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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Simmer's Cudgel
30.52.60One Hand Reaping the Reapers One-handed Mace
Simmer's Dirk
30.51.80One Hand Reaping the Reapers Dagger
Simple Dagger
30.51.80One HandLooted, Fished, Vendor Dagger
Splintered Board
30.52.00Main Hand One-handed Mace
Sword of the Hozen
30.52.60One Hand Do No Evil One-handed Sword
Worn Ceremonial Tomahawk
30.52.60One Hand The Restless Earth One-handed Axe
Balanced Spell Staff
60.53.60Two Hand WANTED: "Hogger" Staff
Darkwood Staff
60.53.60Two Hand Deaths in the Family Staff
Ley Staff
60.53.60Two HandQuest Staff
Staff of Dubious Pacts
60.53.60Two Hand Message for Saurfang Staff
Staff of the Unwelcome
60.53.60Two Hand Staff
Stonesplinter Staff
60.53.60Two Hand In Defense of the King's Lands Staff
Sturdy Quarterstaff
640.53.60Two HandLooted, Fished Staff
(Action Figure) Tauren Hunter Polearm
10.53.60Two Hand Polearm
Apprentice's Staff
10.53.60Two Hand Staff
Arcane Staff
10.52.60Two HandCreated Staff
Battleworn Claymore
10.53.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Battleworn Hammer
10.53.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Battleworn Hammer
10.53.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Bent Staff
10.53.60Two Hand Staff
Farmer's Broom
10.53.60Two Hand Staff
Farmer's Hoe
10.53.60Two Hand Staff
Farmer's Shovel
10.53.60Two Hand Staff
Handcrafted Staff
10.53.60Two Hand Staff
Hunting Rifle
10.53.00RangedCreated Gun
Monster - Staff, Velen TEMP
10.53.00Two Hand Staff
Mounted Gnoll Lance
10.50.50Main Hand Polearm
Old Blunderbuss
10.53.00Ranged Gun
Oversized Tenderizer
10.53.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Placeholder 2H Sword
10.53.60Two HandUnobtainable Two-handed Sword
Plain Wooden Staff
10.53.60Two Hand Staff
Reclaimer Pickaxe
10.50.50Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Trainee's Crossbow
10.53.00RangedLooted Crossbow
Trainee's Staff
10.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Trainee's Sword
10.53.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Training Staff
10.53.60Two Hand Staff
Warder's Shortbow
10.53.00Ranged Bow
Warder's Spear
10.53.60Two Hand Polearm
Weathered Crossbow
10.53.00Ranged Crossbow
Wirt's Last Leg
10.53.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Worn Battleaxe
10.53.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Worn Greatsword
10.53.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Worn Shortbow
10.53.00Ranged Bow
Worn Wood Chopper
10.53.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Cinder Wand
90.52.00Ranged Wand
Fist of Argus
90.52.60One Hand Blood Watch One-handed Mace
Indiscriminate Wand
90.52.00Ranged Lake Everstill Clean Up Wand
Solomon's Gavel
90.52.60One Hand Saving Foreman Oslow One-handed Mace
Beaten Battle Axe
420.53.60Two HandLooted, Pick Pocketed Two-handed Axe
Cracked Shortbow
420.53.00RangedLooted Bow
Cracked Sledge
420.53.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Withered Staff
420.53.60Two HandLooted, Pick Pocketed Staff
Death Star
20.52.60One Hand The Future of Gnomeregan One-handed Mace
Vibro Knife
20.51.80One Hand The Future of Gnomeregan Dagger
Commoner's Sword
640.52.60Main HandLooted One-handed Sword
Heavy Hammer
630.52.60Main HandLooted, Pick Pocketed One-handed Mace
Cerellean's Dagger
80.51.80One Hand Remembrance of Auberdine Dagger
Cerellean's Spellsword
80.52.60One Hand Remembrance of Auberdine One-handed Sword
Silver-Edged Blade
80.52.60One Hand The Stolen Silver One-handed Sword
Stonesplinter Mace
850.52.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Submariner Killer
80.52.00Ranged Vengeance for Our Soldiers Wand
Anvilmar Hammer
20.52.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Anvilmar Hand Axe
20.52.60One Hand The Troll Menace One-handed Axe
Anvilmar Knife
20.51.80One Hand The Troll Menace Dagger
Arcane Forged Axe
20.52.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Arcane Forged Dirk
20.51.80One Hand Dagger
Arcane Forged Mace
20.52.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Arcane Forged Shortsword
20.52.60One Hand One-handed Sword
20.52.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Dagger of Silent Flame
20.51.80One Hand The Passion of Shen-zin Su Dagger
Dagger of the Master
20.51.80One Hand Only the Worthy Shall Pass Dagger
Deadman Blade
20.52.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Deadman Cleaver
20.52.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Deadman Club
20.52.60Main Hand One-handed Mace
Deadman Dagger
20.51.80One Hand Dagger
20.51.80One Hand Dagger
Dull Blade
20.52.60Main HandLooted One-handed Sword
Exodar Dagger
20.51.80One Hand Blood Elf Spy Dagger
Exodar Maul
20.52.60Main Hand Blood Elf Spy One-handed Mace
Exodar Shortsword
20.52.60Main Hand Blood Elf Spy One-handed Sword
First Bank Knocker
20.52.60One Hand The Great Bank Heist One-handed Mace
Forsaken Dagger
20.51.80One Hand No Better Than the Zombies Dagger
Forsaken Maul
20.52.60One Hand No Better Than the Zombies One-handed Mace
Forsaken Shortsword
20.52.60One Hand No Better Than the Zombies One-handed Sword
Goblin Ripsaw
20.52.60Main Hand One-handed Sword
Hand Axe
20.52.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Keel Smasher
20.52.60Main Hand One-handed Mace
Long-Lost Wand
20.52.00Ranged Wand
Mace of the Master
20.52.60One Hand Only the Worthy Shall Pass One-handed Mace
Mastiff Trainer's Wand
20.52.00Ranged From the Shadows Wand
Militia Dagger
20.51.80One Hand Dagger
Militia Dagger
20.51.80Main Hand Ending the Invasion! Dagger
Militia Hammer
20.52.60Main Hand Ending the Invasion! One-handed Mace
Militia Shortsword
20.52.60Main Hand Ending the Invasion! One-handed Sword
Pitted Defias Shortsword
20.52.60Main Hand Waterlogged Chest One-handed Sword
Primitive Hand Blade
20.51.80One Hand Dagger
Primitive Hatchet
20.52.60Main Hand One-handed Axe
Putrid Wooden Hammer
20.52.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Red Ceremonial Dagger
20.51.80One Hand Rite of Strength Dagger
Rigging Slicer
20.51.80One Hand Dagger