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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Invocation of the Dawn
40351.63.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Iron Qon's Boot Knife
40352.51.80One HandLooted Dagger
Iron Qon's Boot Knife
40352.51.80One HandLooted Dagger
Jalak's Maelstrom Staff
40353.33.60Two HandLooted Staff
Jalak's Maelstrom Staff
40353.33.60Two HandLooted Staff
Jerthud, Graceful Hand of the Savior
40351.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Jerthud, Graceful Hand of the Savior
40351.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Jin'ya, Orb of the Waterspeaker
40351.63.60Two HandLooted Staff
Kardris' Scepter
Raid Finder
40351.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Kilrak, Jaws of Terror
40352.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Kil'ruk's Furious Blade
Raid Finder
40352.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Kor'kron Hand Cannon
Raid Finder
40353.33.00Ranged Malkorok Gun
Kor'kron Spire of Supremacy
Raid Finder
40353.33.60Two HandLooted Staff
Korven's Crimson Crescent
Raid Finder
40352.52.60One Hand Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver One-handed Axe
Kri'tak, Imperial Scepter of the Swarm
40351.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Kura-Kura, Kazra'jin's Skullcleaver
40352.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Axe
Kura-Kura, Kazra'jin's Skullcleaver
40352.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Axe
Lever of the Megantholithic Apparatus
Raid Finder
40351.63.60Two HandLooted Staff
Loshan, Terror Incarnate
40351.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Malkorok's Skullcleaver
Raid Finder
40352.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Axe
Megaera's Poisoned Fang
40352.51.80One HandLooted Dagger
Megaera's Poisoned Fang
40352.51.80One HandLooted Dagger
Miracoran, the Vehement Chord
40353.33.00RangedLooted Bow
Miracoran, the Vehement Chord
40353.33.00RangedLooted Bow
Nadagast's Exsanguinator
40351.21.80One HandLooted Dagger
Nadagast's Exsanguinator
40351.21.80One HandLooted Dagger
Nazgrim's Gutripper
Raid Finder
40352.51.80One Hand General Nazgrim Dagger
Norushen's Shortblade
Raid Finder
40352.51.80One Hand Amalgam of Corruption Dagger
Qon's Flaming Scimitar
40352.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Qon's Flaming Scimitar
40352.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Regail's Crackling Dagger
Heroic Elite
40351.21.80One HandLooted Dagger
Regail's Crackling Dagger
40351.21.80One HandLooted Dagger
Rik'kal's Bloody Scalpel
Raid Finder
40351.21.80One Hand Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver Dagger
Ritual Dagger of the Mind's Eye
40351.21.80One HandLooted Dagger
Ritual Dagger of the Mind's Eye
40351.21.80One HandLooted Dagger
Scimitar of Seven Stars
40352.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Seismic Bore
Raid Finder
40352.52.60One Hand Iron Juggernaut One-handed Mace
Shan-Dun, Breaker of Hope
40353.33.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Shan-Dun, Breaker of Hope
40353.33.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Shattered Tortoiseshell Longbow
40353.33.00RangedLooted Bow
Shattered Tortoiseshell Longbow
40353.33.00RangedLooted Bow
Shellsplitter Greataxe
40352.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Axe
Shellsplitter Greataxe
40352.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Axe
Shin'ka, Execution of Dominion
40353.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Siegecrafter's Forge Hammer
Raid Finder
40352.52.60One Hand Siegecrafter Blackfuse One-handed Mace
Softfoot's Last Resort
Raid Finder
40352.52.60One HandLooted Fist Weapon
Soulblade of the Breaking Storm
40351.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Soulblade of the Breaking Storm
40351.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
40352.51.80One HandLooted Dagger
Suen-Wo, Spire of the Falling Sun
40351.63.60Two HandLooted Staff
Suen-Wo, Spire of the Falling Sun
40351.63.60Two HandLooted Staff
Taoren, the Soul Burner
40353.33.00RangedLooted Gun
Tia-Tia, the Scything Star
40352.52.60One HandLooted Fist Weapon
Tia-Tia, the Scything Star
40352.52.60One HandLooted Fist Weapon
Torall, Rod of the Shattered Throne
40351.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Torall, Rod of the Shattered Throne
40351.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Trident of Corrupted Waters
Raid Finder
40353.33.60Two HandLooted Staff
Un'sok's Amber Scalpel
40351.21.80One HandLooted Dagger
Uroe, Harbinger of Terror
40353.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Uroe, Harbinger of Terror
40353.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Venomlord's Totemic Wand
40351.22.00RangedLooted Wand
Venomlord's Totemic Wand
40351.22.00RangedLooted Wand
Voice of the Quilen
40353.33.00RangedLooted Gun
Voice of the Quilen
40353.33.00RangedLooted Gun
Worldbreaker's Stormscythe
40352.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Axe
Worldbreaker's Stormscythe
40352.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Axe
Wu-Lai, Bladed Fan of the Empyreans
40352.52.60One HandLooted Fist Weapon
Wu-Lai, Bladed Fan of the Empyreans
40352.52.60One HandLooted Fist Weapon
Xal'atoh, Desecrated Image of Gorehowl
Raid Finder
40353.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Xifeng, Longblade of the Titanic Guardian
Raid Finder
40352.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Zeeg's Ancient Kegsmasher
40352.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Zeeg's Ancient Kegsmasher
40352.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Zerat, Malakk's Soulburning Greatsword
40353.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Zerat, Malakk's Soulburning Greatsword
40353.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Abberant's Paw
401.22.60One HandLooted Fist Weapon
Ancestral Shadowmoon Greataxe
40353.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Beater's Beat Stick
403.33.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Bow of the Iron Wolf
403.33.00Ranged The Iron Wolf Bow
Cindermaw's Blazing Talon
401.21.80One HandLooted Dagger
Cold Tusk
402.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Darktide Pincer
40352.52.60One HandLooted Fist Weapon
Darktide Summoner Staff
401.63.60Two HandLooted Staff
Frostwolf Wisdom Stick
401.22.00RangedUnobtainable Wand
Gnawbone Knife
40352.51.80One HandLooted Dagger
Icebound Frost-Singer Axe
401.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Axe
Ivory-Hilted Cleaver
40352.52.60One HandLooted One-handed Axe
Jagged Turtleshell Blade
403.33.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Karabor Anchorite Cudgel
401.22.60One Hand Darkness Falls One-handed Mace
Karabor Arcanist Wand
401.22.00Ranged Darkness Falls Wand
Karabor Honor Guard Mace
402.52.60One Hand Darkness Falls One-handed Mace
Karabor Starsinger Staff
403.33.60Two Hand Darkness Falls Staff
Karabor Warmace
403.33.60Two Hand Darkness Falls Two-handed Mace
Killmaw's Canine
402.51.80One HandLooted Dagger
Moonwillow Wand
40351.22.00RangedLooted Wand
Obliterator Firing Lever
402.52.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Rangari Initiate Blackjack
402.52.60One Hand Darkness Falls One-handed Mace
Rangari Initiate Longbow
403.33.00Ranged Darkness Falls Bow
Rangari Skinning Knife
402.51.80One Hand Darkness Falls Dagger
Rovo's Dagger
40352.51.80One HandLooted Dagger
Shadowmoon Sacrificial Dagger
40351.21.80One HandLooted Dagger