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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Crystal-Chipping Mallet
181.62.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Devo's Handaxe
181.62.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Dragonmaw Shortsword
18111.62.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Egg Smasher
181.62.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Flesh Piercer
18111.61.80One Hand Dagger
Hammerfall Cudgel
181.62.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Hammerfall Gavel
180.82.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Hammerfall Mace
181.62.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Honed Stiletto
18111.61.80One Hand Dagger
Iridescent Hammer
18111.62.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Mighty Iron Hammer
18111.62.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Sin'Dall's Femur
181.62.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Syndicate Dagger
181.61.80One Hand Dagger
Tethis' Skull
180.82.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Viking Sword
18111.62.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Deft Stiletto
180.91.80One Hand Dagger
Heavy Marauder Scimitar
17101.52.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Sword of Corruption
17101.52.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Blurred Axe
17101.52.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Craig's Steel
171.51.80One Hand Dagger
Craig's Steel
171.51.80One Hand Dagger
Fighter Broadsword
17101.52.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Fish Stunner
170.72.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Naraxis' Fang
17101.51.80One Hand Dagger
Skeletal Longsword
17101.52.60One Hand One-handed Sword
171.51.80One Hand Dagger
Talongrip Dagger
171.51.80One Hand Dagger
Windshear Axe
171.52.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Axe of the Enforcer
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Axe of the Judgment Day
161.42.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Bite of Serra'kis
16101.41.80One Hand Dagger
16101.41.80One Hand Dagger
Blackfathom Mace
160.72.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Blackvenom Blade
16101.41.80One Hand Dagger
Crested Scepter
16100.72.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Darkwater Talwar
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Diamond Hammer
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Discontinuer's Hammer
160.72.60One Hand One-handed Mace
16101.41.80One Hand Dagger
Evocator's Blade
16100.71.80One Hand Dagger
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Iron Knuckles
16101.42.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Prison Shank
16101.41.80One Hand Dagger
Refurbished Archeus
160.72.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Restored Archeus
161.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Thruk's Fillet Knife
16100.71.80One Hand Dagger
Twisted Sabre
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Wicked Dagger
16101.41.80One Hand Dagger
Battle Knife
16101.41.80One Hand Dagger
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Black Metal Shortsword
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Blade of Exotic Magic
160.72.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Creche-Guard's Axe
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Creche-Talon's Baselard
16101.41.80One Hand Dagger
Creche-Talon's Blade
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Creche-Talon's Poniard
16101.41.80One Hand Dagger
Deadly Bronze Poniard
16101.41.80One Hand Dagger
Duskfall Daggers
16101.41.80One Hand Dagger
Earthen Blade
161.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Earthen Blade
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Earthen Handaxe
161.42.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Earthen Handaxe
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Earthen Shillelagh
16100.72.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Earthen Shillelagh
161.42.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Earthen Shiv
16101.41.80One Hand Dagger
Earthen Shiv
161.41.80One Hand Dagger
Emerine's Blade
160.72.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Foebreaker's Axe
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Frost-Etched Runeblade
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Gyromatic Axe
161.42.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Hammer of Faith
16100.72.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Heavy Bronze Mace
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Legacy of Teronis
161.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Lightning-Binder's Claws
16100.72.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Marauder Axe
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Novice's Handwraps
16101.42.60One Hand Fist Weapon
161.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Raincaller's Talons
16100.72.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Ridge Cleaver
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Serrated Poniard
16101.41.80One Hand Dagger
Spiritbreaker Talons
16101.42.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Stalwart's Longsword
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Steelscale Crushfish
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Swaggering Cutlass
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Sword of Searing Winds
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Wicked Spiked Mace
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Wyvern Tailspike
16101.41.80One Hand Dagger
Left-Handed Claw
16101.42.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Slicing Claw
16101.42.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Smotts' Cutlass
16101.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
151.41.80One Hand Dagger
151.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
1591.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Skeletal Club
1591.42.60One Hand One-handed Mace
151.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Black Metal Axe
1591.42.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Bluegill Kukri
1591.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Bronze Shortsword
1591.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Corpseweed Hewer
151.42.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Corpseweed Sickle
151.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword