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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Meteor Shard
37322.31.80One HandLooted Dagger
Modgud's Blade
37321.21.80One HandLooted Dagger
Modgud's Blade
37321.21.80One HandLooted Dagger
Modgud's Blade
37311.21.80One HandLooted Dagger
Overpowered Chicken Splitter
37323.13.00RangedCrafted Bow
Oversized Oblique Ogre Obliterator
373.13.60Two Hand The Crucible of Carnage: The Twilight Terror! Two-handed Sword
Quicksilver Blade
37322.31.80One HandLooted Dagger
Quicksilver Blade
37322.31.80One HandLooted Dagger
Ravenheart Longbow
37323.13.00RangedLooted Bow
Ravening Slicer
37322.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Ravening Slicer
37322.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Resonant Kris
37322.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Resonant Kris
37312.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Resonant Kris
37322.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Rosethorn Staff
37321.53.60Two HandCrafted Staff
Scepter of Power
37311.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Scepter of Power
37321.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Scepter of Stargazing
37321.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Sceptre of Swirling Winds
37321.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Sceptre of Swirling Winds
37321.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Seliza's Spear
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Seliza's Spear
37313.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Seliza's Spear
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Shimmering Morningstar
37321.22.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Shimmering Morningstar
37321.22.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Silver Inlaid Staff
37323.13.60Two HandCrafted Staff
Sky Piercer
37323.13.00Ranged Crossbow
Sky Piercer
37323.13.00Ranged Crossbow
Smite's Reaver
37322.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Axe
Sorrow's End
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Soul Releaser
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Soul Releaser
37311.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Spear of Trailing Shadows
37323.13.60Two Hand Polearm
Spear of Trailing Shadows
37323.13.60Two Hand Polearm
Staff of Draconic Pacification
373.13.60Two Hand Narkrall, The Drake-Tamer Staff
Staff of Isolation
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Staff of Old Woes
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Staff
Staff of Siphoned Essences
37311.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Staff of Siphoned Essences
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Staff of Siphoned Essences
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Staff of Solemn Secrecy
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Steelbender's Masterpiece
37322.31.80One HandLooted Dagger
Steelbender's Masterpiece
37322.31.80One HandLooted Dagger
Sun Strike
37322.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Sun Strike
37312.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Sword of the Bottomless Pit
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Sword of the Bottomless Pit
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
The Perforator
37312.32.60One HandCrafted Fist Weapon
Thief's Blade
37322.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Throat Slasher
37322.31.80One Hand Dagger
37323.13.00RangedLooted Gun
37323.13.00RangedLooted Gun
Thundercleaver Axe
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Thundercleaver Axe
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Torth-Slayer's Staff
373.13.60Two Hand Fury Unbound Staff
Torturer's Mercy
37321.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Torturer's Mercy
37321.22.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Very Manly Staff
371.53.60Two Hand The Crucible of Carnage: The Twilight Terror! Staff
Volatile Thunderstick
37313.13.00RangedCrafted Gun
Wand of Dark Worship
37321.22.00RangedLooted Wand
Wand of Untainted Power
37311.22.00RangedLooted Wand
Wand of Untainted Power
37321.22.00RangedLooted Wand
Wand of Untainted Power
37321.22.00RangedLooted Wand
Whitefin Axe
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Whitefin Axe
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Wild Hammer
37313.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Wild Hammer
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Wild Hammer
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Windrunner's Bow
37323.13.00RangedLooted Bow
37322.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Windwalker Blade
37322.31.80One HandLooted Dagger
Windwalker Blade
37322.31.80One HandLooted Dagger
Windwalker Blade
37312.31.80One HandLooted Dagger
Airship Marine's Sharpshooter
373.13.00Ranged Gun
Axe of Sacrifice
373.13.60Two Hand An Urgent Plea Two-handed Axe
Axe of the Lone Champion
372.32.60One Hand The Rumpus One-handed Axe
Barbarian Axe
37322.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Axe
Barbarian Bow
37323.13.00RangedLooted Bow
Barbarian Broadaxe
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Barbarian Crossbow
37323.13.00RangedLooted Crossbow
Barbarian Dagger
37322.31.80One HandLooted Dagger
Barbarian Greatsword
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Barbarian Gun
37323.13.00RangedLooted Gun
Barbarian Hammer
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace
Barbarian Knuckles
37322.32.60One HandLooted Fist Weapon
Barbarian Mace
37322.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Mace
Barbarian Spear
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Polearm
Barbarian Staff
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Staff
Barbarian Staff
37321.53.60Two HandLooted Staff
Barbarian Sword
37322.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Sword
Barricade-Breaker Cudgel
372.32.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Bronzed Axe
37322.32.60One HandLooted One-handed Axe
Bronzed Bow
37323.13.00RangedLooted Bow
Bronzed Broadaxe
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Axe
Bronzed Crossbow
37323.13.00RangedLooted Crossbow
Bronzed Dagger
37322.31.80One HandLooted Dagger
Bronzed Greatsword
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Sword
Bronzed Gun
37323.13.00RangedLooted Gun
Bronzed Hammer
37323.13.60Two HandLooted Two-handed Mace