.73.60Two Hand Terror of the Kraul Two-handed Sword
Brineworks Hullcracker
503.73.60Two Hand Rearmament Two-handed Mace
Corrupted Tribe Headsmasher
503.73.60Two Hand Containment Procedure Two-handed Mace
Crawgmother's Shortbow
503.73.00Ranged Off With Her Head Bow
Dregada's Greatsword
503.73.60Two Hand Dire Situation Two-handed Sword
Fallen Nation Recurve
503.73.00Ranged Containment Procedure Bow
Fort Daelin Speargun
503.73.00Ranged From the Depths Crossbow
Grimestone Greatmace
503.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Grimestone Pounder
503.73.60Two HandQuest Two-handed Mace
Hag-Hunter Crossbow
503.73.00RangedQuest Crossbow
Headhunter Jo's Longstaff
503.73.60Two Hand Headhunter Jo Staff
Heart-Lesion Greatsword
50453.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Heart-Lesion Runeblade
50453.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Hollowbeak Hunting Rifle
503.73.00RangedQuest Gun
Howdah-Rider's Bow
503.73.00Ranged Bow
Jam'jen's Shortbow
503.73.00Ranged Zandalari Treasure Trove Bow
Korthek's Staff
503.73.60Two Hand The Fall of Emperor Korthek Staff
Kraulguard Poleaxe
503.73.60Two Hand Terror of the Kraul Polearm
Loa-Defender's Battleaxe
503.73.60Two Hand Mistress of Lies Two-handed Axe
Loa-Defender's Longspear
503.73.60Two Hand Mistress of Lies Polearm
Loti's Favorite Longspear
503.73.60Two Hand Dire Situation Polearm
Marrow Drained Bonestaff
503.73.60Two Hand Off With Her Head Staff
Marshal's Halberd
503.73.60Two HandQuest Polearm
Mistdancer Spire
50453.73.60Two Hand Adventurer's Footlocker Staff
Mugjabu's Quarterstaff
503.73.60Two Hand Mojambo Staff
Nazmani Longstaff
503.73.60Two Hand Containment Procedure Staff
Needleshot Repeater
503.73.00Ranged Terror of the Kraul Crossbow
Norwington's Poleaxe
503.73.60Two HandQuest Polearm
Oathsworn Greataxe
50453.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Oathsworn Headchopper
50453.73.60Two Hand Adventurer's Footlocker Two-handed Axe
Pa'ku-Blessed Greatbow
503.73.00Ranged Dire Situation Bow
Pork-Chopper Pike
503.73.60Two HandQuest Polearm
Proudmoore Battalion Pike
503.73.60Two Hand From the Depths Polearm
Roland's Tenderizer
503.73.60Two HandQuest Staff
Rootway Safari Greatbow
503.73.00Ranged Headhunter Jo Bow
Salty Dog's Harpoon
503.73.60Two HandQuest Polearm
Scalawag's Bolt-Thrower
503.73.00Ranged Crossbow
Scalawag's Claymore
503.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Sethrak Sandscout's Bow
503.73.00Ranged An Explosive Exit Bow
Sethrak Warden's Scimitar
503.73.60Two Hand An Explosive Exit Two-handed Sword
Sethrak Warden's Staff
503.73.60Two Hand An Explosive Exit Staff
Sethraliss-Blessed Greatblade
503.73.60Two Hand The Fall of Emperor Korthek Two-handed Sword
Sezahjin's Vulture Bow
503.73.00Ranged Mojambo Bow
Soul-Cursed Skullcracker
503.73.60Two Hand Zandalari Treasure Trove Two-handed Mace
Soul-Cursed Warmaul
503.73.60Two Hand Zandalari Treasure Trove Two-handed Mace
Spireguard's Greatbow
503.73.00Ranged The Fall of Emperor Korthek Bow
Springrain Spear
50453.73.60Two Hand Adventurer's Footlocker Polearm
Sunsoul Warmaul
50453.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Swinestained Pummeler
503.73.60Two Hand Pork Chop Staff
Thrashneck Gladius
503.73.60Two HandQuest Two-handed Sword
Thrashneck Greatblade
503.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Thundershot Rifle
503.73.00Ranged Rearmament Gun
Tideguard Harpoon
503.73.60Two Hand Rearmament Polearm
503.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Tomb-Rustler's Polearm
503.73.60Two Hand Polearm
Tornsail Skull Cracker
503.73.60Two HandQuest Two-handed Mace
Trailseeker Shotgun
50453.73.00Ranged Adventurer's Footlocker Gun
Trailseeker Spear
50453.73.60Two Hand Adventurer's Footlocker Polearm
Trapped Soul Warstaff
503.73.60Two Hand Zandalari Treasure Trove Staff
Trickshot Speargun
503.73.00RangedQuest Crossbow
Venom Queen Longbow
503.73.00Ranged Mistress of Lies Bow
Waverider Warstaff
503.73.60Two HandQuest Staff
Whaler's Pike
503.73.60Two Hand Polearm
Wildtusk Ivory Headcracker
503.73.60Two Hand Headhunter Jo Two-handed Mace
Witchrend Greatsword
503.73.60Two HandQuest Two-handed Sword
Xombo's Prized Greataxe
503.73.60Two Hand Mojambo Two-handed Axe
Zeth'jir Scaleguard Pillar
503.73.60Two Hand From the Depths Staff
Heart-Lesion Blade
68503.82.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Heart-Lesion Blade
68503.82.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Illidari Warglaive
68503.82.60One Hand Warglaives
Illidari Warglaive
68503.82.60One Hand Warglaives
Lightdrinker Dagger
68503.81.80One Hand Dagger
Lightdrinker Dagger
68503.81.80One Hand Dagger