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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Sinful Aspirant's Hatchet
158609.22.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Sinful Aspirant's Longspear
1586012.23.60Two Hand Polearm
Sinful Aspirant's Mace
158609.22.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Sinful Aspirant's Polearm
1586012.23.60Two Hand Polearm
Sinful Aspirant's Recurve
1586012.23.00Ranged Bow
Sinful Aspirant's Staff
158606.13.60Two Hand Staff
Sinful Aspirant's Sword
158609.22.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Sinful Aspirant's Warglaive
158609.22.60One Hand Warglaives
158609.22.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Sophisticated Bonecracker
158609.22.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Stitchflesh's Scalpel
158609.21.80One Hand Dagger
Stone General's Edge
158609.22.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Stoneguardian's Morningstar
158609.22.60One Hand One-handed Mace
158609.22.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Surgical Pustule Extractor
158604.61.80One Hand Dagger
Tanglewood Thorn
158609.21.80One Hand Dagger
The Philosopher
1586012.23.00Ranged Bow
Unchained Aspirant's Battleaxe
158609.22.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Unchained Aspirant's Blackjack
158609.22.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Unchained Aspirant's Blade
158609.22.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Unchained Aspirant's Crescent
158604.61.80One Hand Dagger
Unchained Aspirant's Dagger
158609.21.80One Hand Dagger
Unchained Aspirant's Gavel
158604.62.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Unchained Aspirant's Greataxe
1586012.23.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Unchained Aspirant's Greatsword
1586012.23.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Unchained Aspirant's Hatchet
158609.22.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Unchained Aspirant's Longspear
1586012.23.60Two Hand Polearm
Unchained Aspirant's Mace
158609.22.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Unchained Aspirant's Polearm
1586012.23.60Two Hand Polearm
Unchained Aspirant's Recurve
1586012.23.00Ranged Bow
Unchained Aspirant's Staff
158606.13.60Two Hand Staff
Unchained Aspirant's Sword
158609.22.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Unchained Aspirant's Warglaive
158609.22.60One Hand Warglaives
Voracious Gorger Spine
158609.21.80One Hand Dagger
Whizblast Walking Stick
158606.13.60Two Hand Staff
Xav's Pike of Authority
1586012.23.60Two Hand Polearm
Xy Cartel Crossbow
1586012.23.00Ranged Crossbow
Zin'khas, Blade of the Fallen God
1586012.23.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
9.0 Covenant - Bastion - Weapon - Warglaive AGI - Blue
155508.92.60One Hand Warglaives
9.0 Covenant - Bastion - Weapon - Warglaive AGI - Copper
155508.92.60One Hand Warglaives
9.0 Covenant - Bastion - Weapon - Warglaive AGI - Dark
155508.92.60One Hand Warglaives
9.0 Covenant - Bastion - Weapon - Warglaive AGI - Gold
155508.92.60One Hand Warglaives
9.0 Covenant - Bastion - Weapon - Warglaive AGI - Pink
155508.92.60One Hand Warglaives
Ardenweald Raid Mace STR
155508.92.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Axe of Broken Wills
155488.92.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Blade of Grievous Harm
155608.92.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Deathbinder's Staff
155485.93.60Two Hand Staff
Dreamsong Saber
155488.92.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Dreamsong Warglaive
155488.92.60One Hand Warglaives
Dustbreak Maul
1554811.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Elderwood Piercer
1554811.73.00Ranged Bow
Event Horizon's Edge
155608.92.60One Hand Warglaives
Faeflayer's Hatchet
155488.92.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Fang of Alcruux
155608.91.80One Hand Dagger
Fatebreaker, Destroyer of Futures
155608.92.60One Hand One-handed Mace
First Fist of the So Cartel
155608.92.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Glimmerlight Staff
155485.93.60Two Hand Staff
Gluttonous Rondel
155604.41.80One Hand Dagger
Greataxe of Unrelenting Pursuit
1554811.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Interrogator's Flensing Blade
155608.92.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Kelox's Eggbeater
1554811.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Mi'kai's Deathscythe
1554811.73.60Two Hand Polearm
Nightwillow Cudgel
155488.92.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Ripvine Barb
155488.91.80One Hand Dagger
Sinful Aspirant's Bow
1556011.73.00Ranged Bow
Sinful Aspirant's Broadsword
1556011.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Sinful Aspirant's Fang
155608.91.80One Hand Dagger
Sinful Aspirant's Glaive
155608.92.60One Hand Warglaives
Sinful Aspirant's Keris
155604.41.80One Hand Dagger
Sinful Aspirant's Magestaff
155605.93.60Two Hand Staff
Sinful Aspirant's Reaver
1556011.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Sinful Aspirant's Spellmace
155604.42.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Skyreaver, Greataxe of the Keepers
1556011.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Soultwister's Scythe
155485.93.60Two Hand Staff
Spire of Expurgation
1556011.73.60Two Hand Staff
Staff of Fractured Spacetime
155605.93.60Two Hand Staff
Suirhtaned, Blade of the Heir
155508.92.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Thornsweeper Scythe
1554811.73.60Two Hand Polearm
Timetwister Tulwar
155604.42.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Winterborn Bow
1555011.73.00Ranged Bow
Winterborn Fang
155508.91.80One Hand Dagger
Winterborn Jaws
155508.92.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Winterborn Maul
1555011.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Winterborn Scepter
155504.42.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Winterborn Shillelagh
155508.92.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Winterborn Spear
1555011.73.60Two Hand Staff
Winterborn Staff
155505.93.60Two Hand Staff
Winterborn Wand
155504.42.00Ranged Wand
Winterborn Warglaive
155508.92.60One Hand Warglaives
Yasahm the Riftbreaker
1556011.73.00Ranged Crossbow
Ardenweald Covenant Fist Weapon
155508.92.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Blackthorn Harvester
155505.93.60Two Hand Staff
Darkreach Hacker
155508.92.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Darkreach Splitter
1555011.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Deadstone Hatchet
155504.42.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Drust 2H Axe
15511.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Drustwrought Executioner
1555011.73.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Drustwrought Scythe
155505.93.60Two Hand Staff
Maldraxxus Axe (Green)
155508.92.60One Hand One-handed Axe
NPE Weapon 1H Axe AGI
155508.92.60One Hand One-handed Axe