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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Riverpaw Mystic Staff
1160.83.60Two HandLooted Staff
Riverside Staff
1170.83.60Two HandLooted Staff
Riversong Mace
30242.02.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Roar of the Quillen
13101.83.00Ranged Gun
Roar of the Quillen
13101.83.00Ranged Gun
Roar of the Quillen
13101.83.00Ranged Gun
Roar of the Quillen
13101.83.00Ranged Gun
Rock Pulverizer
232.23.60Two HandUnobtainable Two-handed Mace
Rockbite Slicer
352.31.80One Hand Totem Modification Dagger
Rockbiter Cutter
32272.12.60One HandLooted One-handed Axe
Rockhide Strongfish
24171.82.60One HandFished One-handed Mace
Rockshard Club
31252.12.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Rocslayer Longbow
32262.83.00RangedLooted Bow
Rod of Poacher Punishment
322.12.60One Hand The Nefarious Clam Master... One-handed Mace
Rod of the Broken Temple
471.83.60Two Hand Staff
Rod of the Crimson Keeper
321.02.00Ranged Springing the Trap Wand
Rod of the Megantholithic Apparatus
13101.83.60Two Hand Staff
Rod of the Megantholithic Apparatus
13101.83.60Two Hand Staff
Rod of the Megantholithic Apparatus
13101.83.60Two Hand Staff
Rod of the Megantholithic Apparatus
13101.83.60Two Hand Staff
Rod of the Unyielding
301.43.60Two Hand Honor the Fallen Staff
Rod of the Void Caller
301.43.60Two Hand From the Abyss Staff
Rodentia Flint Axe
530.72.60One Hand Tunnel Rat Forager One-handed Axe
Rogue Ritualist's Spellblade
1500.41.80One Hand Dagger
Roland's Tenderizer
503.73.60Two HandQuest Staff
Root of the Everlasting
321.02.00Ranged Seeds of the Blacksouled Keepers Wand
Rootway Safari Greatbow
503.73.00Ranged Headhunter Jo Bow
Rootway Safari Magestaff
501.93.60Two Hand Headhunter Jo Staff
Rough Boomstick
530.93.00RangedCrafted Gun
Roughneck Rider Handaxe
502.82.60One Hand No Party Like a Trogg Party One-handed Axe
Royal Crusader Sword
29242.73.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Royal Mallet
26202.43.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Rubellite Staff of Intuition
52452.23.60Two HandCrafted Staff
Rugged Polearm
33282.83.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Rugged Walking Staff
151.93.60Two Hand Torek's Assault Staff
Ruhkmari Scepter
42391.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Ruhkmari Spellblade
42391.31.80One HandLooted Dagger
Ruhkmari Wand
42391.32.00RangedLooted Wand
Ruinrain Staff
44401.73.60Two Hand Staff
Ruinrain Wand
44401.32.00Ranged Wand
Rune Sword
26200.92.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Runecarving Knife
200608.31.80One Hand Dagger
Runed Mithril Hammer
25191.82.60One HandCrafted One-handed Mace
Runed Silver Staff
311.43.60Two Hand Teleport This! Staff
Runed Talon
34291.11.80One HandLooted Dagger
Runetotem Slicer
201.61.80One Hand More Than Illness Dagger
Runetotem Staff
202.13.60Two Hand More Than Illness Staff
Runic Darkblade
192.13.60Two HandUnobtainable Two-handed Sword
Rupturing Axe
34292.83.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Rust-Covered Polearm
32272.83.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Rustic Voodoo Wand
38351.22.00RangedLooted Wand
Rustmaul Axe
36322.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Axe
Rustmaul Bow
36323.03.00RangedLooted Bow
Rustmaul Crossbow
36323.03.00RangedLooted Crossbow
Rustmaul Greatsword
36323.03.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Rustmaul Gun
36323.03.00RangedLooted Gun
Rustmaul Hammer
36323.03.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Rustmaul Knuckles
36322.32.60One HandLooted Fist Weapon
Rustmaul Mace
36322.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Rustmaul Spear
36323.03.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Rustmaul Staff
36323.03.60Two HandLooted Staff
Rustmaul Staff
36321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Rustmaul Sword
36322.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Ruumbo's Arm
241.82.60One Hand Dance for Ruumbo! One-handed Mace
Ryedol's Hammer
211.62.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Sable Wand
140.72.00Ranged Wand
Saboteur's Axe
312.73.60Two Hand Teleport This! Two-handed Axe
Sacrificial Blade
101.11.80One Hand Demon Seed Dagger
Sacrificial Kris
24170.91.80One HandLooted Dagger
Sacrosanct Mace
33281.12.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Salamanther Slicer
2005816.61.80One Hand Dagger
Salhet's Ornate Dagger
361.11.80One Hand Salhet the Tactician Dagger
Saltscale Dagger
392.31.80One Hand The Scent of Blood Dagger
Saltscale Shanker
13101.41.80One Hand Dagger
Salty Dog's Harpoon
503.73.60Two HandQuest Polearm
Sambino's Old Hammer
351.12.60One Hand Totem Modification One-handed Mace
Samophlange Screwdriver
111.63.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Sanctimonial Rod
241.23.60Two HandUnobtainable Staff
Sandcaster's Conductive Scimitar
501.42.60One Hand An Explosive Exit One-handed Sword
Sandfury Hatchet
241.82.60One Hand Sang'thraze the Deflector One-handed Axe
Sandscout's Kris
502.81.80One Hand An Explosive Exit Dagger
Sapphire Bladed Blunderbuss
10.63.00Ranged Gun
Sapph's Cleaver
342.83.60Two Hand The Rider of Frost Two-handed Axe
Sarah's Guide
291.33.60Two Hand Staff
Satay's Greatsword
13101.83.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Satyr Horn Staff
50.53.60Two Hand The Corruption's Source Staff
Saurjaw Dagger
38352.31.80One HandLooted Dagger
Saurok Breaker
13101.42.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Saurok Mace
13101.42.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Saurok Scepter
13101.42.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Saurok Smasher
13101.42.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Saur-Singer Spellblade
38351.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Savage Axe
22141.62.60One HandLooted, Fished One-handed Axe
Savage Talons
35292.32.60One HandLooted Fist Weapon
Sawed-Off Shotgun
30252.73.00RangedLooted Gun
Sawtooth Greatsword
32272.83.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Scalawag's Bolt-Thrower
594.73.00Ranged Crossbow
Scalawag's Bolt-Thrower
503.73.00Ranged Crossbow
Scalawag's Claymore
594.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Scalawag's Claymore
503.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword