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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Cypher Attunement Feet
20060Feet Cloth
Cypher Attunement Hands
20060Hands Cloth
Cypher Attunement Head
20060Head Cloth
Cypher Attunement Legs
20060Legs Cloth
Cypher Attunement Neck
20060Neck Neck
Cypher Attunement Ring
20060Finger Finger
Cypher Attunement Shoulder
20060Shoulders Cloth
Cypher Attunement Waist
20060Waist Cloth
Cypher Attunement Wrist
20060Wrists Cloth
Death Wing Drape
20060Back Back
Death's Hammer Stompers
20060Feet Plate
Deomen's Vortex Blade
20060One Hand One-handed Sword
Devourer Hide Belt
20060Waist Leather
Devourer's Shadehide Jerkin
20060Chest Leather
Diabolic Soul Veil
20060Head Cloth
Divo's Worn Cloth
200Back Back
Dominated Protector's Helm
20060Head Plate
Draconic Compendium
200Off Hand Off Hand
Drape of the Phantasm
20060Back Back
Emberfused Band
20060Finger Finger
Embroidered Broadhoof Cowl
20058Head Leather
Eternas' Braided Waistcord
20060Waist Cloth
Faded Ebony Scale
20070Trinket Trinket
Fallen Vault Guardian's Spire
20060Two Hand Polearm
Fine Razorwing Quill
20060Trinket Trinket
Fire-Tempered Armor Cinch
20060Waist Leather
Forsworn's Judgment
20060One Hand One-handed Mace
Frozen Shard Ring
200Finger Finger
Frozen Shard Ring
200Finger Finger
Geyserwalker Visage
20058Head Cloth
Girdle of the Deadsoul
20060Waist Plate
Girdle of the Death Speaker
20060Waist Plate
Gleaming Bronze Blade
200One Hand One-handed Sword
Gloves of Fervent Intercession
20060Hands Plate
Gnoll Fiend Flail
20060One Hand One-handed Mace
Gormhide Pauldrons
20060Shoulders Leather
Grips of the Coldheart Adjutant
20060Hands Mail
Gromit Tendon Longbow
20060Ranged Bow
Harmonic Crowd Breaker
20060Trinket Trinket
Helm of Necrotic Sight
20060Head Plate
Helm of the Skittish Hero
20060Head Plate
Hood of Malevolence
20060Head Leather
Inferno Blast Shield
20060Off Hand Shield
Insulated Thermal Leggings
20060Legs Cloth
Iron Maiden's Toolkit
20060Trinket Trinket
Jangling Chain Manacles
20060Wrists Mail
Kazj's Stygian Splitter
20060Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Keratin-Reinforced Coif
20058Head Mail
Konthrogz's Scaled Handguards
20060Hands Mail
Korthian Anima Slicer
20060One Hand Dagger
Korthian Anima Vessel
20060Off Hand Off Hand
Korthian Archivist's Gavel
20060One Hand One-handed Mace
Korthian Attendant's Blade
20060One Hand Dagger
Korthian Attendant's Cane
20060Two Hand Staff
Korthian Attendant's Scepter
20060One Hand One-handed Mace
Korthian Caretaker's Bindings
20060Wrists Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Cinch
20060Waist Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Crest
20060Head Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Crown
20060Head Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Handwraps
20060Hands Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Kris
20060One Hand Dagger
Korthian Caretaker's Leggings
20060Legs Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Mantle
20060Shoulders Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Mitts
20060Hands Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Orb
20060Off Hand Off Hand
Korthian Caretaker's Pantaloons
20060Legs Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Robes
20060Chest Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Rod
20060Two Hand Staff
Korthian Caretaker's Sandals
20060Feet Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Sash
20060Waist Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Shoulderpads
20060Shoulders Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Slippers
20060Feet Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Vestments
20060Chest Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Wraps
20060Wrists Cloth
Korthian Energy Bow
20060Ranged Bow
Korthian Keeper's Buckler
20060Off Hand Shield
Korthian Pathfinder's Spire
20060Two Hand Staff
Korthian Protector's Greataxe
20060Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Korthian Protector's Warhammer
20060One Hand One-handed Mace
Korthian Scholar's Signet
20060Finger Finger
Korthian Sentinel's Hammer
20060One Hand One-handed Mace
Korthian Twinblade
20060One Hand Warglaives
Kris of Dark Temptation
20060One Hand Dagger
Large Brass Cleaver
200Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Lavafused Breastplate
20060Chest Plate
Lord of Shade's Binders
20060Wrists Mail
Lost Attendant's Scepter
20060One Hand One-handed Mace
Lost Soul's Mantle
20060Shoulders Cloth
Lost Wayfarer's Band
20060Finger Finger
Lumisende's Twin-Blade
20060One Hand Warglaives
Malbog's Paws
20060Hands Leather
Maldraxxi Traitor's Blade
20060One Hand One-handed Sword
Mantle of Screaming Shadows
20060Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Prime Collector
20060Shoulders Cloth
Maruuk Ring of Bravery
20058Finger Finger
Maw Construct's Shoulderguards
20060Shoulders Leather
Maw Snakeskin Boots
20060Feet Leather
Mawrat Mongrel's Collar
20060Neck Neck
Mawsworn Exterminator's Hauberk
20060Chest Mail
Mawsworn Herald's Vestments
20060Chest Cloth