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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Tel'thas, Dagger of the Blood King
35301.11.80One Hand Dagger
Tempered Vis'kag the Bloodletter
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Sword
The Diplomat
35303.03.00Ranged Gun
The Diplomat
35303.03.00Ranged Gun
The Dusk Blade
35302.31.80One Hand Dagger
The Facebreaker
35302.32.60One Hand Fist Weapon
The Facelifter
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Sword
The Facelifter
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Sword
The Fleshshaper
35302.31.80One Hand Dagger
The Grinder
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Mace
The Grinder
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Mace
The Hand of Nerub
35302.32.60One Hand Fist Weapon
The Horseman's Baleful Blade
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Sword
The Impossible Dream
35301.12.60One Hand One-handed Mace
The Jawbone
35303.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
The Lifebinder
35301.53.60Two Hand Staff
The Lifebinder
35301.53.60Two Hand Staff
The Lion's Maw
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
The Lion's Maw
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
The Masticator
35302.32.60One Hand Fist Weapon
The Masticator
35302.32.60One Hand Fist Weapon
The Soulblade
35301.11.80One Hand Dagger
The Spinebreaker
35302.32.60One Hand Fist Weapon
The Stray
35302.32.60One Hand Fist Weapon
The Turning Tide
35301.12.60One Hand One-handed Sword
The Undeath Carrier
35303.03.60Two Hand Staff
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Sword
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Titansteel Bonecrusher
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Titansteel Destroyer
35303.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Titansteel Guardian
35301.12.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Titansteel Shanker
35302.31.80One Hand Dagger
Titansteel Spellblade
35301.11.80One Hand Dagger
Torch of Holy Fire
35301.12.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Torment of the Banished
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Tortured Earth
35303.03.60Two Hand Staff
Tortured Earth
35303.03.60Two Hand Staff
Touch of Horror
35301.12.00Ranged Wand
Touch of Madness
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Touch of Madness
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Tower of the Mouldering Corpse
35303.03.60Two Hand Staff
Tower of the Mouldering Corpse
35303.03.60Two Hand Staff
35301.12.60One Hand One-handed Mace
35301.12.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Troggbane, Axe of the Frostborne King
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Troggbane, Axe of the Frostborne King
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
True-Aim Long Rifle
35303.03.00Ranged Gun
Twilight Mist
35302.31.80One Hand Dagger
Twin Spike
35302.31.80One Hand Dagger
Twin Spike
35302.31.80One Hand Dagger
Twin's Pact
35303.03.60Two Hand Staff
Twin's Pact
35303.03.60Two Hand Staff
Twisted Visage
35303.03.60Two Hand Staff
Twisted Visage
35303.03.60Two Hand Staff
Tyrannical Beheader
35303.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Unraveling Reach
35301.53.60Two Hand Staff
Unraveling Reach
35301.53.60Two Hand Staff
Unsharpened Ice Razor
35302.31.80One Hand Dagger
Unspeakable Secret
35301.53.60Two Hand Staff
Valius, Gavel of the Lightbringer
35301.12.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Valius, Gavel of the Lightbringer
35301.12.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Veranus' Bane
35303.03.00Ranged Gun
Veranus' Bane
35303.03.00Ranged Gun
Void Sabre
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Void Sabre
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Voldrethar, Dark Blade of Oblivion
35303.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Voldrethar, Dark Blade of Oblivion
35303.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Vulmir, the Northern Tempest
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Vulmir, the Northern Tempest
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Wand of Ahn'kahet
35301.12.00Ranged Wand
Wand of Ruby Claret
35301.12.00Ranged Wand
Wand of Ruby Claret
35301.12.00Ranged Wand
Wand of the Archlich
35301.12.00Ranged Wand
War Mace of Unrequited Love
35301.12.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Warmace of Menethil
35303.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Warmace of Menethil
35303.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Webbed Death
35302.31.80One Hand Dagger
Westfall Saber
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Westfall Saber
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Widebarrel Flintlock
35303.03.00Ranged Gun
Widebarrel Flintlock
35303.03.00Ranged Gun
Widow's Fury
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Sword
Windrunner's Heartseeker
35303.03.00Ranged Crossbow
Windrunner's Heartseeker
35303.03.00Ranged Crossbow
35303.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
35303.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Wraith Spear
35303.03.60Two Hand Polearm
Wraith Strike
35301.12.60One Hand Fist Weapon
Wrathful Gladiator's Acute Staff
Season 8 Elite
35301.53.60Two Hand Staff
Wrathful Gladiator's Baton of Light
Season 8
35301.12.00Ranged Wand
Wrathful Gladiator's Battle Staff
Season 8
35301.53.60Two Hand Staff
Wrathful Gladiator's Blade of Alacrity
Season 8
35301.11.80One Hand Dagger
Wrathful Gladiator's Blade of Celerity
Season 8 Elite
35301.11.80One Hand Dagger
Wrathful Gladiator's Bonecracker
Season 8
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Mace
Wrathful Gladiator's Bonegrinder
Season 8
35303.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Wrathful Gladiator's Chopper
Season 8
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Wrathful Gladiator's Claymore
Season 8 Elite
35303.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Wrathful Gladiator's Cleaver
Season 8
35302.32.60One Hand One-handed Axe
Wrathful Gladiator's Combat Staff
Season 8 Elite
35301.53.60Two Hand Staff
Wrathful Gladiator's Crusher
Season 8 Elite
35303.03.60Two Hand Two-handed Mace