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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Astral Verdict
2336037.43.00Ranged Gun
Ashkandur, Fall of the Brotherhood
42470385.33.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood
29252.73.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Ashjre'thul, Crossbow of Smiting
29252.73.00RangedLooted Crossbow
Ashen Ranger's Longbow
44170451.43.00Ranged Bow
Ashen Mawsworn Staff
1600.62.60Two Hand Staff
Ashen Mawsworn Maul
1600.62.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Ashen Mawsworn Halberd
1600.62.60Two Hand Polearm
Ashen Mawsworn Crossbow
1600.62.60Ranged Crossbow
Ashcarved Sledgehammer
1745015.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Ashamane's Jewel of Rebirth
1700.63.60Two Hand Staff
Ashamane's Crescent of Rebirth
1700.63.60Two Hand Staff
Ashamane's Claws of Rebirth
1700.42.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Ashamane's Blade of Rebirth
1700.41.80One Hand Dagger
Ascended Gladius of Glory
1745011.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
35303.03.00RangedLooted Bow
Armor Plated Combat Shotgun
35303.03.00RangedCrafted Gun
35303.03.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Arlokk's Grasp
29252.02.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Arlokk's Claws
37322.32.60One HandLooted Fist Weapon
Argent Resolve
60301.82.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Argent Resolve
35301.12.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Argent Resolve
35301.12.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Argent Mawsworn Greatsword
1600.62.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Ardent Guard
60303.62.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Ardent Guard
35302.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Ardent Guard
35302.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Ardent Custodian
23161.72.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Arcweaver Spell Sword
Heroic Warforged
42351.32.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Arcweaver Spell Sword
42351.32.60One Hand General Nazgrim One-handed Sword
Arcweaver Spell Sword
Mythic Warforged
42351.32.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Arcweaver Spell Sword
42351.32.60One Hand General Nazgrim One-handed Sword
Arcweaver Spell Sword
41351.32.60One Hand General Nazgrim One-handed Sword
Arcweaver Spell Sword
41351.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Arcweaver Spell Sword
Raid Finder
40351.22.60One Hand General Nazgrim One-handed Sword
Arctic Warden's Greatsword
44170451.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Arctic Warden's Gavel
44170340.82.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Arctic Warden's Blade
44170340.82.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas
60302.43.60Two Hand Staff
Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas
35301.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas
35301.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Archon's Guiding Glaive
1745015.03.60Two Hand Polearm
Archon's Gavel
33271.12.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Archon Glaive
60304.83.60Two Hand Polearm
Archon Glaive
35303.03.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Archon Glaive
35303.03.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Archmage's Staff
37321.53.60Two Hand Staff
Arcanite Steam-Pistol
32272.83.00RangedLooted Gun
Arcanite Ripper
32272.83.60Two HandBlack Market AH Two-handed Axe
Arcana Shard Spire
1400.63.60Two HandAchievement, Vendor Staff
Arbalest of Erupting Fury
60324.83.00Ranged Crossbow
Arbalest of Erupting Fury
37323.13.00RangedLooted Crossbow
Arbalest of Erupting Fury
37323.13.00RangedLooted Crossbow
Arathi Holy Standard
3507096.73.60Two Hand Staff
Arathar, the Eye of Flame
60324.83.00Ranged Bow
Arathar, the Eye of Flame
37323.13.00RangedLooted Bow
Arathar, the Eye of Flame
37323.13.00RangedLooted Bow
Aranakk Torture Device
1745015.03.60Two Hand Polearm
Arakkoa Bulwark
10.42.60Off Hand One-handed Mace
Aqua-Pulse Trident
72505.23.60Two Hand Polearm
Approaching Terror's Torch
2466046.93.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Apostle of Argus
60272.43.60Two Hand Staff
Apostle of Argus
33271.43.60Two HandLooted Staff
Apolyon, the Soul-Render
34272.83.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Apex Perforator
784.11.80One Hand Dagger
Apetagonizer's Claw
60503.62.60One HandVendor One-handed Mace
An'zig Vra
85505.73.60Two Hand Staff
Anubisath Warhammer
29252.02.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Anub'arash's Colossal Mandible
571801,515.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Anu-Azshara, Staff of the Eternal
72502.63.60Two Hand Staff
Antumbra, Shadow of the Cosmos
2336014.11.80One Hand Dagger
Ansurek's Final Judgment
571801,144.42.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Anointed Crusader's Claymore
10.63.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
60304.83.60Two Hand Polearm
35303.03.60Two HandLooted Polearm
35303.03.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Angry Dread
35302.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Anetheron's Edge
10.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Andoros, Fist of the Dragon King
60321.82.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Andoros, Fist of the Dragon King
37321.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Andoros, Fist of the Dragon King
37321.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Ancient Qiraji Ripper
29252.02.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Ancient Hakkari Manslayer
29252.02.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Ancient Amani Longbow
32272.83.00Ranged Bow
Ancestor's Might
1600.63.60Main Hand Two-handed Mace
29251.33.60Two HandUnobtainable Staff
35302.31.80One HandLooted Dagger
Amun-Thoth, Sul's Spiritrending Talons
Heroic Thunderforged
41351.32.60One HandLooted Fist Weapon
Amun-Thoth, Sul's Spiritrending Talons
41351.32.60One HandLooted Fist Weapon
Amun-Thoth, Sul's Spiritrending Talons
40351.22.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Amun-Thoth, Sul's Spiritrending Talons
40351.22.60One HandLooted Fist Weapon
Amun-Thoth, Sul's Spiritrending Talons
Raid Finder
39351.22.60One HandLooted Fist Weapon
Ameelton's Shot-Thrower
60504.83.00Ranged Venomous Diemetradon Gun
Amberseal Keeper
29251.33.60Two HandUnobtainable Staff
Amberseal Keeper
291.33.60Two Hand Staff
Amani Scepter of Rites
37321.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Amani Punisher
32271.02.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Amani Divining Staff
32271.43.60Two Hand Staff
Alysra's Razor
60323.61.80One Hand Dagger
Alysra's Razor
37322.31.80One HandLooted Dagger